Let’s recap…
Erol, we came to yours… you treated us like a dictator so we abandoned you.
ATCA, (MrH) we came to yours… you treated us like criminals so we abandoned you.
And another one… forget its name… we abandoned you too.
Even Richard the great cook, had a crack at it... now that one was funny!

Finally, CF we came to you… you were tolerant, just, with only a couple of simple understandable rules… we stayed!

The CF admin is a JUST man and for this… he has my profound respect!
This forum is a platform for the written word… it is what you post to it but also what you don’t.
You say that a small number of people dominate it... well that’s only because you allow it.
So do your “thing” people… have a thread of your own and post to it whenever possible; create your own little world on this platform. There’s gotta be something you’re good at… something that others would find interesting. Try it.
Also, take breaks… get away for a little while and come back later all nice and fresh.
If you get attacked don’t take it too seriously… it’s only WORDS… nothing physical ever happens to anyone so it’s not the end of the world!

If you don’t get along with someone just accept that you’ll never change each other’s opinion and to hell with it… just wind him up a bit from time to time for a laugh, and leave it at that!
Oh, and quit looking for “intellectuals”… nobody’s getting paid here so quit being so demanding!

Finally, it’s all about ENTERTAINMENT (a coffee shop)… we’re not politicians, we’re not the ones who are gonna change the world so let’s accept that our best case scenario is to influence a few hundred, or a few thousand people max who *may* be reading our input… but that’s nothing compared to the 7.5 odd billion on this planet!
Entertain and be entertained the best you can people… that’s what the CF is all about.
It is online entertainment for adults who have some connection to Cyprus… nothing complicated about that!
Start helping out a bit... thanks.