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How to block Cyprus Mail from google news search

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How to block Cyprus Mail from google news search

Postby SKI-preo » Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:52 am

In these days of media manipulation, fake news and manufactured consent we should be careful about the news sources we read. On the issue of Cyprus there is no worse offender to the flooding of google news searches than the notorious hack new site Cyprus Mail. With anonymous hack opinion pieces the Cyprus Mail is rarely written or read by Cypriots the Cyprus Mail and it should be blocked from your google news search.

We can filter The Cyprus Mail source by going to while you are logged in and there is a "Pencil" button on the top right. Click it and it gives you a drop down that you can select all kinds of filters.

To block the Cyprus Mail click on "Adjust Sources" and move the slider for Cyprus Mail to the left all the way. This should mean that you never see Cyprus Mail on your news page.

You're welcome. Enjoy reading Cyprus news without pollution from the Cyprus Mail.
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