- A - never
B - very rarely
c - more than very rarely
Do you goad, taunt and call out forum members that have not been on the forum for months or years ?
- A - never
B - very rarely
C - more than very rarely
Do you 'big up' yourself, self declaring your powers to 'crush' and 'destroy' others ?
- A - never
B - very rarely
C - more than very rarely
Do you taunt others by referring to their mothers ?
- A - never
B - very rarely
C - more than very rarely
Do you enjoy narratives in the style of 'confessions of a window cleaner' ?
- A - not at all
B - a bit
C - a lot
Do you patronise others with phrases like 'best wait for the children to go to bed' ?
- A - never
B - very rarely
C - more than very rarely
Do you express a gratuitous intolerance for and dislike of people with a sexual orientation other than heterosexual ?
- A - never
B - very rarely
C - more than very rarely
Do you try and wind other people up for laughs ?
- A - never
B - very rarely
C - more than very rarely
Score one point for A, three points for B and 5 points for C
8 - 16 points
- If you are under 21 years of age , then well done you show a forum maturity beyond your years. If you are over 21 years of age then you show a normal level of forum maturity
17-25 points
- If you are under 21 years of age then you show a forum maturity that is normal for you age but you could do better. If you are over 21 years of age then you should do better
26 points or higher
- If you are under 21 years of age you should do better. If you are over 21 years of age then it is time to get real