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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby erolz66 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:59 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote: You mean I am a GC and as such I am not subjected to moderation whereas TCs are, right?

It is not a simple as that and I do not claim it is as simplistic as that. However the reality is that this site is moderated and is so 'effectively'. The decision as to what is or is not covered by such moderation is down to the individual whims, perspective and outlook of the admin and thus it does inevitably affect different members in different ways. I say this not because such moderation is wrong, or other ways are better or that I want it to change. I say it in response to GR and as a means of highlighting the paucity of GR's assertions about this forum as compared to others and to try and show that such assertions, when looked at critically, are essentially puerile. Which brings me full circle back to my original post in the other thread.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:15 am

erolz66 wrote:Clearly you believe there is no moderation here but you are in fact mistaken in this regard. I myself have been banned / suspended on multiple occasions and had posts summarily removed by the admin and I know of many others who have experienced the same. The last time I was 'suspended' from here it was for 'trolling' for making a post with a link and no comment. An entirely arbitrary decision in reality that is not applied to those 'connected' to the forum owner like GR or indeed any number of other posters (basically GC poster that do not challenge certain views).

You're full of shit!

The reason you've been getting banned from here over the years, is due to your incessant chronic fixation with getting personal with the forum owner to an obsessive level!

I could never understand why you're so hell-bent on poking this issue but you clearly have no respect for the owner's choice to retain some level of anonymity/distance and this has been the sticking point in your relationship.

The owner has every right to manage his forum the way he does, as well as the right to use this forum as a vehicle to further legitimate businesses… if indeed that is what he’s doing, and we have no right to cause him problems over it.

I too have a created a free vehicle (software) with which I hope to someday make a profit, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong or illegal with that.

We are not paying anything here and he is paying for all expenses so there is no excuse for us to be cunts towards him!

I strongly suggest you cut the personal crap with Admin… a direction you seem to be taking again from what I notice in your current posts… a recurring theme with everything you write about here… and a CHRONIC ILLNESS you need to cure!

PS: I have no connection to him whatsoever other than mutual respect.
Last edited by Get Real! on Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Paphitis » Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:18 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:ForumsA with any kind of moderation are destined to close down-admit it.
ForumA where the Admin is everywhere are destined to concentrate around the Admin in an ass licking fashion - admit it.
e.g. Look at how Paphits extends his ass licking to as far away as to this forum LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
People who own a Forum but don't give a shit about it, are most likely doing it to collect money from ads.
In those forums YOU are the product -admit it

I don't know where you come up with this stuff. you seem to always jump to a lot of assumptions and conclusions for no reason.

I did not and do not ass lick. I just came up with a suggestion, and frankly do not even care if my suggestion is considered or not. I understand that in all likelihood, it won't be, but then that means the product isn't viable either especially with social media.

No one is going to come to Cyprus Forum when there are products like faceBook around.

One of thebest things this forum can do is amalgamate with another, if they are interested in Google Advertising. let's face it, this forum would only get a few dollars a month from Advertising, probably only enough to buy 4 cups of coffee a month or a cup of coffee each week. Nothing more than that.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby erolz66 » Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:31 am

Get Real! wrote:You're full of shit!

The reason you've been getting banned from here over the years, is due to your incessant chronic fixation with getting personal with the forum owner to an obsessive level!

I could never understand why you're so hell-bent on poking this issue but you clearly have no respect for the owner's choice to retain some level of anonymity/distance and this has been the sticking point in your relationship.

I strongly suggest you cut the personal crap with Admin… a direction you seem to be taking again from what I notice in your current posts… a recurring theme with everything you write about here… and a CHRONIC ILLNESS you need to cure!

Once again. the above, is, demonstrably, nothing more than the equivalent of puerile playground chanting of 'poo pants' devoid of any connection to reality at all or the need for such a connection.

Just as once again, here in the playground that is CF, 'showing my pants' will have no bearing on such continued chanting from the likes of yourself.

