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Quit complaining…

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Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:26 pm

I’m starting to get pissed off with all the negativity about our beloved CF! :?

Let’s recap…

Erol, we came to yours… you treated us like a dictator so we abandoned you.

ATCA, (MrH) we came to yours… you treated us like criminals so we abandoned you.

And another one… forget its name… we abandoned you too.

Even Richard the great cook, had a crack at it... now that one was funny! :lol:

Finally, CF we came to you… you were tolerant, just, with only a couple of simple understandable rules… we stayed! :D

The CF admin is a JUST man and for this… he has my profound respect!


This forum is a platform for the written word… it is what you post to it but also what you don’t.

You say that a small number of people dominate it... well that’s only because you allow it.

So do your “thing” people… have a thread of your own and post to it whenever possible; create your own little world on this platform. There’s gotta be something you’re good at… something that others would find interesting. Try it.

Also, take breaks… get away for a little while and come back later all nice and fresh.

If you get attacked don’t take it too seriously… it’s only WORDS… nothing physical ever happens to anyone so it’s not the end of the world! :)

If you don’t get along with someone just accept that you’ll never change each other’s opinion and to hell with it… just wind him up a bit from time to time for a laugh, and leave it at that!

Oh, and quit looking for “intellectuals”… nobody’s getting paid here so quit being so demanding! :roll:

Finally, it’s all about ENTERTAINMENT (a coffee shop)… we’re not politicians, we’re not the ones who are gonna change the world so let’s accept that our best case scenario is to influence a few hundred, or a few thousand people max who *may* be reading our input… but that’s nothing compared to the 7.5 odd billion on this planet!

Entertain and be entertained the best you can people… that’s what the CF is all about.

It is online entertainment for adults who have some connection to Cyprus… nothing complicated about that!

Start helping out a bit... thanks.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby erolz66 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:14 pm

Get Real! wrote:Erol, we came to yours… you treated us like a dictator so we abandoned you.

Ahh the all so common use of the the 'Royal we' by someone with no authority or position to warrant such use other than in the majesty of their own image of themselves.

You came to a forum that treated you like an adult and that in turn expected and required you to behave as an adult. You did not want to behave like an adult and did not like being required to do so, so you left. Fair enough but try to be honest about it.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:28 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Erol, we came to yours… you treated us like a dictator so we abandoned you.

Ahh the all so common use of the the 'Royal we' by someone with no authority or position to warrant such use other than in the majesty of their own image of themselves.

You came to a forum that treated you like an adult and that in turn expected and required you to behave as an adult. You did not want to behave like an adult and did not like being required to do so, so you left. Fair enough but try to be honest about it.

A bunch of us (WE) who are on the CF today, came to your forum and joined… only to find that a dictator was hell-bent on reunifying Cyprus via the Anan plan, and wouldn’t accept NO for an answer.

The dictator’s “points system” ensured that we were gradually silenced so that only you and about a dozen of your followers held the microphone.

Having no other choice we left and eventually you discovered that being confined with 12 other people that completely agreed with you left no room for discussion so you shut shop!

And that's the story of your forum in a nutshell. :)
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:11 pm

Almost forgot...

And today, the former dictator has decided to pay us a rare visit to announce that we’re all a bunch of pseudo-intellectual wankers in self aggrandizement, wasting our time!

Ok Erol, let us know when you set up another forum so that we may come in droves to become your subordinates...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby erolz66 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:23 pm

Get Real! wrote:A bunch of us (WE) who are on the CF today, came to your forum and joined… only to find that a dictator was hell-bent on reunifying Cyprus via the Anan plan, and wouldn’t accept NO for an answer.

Just as in the playground, chants of 'Johnny is a poo pants, Johnny is a poo pants' need no connection with reality, so too is your memory and account of the history of the forum you refer to divorced from any and all reality. Just as in the playground Johnny proving that his pants are clean will have no impact on the persistence of the chants of 'poo pants', 'poo pants' what so ever, so too here in the playground that is CF demonstrating the absurdity of you account of the history and accusation about this other forum will have no impact on your 'chants' what so ever, because CF is overwhelmingly a puerile playground environment. Which is exactly how you like it and exactly why CF is so 'beloved' by you and preferable to forum environments that are not.

That the forum that you refer to was created out of and because of a communal impetuous and desire of a diverse group of existing CF members, with a wide range of differing views and opinions and this can be proven beyond any reasonable doubt is simply irrelevant here in the playground that is CF. 'Poo pants' , 'poo pants' will always be shouted louder here by the likes of you, just as you like it.

That your accusation that it was run by me as a dictator that 'was hell-bent on reunifying Cyprus via the Anan [sic] plan' is so evidently an outrageously absurd claim, given the reality that I myself voted against the Annan plan and had openly and publicly stated so from before the forum's existence, is irrelevant here. 'Poo pants' Poo pants'.

That your 'beloved' CF, created for commercial gain by an individual who remains 'anonymous', genuinely is and without any possible doubt a 'dictatorship', with all decisions about it made covertly by fiat by the anonymous creator, who you happen to know and be 'friends' with, whilst the forum you claim was a dictatorship was a genuine communal effort, with all decisions as to what the purpose, structure and operation of the forum and the decisions made and by whom were all openly discussed and the result of communal consensus to the greatest extent possible, is irrelevant. 'Poo pants' 'Poo pants'.

