Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis wrote:Are you not glad the Americans have held their fire because it is a very 2 way street.
If the Americans didn't, there is only an increased chance it would precipitate in WW3. There is never any guarantee that the Russians will start WW3. What the Russians are more likely to do is request urgent Security Council sessions and have urgent meetings with the Americans about the situation.
The Russians will not start WW3 just because a few S400 missiles were targeted.
But the Russian threats were quite explicit. They were just a big bluff, as the WW3 rhetoric would prove likely to be a major bluff too.
The Americans will not do it because Syria isn't important enough to raise the risk for WW3. Are you not thankful?
Thankful for what?? That they did not fire on the Russians directly?
Should I be thankful to a lunatic, just because he didn't risk sparking WW3 for no reason???
Reh Paphiti, you give me the impression you 'd really love to see a direct confrontation between the superpowers.
Do you think this is some kind of computer game, where you can cause Armageddon and then no problem, press a button and start a new game?

No I don't want to see a direct confrontaion.
The lunatics are the Russian Aircraft that buzz US Ships at 75FT. The Americans as far as we know do not do that to Russian Ships and follow some protocol. Now if that is not the case, then the Americans are lunatics too but we do not have any evidence that this is so.
The other lunatics are those who have used Chemical Weapons against civilians in Syria.
The Coalition responded with 103 missiles. Everyone was warned that this is a red line and the Americans responded. There was no intent to change anything but to make a point and that is what they did.
Now, the Coalition know what they are doing, and they also know that the Russians are NOT in a position to start any kind of war with NATO and Coalition nations. They would eat their arseholes and start sucking their thumbs and rocking on their chairs within hours because that would be a huge mistake for the Russians and it will be a war they will not win either. Pootin would be finished and discredited.
We also know that Pootin will never escalate to WW3 or use any Nuclear Weapons.
Russia's defeat would be very decisive too. It would be a one horse race. and deep down we all know that is the case. So let's all be realistic about things please!