Londonrake wrote: Is Pyro a Turk sympathiser?

I get confused.
You could have asked me directly instead, and I would take the time to respond.
I wouldn't even bother respond to the initiators, because I actually feel contempt for GR (for about everything he stands for) and for B25 for his hatred Vs the "turks" .
First of all notice the tricky word: "Turk". They both know damn well, that a Turk differs from a Turkish Cypriot as much as a Swan differs from a Duck. The same is true for the Greek Cypriots. We differ from the mainland Greeks in the same way. The Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots have MORE in common than we have with our mainland cousins.
Exactly the same kind of people like GR and B25 who hate the "Turks" exist among the TCs hating the "Greeks"
Surprise-surprise both haters agree on one thing:
THEY BOTH WANT PARTITION!!They don't want to see, hear, live with, or have anything to do with the "Greeks"/or "Turks" whatsoever. GR himself said that a million times, haven't you noticed?
In this forum there were of course the rest of the GCs and TCs who thought reunification was possible, who could discuss and reveal hidden parts of our history to each other, and who eventually got a clearer view of their compatriots and what each one suffered, and what is needed to reach a solution. I was one of them. The rest were always the "noise" that erolz referred to. Unfortunately all that's left in this forum is mostly the "noise"! From the present members Milti and Paphitis were always among the pro solution group.Over the years I think I could count more than 200 really good pro solution contributors in here- Tim Drayton was just one of the many. Some of them were really tough debaters too.
It doesn't mean we the "non noise" guys had no disagreements between us. In fact the most heated discussions were between us.
The rest in here were always lamb. Watching, farting, throwing nonsense, having no clues about our history and no desire to search the truth from independent sources.
All they knew was just to hate the "Greeks" and the "Turks".
In short I am a Cypriot sympathizer and my sympathy extends to both my Greek and Turkish Cypriot compatriots who feel the same.
I know it's a long post but how else could I explain the shadows of the blind?

NB. Do you now understand why erolz was so harshly attacked by the lamb as soon as he dared step foot?