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If its music to your ears…

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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby Sotos » Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:06 am

Get Real! wrote:Since I'm talking about "unhealthy minded individuals" and not a murder case, let me remind you of a few of our own which I can analyze in turn…

1. Bananiot

2. Pyro + Loucas Haralambous (a pair)

3. Kikakopoulos

Here we have three (actually 4) individuals who have or had for the most part, sided with the enemy camp during their CF participation, and maybe beyond.

I’ve chosen these three unique and distinct cases (OK... one is a pair!) because they have all gone against the "flow" for three different reasons.

The pair share the same reason so they are grouped together.

So who wants to hear it? :)

Pyro is not like Loucas Haralambous... I don't think Bananiot is like that either. And Kikapu is the best. There is nothing wrong about going against the flow. If the flow is going the wrong way then you have to go against it. But of course there could be the case where the flow goes the right way and you going against it would mean that you are going the wrong way. What is certain is that you can't judge 2 people who have the same views and say that one is right and the other one is wrong, just because they were supposed to be on "opposite flows".
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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:29 am

Sotos wrote:Pyro is not like Loucas Haralambous... I don't think Bananiot is like that either. And Kikapu is the best. There is nothing wrong about going against the flow. If the flow is going the wrong way then you have to go against it. But of course there could be the case where the flow goes the right way and you going against it would mean that you are going the wrong way. What is certain is that you can't judge 2 people who have the same views and say that one is right and the other one is wrong, just because they were supposed to be on "opposite flows".

Your view is biased calling Kikapu “the best” because Kikaku ALSO qualifies for going against “Mother Nature”.

We need to remember that each side has its own justifications for its stance/actions… something that is firmly ingrained and accepted in its society.

Mother Nature dictates that we always side with our own... even when our side is wrong because we know not or accept not, that we’re wrong!

The daring individuals that have defied Mother Nature, have stronger convictions worthy of research.
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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby Sotos » Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:47 am

That is what mother nature does to sheep ;) Most humans have the capacity to think. Of course it is hard to totally avoid all bias and sometimes you just do what is in your interests ... but that doesn't mean you can't understand when your side is wrong. On the other hand there are also those who go against their own just for the sake of it.
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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby B25 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:55 am

Soto, quit playing word games, I think you know very well what GR is saying when he says 'your own'.

Come on, its 'them and us' here. They have invaded, occupied , killed, raped our people and there is a right and wrong?

'They' are the enemy on the other side of the crossing points, and whatever happened to that perv, serves the MF right and I wish for it to happen to all those C*nts that go that side.

I'm with GR on this, and it doesn't matter how you spin it, in the end it still 'them' and 'us'.
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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby erolz66 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:26 am

B25 wrote:Come on, its 'them and us' here.

Between me and bananiot there is no 'them and us', not here on CF (when he used to still contribute here) or here in Cyprus and this is despite all the terrible, atrocious and unjust things that have been done to Cypriots and others by Cypriots and others. In many ways it is even more so the case because of all the terrible, atrocious and unjust things that have been done to Cypriots and others by Cypriots and others.He is not my enemy and I am not his.
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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby B25 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:27 am

My most memorable posts are thise from MrFrog, Yfred and that other guy gis names escaoes me (the one that had the lung issues).

MrFrog would in one breath try to be sympathetic and with the next breadth was glad Turkey had fucked us and the shoukd have taken tge whole island.
Yfred similar.
The other guy didn't was GC neighbours nor Greek spoken near his kids.
And here you are B shitting us that there is no them and us. You play the victim very well, some traitors this side get taken in, at the end if the day you are the aggressor.
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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:37 am

Get Real! wrote:Since I'm talking about "unhealthy minded individuals" and not a murder case, let me remind you of a few of our own which I can analyze in turn…

1. Bananiot

2. Pyro + Loucas Haralambous (a pair)

3. Kikakopoulos

Here we have three (actually 4) individuals who have or had for the most part, sided with the enemy camp during their CF participation, and maybe beyond.

I’ve chosen these three unique and distinct cases (OK... one is a pair!) because they have all gone against the "flow" for three different reasons.

The pair share the same reason so they are grouped together.

So who wants to hear it? :)

Look what the ugly girlish looking guy, with the facial look of permanent catemenia, devised in an effort to discredit me (and others).

Here’s a clue for you : I would have never missed so many chances on women like you did.

It’s clear to me that your maladaptive psychotic behavior has something to do with your childhood. However I don’t really care to even think what it might have been the cause.
Perhaps you should follow Londonrake’s advice to stop drinking whiskey while posting.
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby erolz66 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:37 am

It is just a statement of fact as far as I am concerned that between myself and Bananiot there is no 'them and us'. He does not see me , define me, react to me and interact with me based on my being TC and me him based on him being GC. How I see him, define him, react to him and interact with is overwhelmingly based on how I perceive him as a human being and visa versa. Between us there is no 'them and us' , just us. Who both also are Cypriot. (over to you RW :) )
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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:53 am

Btw the OP runs the risk of getting the forum owner into legal trouble.
it's against the law to offend a dead person. Imagine his relatives taking legal action.
The forum drunken idiot should go to the Admin and ask him to delete it.
Before getting us all in trouble. I'd bet the police would knock off the computer techi from Tseri, whose name starts from M.(thanks for the info MrFromNG) and her photo is all over the place, in no more than 12 hours.
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Re: If its music to your ears…

Postby Sotos » Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:17 pm

B25 wrote:Soto, quit playing word games, I think you know very well what GR is saying when he says 'your own'.

Come on, its 'them and us' here. They have invaded, occupied , killed, raped our people and there is a right and wrong?

'They' are the enemy on the other side of the crossing points, and whatever happened to that perv, serves the MF right and I wish for it to happen to all those C*nts that go that side.

I'm with GR on this, and it doesn't matter how you spin it, in the end it still 'them' and 'us'.

That is not the argument that GR is making. His argument is that everybody should go with the flow of his own community and never question it. He even named Kikapu who basically agrees with our position, but apparently we should tell him to go with the flow of his own community and be our enemy!
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