Sotos wrote:Paphitis wrote:In addition, were anti Annan posters ridicules as "extremists" on your forum? There is such a fine line between free speech and totalitarianism such as what we see in Turkey and Pootin's Russia!
He said that he personally voted against Annan. With that I assume that he wanted something even more in favor of the TCs than the Annan (i doubt it could be the other way around). Also people can ridicule the position of others in this forum as well so I don't think we are in a position to criticize him on this. But GR did talk about a down-voting system that was in place to silence the minorities.
I've had a few exchanges with Erolz and I think he's a person with principles.I know a lot of TCs who voted "No" to the Anan Plan because it was very unfair for the GCs and they thought it wouldn't work just because of that. Chances are your assumption is far from the truth.
Besides how could he drag GCs to a "No" forum where all TCs who voted "NO" were partitionists??