Now none of this is me 'moaning' about CF. CF is what it is. There is nothing wrong in my view about CF existing as a 'puerile playground' for the entertainment of a tiny set of people like yourself who enjoy such an environment and the commercial gain of the person who created it. My post is merely an observation and as far as it is an 'attack' it is an attack on the hypocrisy of those who try and claim it is something other than this.

The truth, that is plain to me, is that you 'love' CF so much more than other forums because it is a dictatorship so much more than other forums, not the other way round. You love it because it is overwhelmingly a puerile playground, where you are 'friends' with the 'head boy' whilst others are not even able to know who the 'head boy' is. You love it because the shouts of 'Johnny is a poo pants' consistently overwhelm and drown out any attempts at grown up adult discussion. Continue to enjoy your playground and your perceived status within it your majesty. For my part I will once more slink away and enjoy somewhat more adult entertainments and diversions as befits someone of my rather advancing years.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Sotos » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:49 pm

It is nearly impossible to properly moderate highly emotional and controversial issues like the ones often discussed in this forum. You can either have the (almost) anything goes approach which this forum follows, or the "pushing your agenda" approach, like the comments of Cyprus Mail where they will ban anybody who can successfully argue against the positions they promote. If an ideal unbiased moderation was possible then I would prefer it ... not just here but everywhere.. imagine a youtube video on a controversial issue with 100 good comments as opposed to 5000 bs one liners from people who can't type a single sentence properly! But between a very lightly moderated forum / comment section VS biased moderation, I certainly prefer the former.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:54 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:A bunch of us (WE) who are on the CF today, came to your forum and joined… only to find that a dictator was hell-bent on reunifying Cyprus via the Anan plan, and wouldn’t accept NO for an answer.

Just as in the playground, chants of 'Johnny is a poo pants, Johnny is a poo pants' need no connection with reality, so too is your memory and account of the history of the forum you refer to divorced from any and all reality. Just as in the playground Johnny proving that his pants are clean will have no impact on the persistence of the chants of 'poo pants', 'poo pants' what so ever, so too here in the playground that is CF demonstrating the absurdity of you account of the history and accusation about this other forum will have no impact on your 'chants' what so ever, because CF is overwhelmingly a puerile playground environment. Which is exactly how you like it and exactly why CF is so 'beloved' by you and preferable to forum environments that are not.

That the forum that you refer to was created out of and because of a communal impetuous and desire of a diverse group of existing CF members, with a wide range of differing views and opinions and this can be proven beyond any reasonable doubt is simply irrelevant here in the playground that is CF. 'Poo pants' , 'poo pants' will always be shouted louder here by the likes of you, just as you like it.

That your accusation that it was run by me as a dictator that 'was hell-bent on reunifying Cyprus via the Anan [sic] plan' is so evidently an outrageously absurd claim, given the reality that I myself voted against the Annan plan and had openly and publicly stated so from before the forum's existence, is irrelevant here. 'Poo pants' Poo pants'.

That your 'beloved' CF, created for commercial gain by an individual who remains 'anonymous', genuinely is and without any possible doubt a 'dictatorship', with all decisions about it made covertly by fiat by the anonymous creator, who you happen to know and be 'friends' with, whilst the forum you claim was a dictatorship was a genuine communal effort, with all decisions as to what the purpose, structure and operation of the forum and the decisions made and by whom were all openly discussed and the result of communal consensus to the greatest extent possible, is irrelevant. 'Poo pants' 'Poo pants'.

Now none of this is me 'moaning' about CF. CF is what it is. There is nothing wrong in my view about CF existing as a 'puerile playground' for the entertainment of a tiny set of people like yourself who enjoy such an environment and the commercial gain of the person who created it. My post is merely an observation and as far as it is an 'attack' it is an attack on the hypocrisy of those who try and claim it is something other than this.

The truth, that is plain to me, is that you 'love' CF so much more than other forums because it is a dictatorship so much more than other forums, not the other way round. You love it because it is overwhelmingly a puerile playground, where you are 'friends' with the 'head boy' whilst others are not even able to know who the 'head boy' is. You love it because the shouts of 'Johnny is a poo pants' consistently overwhelm and drown out any attempts at grown up adult discussion. Continue to enjoy your playground and your perceived status within it your majesty. For my part I will once more slink away and enjoy somewhat more adult entertainments and diversions as befits someone of my rather advancing years.

Enjoy your advancing years BUT, try not to 'Poo your Pants' :lol:
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:01 am

One would be forgiven for thinking the Unabomber is among us… :?

Let’s have a look at what an online text analysis tool had to say…


erolz66 wrote:For my part I will once more slink away and enjoy somewhat more adult entertainments and diversions as befits someone of my rather advancing years.

Meaning its back to the porn sites! 8)

Keep dreaming that you have what it takes to engage an audience Erol… :lol:
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:11 am

erolz, what do you mean democratic forum? Every member that joined got access to the admin of the forum, the hosting and the domain name and you run elections and referendums on how to do things? So if a 1000 new members joined one day that wanted to take that forum in a totally different direction they would be able to do it? Sorry, but "democratic forum" in that sense seems very strange. Even if you didn't own everything yourself and you shared the ownership with several other people it would still be at best an oligarchy. For a forum "democracy" is not so much a question of ownership, but about allowing free speech and having an unbiased moderation... and in that way I think this forum is very democratic. Now I would understand if your argument was for stricter moderation... but that doesn't have anything to do with having more democracy, and as I said earlier a lot of moderation often results in biased moderation which creates something less "democratic".
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:38 am

...i posted today, by coincidence, 'over there', (now nearly impossible to find).

hello erolz, and i was thinking about you just the other day.
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