He forgets the very unfair trade deal the US did with the Saudi Royal family after WWII. The US would drill for their oil and build the processing plants and make the Saud’s unbelievably rich ....... if they agreed to only sell the oil in US Dollars. Hence the birth of the petrodollar which effectively allowed the US to get all its oil for free but the rest of the World had to follow suit with their exports, sell to the US in dollars, to get the US Petro-Dollar to buy the most essential of ALL commodities ...... energy.
But Chi , Russia and Iran are now threatening the petro-dollar’s dominance of the energy markets. IMO: This could be the underlying reason for Trumps sanctions on China. He already has sanctions on both Russia and Iran and now wants to include China. Trumps action maybe is to try and limit the degradation of the US’s petro-dollar and very one sided and lucrative trade deal .......... all those years ago.
Another better informed observation .........
Trump’s Protectionism: A Great Leap Backward - By James Petras
US Presidents, European leaders and their academic spokespeople have attributed China’s growing market shares, trade surpluses and technological power to its “theft” of western technology, “unfair” or non-reciprocal trade and restrictive investment practices. President Trump has launched a ‘trade war’, – raising stiff tariffs, especially targeting Chinese exports – designed to pursue a protectionist economic regime.
The China-bashers of the western world ignore the developmental experiences of the past two hundred and fifty years, starting with the post-revolutionary United States policy of protecting ‘infant industries’.
In this essay we will proceed to criticize the model underlying the current western attack on China. We will then turn to outlining the experience of countries which overcame backwardness in the course of successfully industrializing their economies.