There’s only one
TYPE of Turk; the criminal fascist dictator, so it’s unreasonable to expect anything different of this character (Erol).
After all… where could he have possibly learned otherwise?
In Turkey?

In the illegally occupied territory of Cyprus?
Or though his upbringing in an average Turkish family/home where the wife/mother is a sub-human slave tending to the male pashas 24/7?
Or did you people assume that by moving to the UK or Germany, a family of Turks change?
Behind closed doors every Turkish overseas home is a little dictatorship run by a moustached Islamo-fascist where the likes of Erdogan or Ecevit are revered and a portrait of their ugly faces are hanging on the walls of Turkish living rooms!
Erol, is a typical product of this archaic barbaric culture yet here he is today complaining about this forum’s “dictatorship”!
Of course, what Erol really means is a frustrating...
“Oh why can’t I be your dictator seeing that this idiot (CF owner) isn’t dictating to you enough!”