Pyrpolizer wrote:Sorry for been skeptic about this particular statement, i didn't mean to sound personal against you, considering the vast number of other unsupported claims in this topic. It's just that it's an important statement imo.
The fact is the Russians referred specifically to escalation of the war in Syria which is not the same thing as precipitating WW3.
The main point here is that the West did not dare attack the Russian forces in Syria because that would in fact precipitate WW3. The Russians made that clear in numerous of other statements.
Going through through your first post (the one which was characterized as bragging) it's clear you expected Kremlin to hit the launch sites as it said it would do. While by not doing as promised proves they were cowards, or weak, or incompetent or whatever.
Well I am actually glad were "cowards, or weak, or incompetent or whatever." and held their fire waiting for the one hour show to end.
I am not sure they would be equally "cowards, or weak, or incompetent or whatever." if they show would last longer though.
Btw don't you agree that was just a show?
No problem with scepticism.
I find it difficult to imagine though how an escalation of the war in Syria could be anything other than a precursor to an ever widening conflict. Or how - let's say - sinking a ship (as was clearly implied in the threat) could similarly not snowball out of control. IMHO it was a bluff and has been exposed as such, with the "consequences" threatened being confined to the diplomatic sphere. Both sides I'm sure can be only too aware of the possibilities for disastrous miscalculation and will - hopefully - act accordingly. Thus the absence of any direct confrontation last week.
The impression I've gotten following this thread is that there was no holding of fire. Also, it's seemed to me most of the bragging that's surfaced has been about Syrian air defences V coalition missiles. Some of it in a pretty "Naah, nah, na, naah nah" vein.

Was it a Show? It seems - from some of the things being banded about - that a number of chemical warfare infrastructure targets that don't exist were hit, in response to a chemical weapon attack that didn't take place. Everybody seems to have come out of it with something or other to brag about though and I suspect that will be the end of it.
Not directly related to the OP but I read an interesting - and IMHO balanced article today - which I link to here. Trump gets a bad press generally of course ... p-to-syria