A forum search shows that of the 4671 posts I have made here under the user names of erolz, erolz2,erolz3 and erolz66 since august 2004, the number of them that contain the word 'admin' amounts to 73. Of those 73 post where I have mentioned 'admin' 4 are in this thread in reply to you having brought up the subject of the admin. Before these there is a single post in 2016, pointing out to gig that the 'admin' decides where posts belong, not her. 2 from 2014 where the word admin appear in my posts only as requotes from gig's posts. One in 2011 thanking the admin for his reply to a question I asked in their thread about forum changes. One in 2007 jokingly asking if you are the admin here or very well connected to them. The remaining 64 posts are all from aug 2005 and aug 2004 and either use the word 'admin' not in reference to the admin here, or relate to my time when I was a moderator here, appointed by the admin, like this one, or are posts expressing support and sympathy for the admin, like this and quite a few more expressing a similar supportive and sympathetic view of the admin.

"incessant chronic fixation","obsessive level","hell-bent","a recurring theme with everything you write" ? Not if my thousands of posts over more than 13 plus years are anything to go by, not even remotely. Not a single post that would support your assertions above. Not one. "Full of shit" ? Well indeed someone here is demonstrably so I would suggest. As for the rest of the irrelevancies in your prior post, well they are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

This then is an example of the 'quality' of 'debate' here, that I would claim characterises so much of the activity on this forum and why I call it a 'playground'.

Do not worry GR, do not fret, do not get het up and do not despair. The time when I recede once more from the playground that is CF is fast approaching. The time when you as the clown prince of the forum can once more indulge your delusion that you stride the forum like an intellectual colossas, benevolently offering your tips and advice on how others can start to become more like yourself, free from any pesky interference from the likes of me, can not be far off now.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:55 am

If anything the links you embedded above demonstrate that you were a nuisance back in 2005, and you’re still a nuisance today in 2018… well done! :lol:

Give it up you dickhead… the only reason you logged on two days ago was to COMPLAIN for the umpteenth time about this forum and its members, even though you stopped participating here ages ago!

It looks like you’re still hanging around like a hooker waiting for someone to post the slightest complaint so you can join in to reinforce the ill feeling! :?

What is the point of this stupidity? And you have the audacity to call others childish?

Show me ONCE where you posted (1) something interesting, (2) something funny, or (3) something informative for readers to enjoy… you miserable cunt!

All we ever get from cunts like you is your miserable psychological problems because you just can’t get along with online communities. :roll:

Get a fucking life you miserable cry baby! :roll:

Message to all:

Those who don’t like the forum and can’t find their way out… feel free to ask me for directions to the exit door! Thanks.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Jerry » Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:38 am

Erol's phrase "intellectual colossas" made me laugh. Sounds a bit like "intellectual gollos". Could be applied to both participants much of the time. Both have 'seen off' contributors over the years; one with his aggressive pseudo smart-arse rudeness and the other with his nit picking and "forensic" dissection of his opponents point of view.

I must add that CF has a much more liberal approach to extreme views expressed from either of the Cypriot communities whereas forums (fora?) based in the north expel persons who try and tell the Greek Cypriot version of events. I've been kicked off three such sites - so much for "free speech" in Erdogan's colony.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby RichardB » Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:58 am

This forums just fine as it is
We get a good cross section of views and some "interesting" debate
@ RH Keep on posting your views , some members may not agree with them, but they make for interesting reading and debate, usually put across in a reasonable fashion.
@ Paphites and LR the same as above but with less tittle tattle and tell tales please.This is not another forum , this is the Cyprus forum and what has gone on, on other sites is irrelevant here.
@ erol6 I really cant see why you keep coming back on here as you obviously see some sort of imagined agenda against yourself. Maybe it is better you stick to kibkom where the expat members seem to hang on to your every word
Anyway thats my tenpence worth...everyone have a great day

PS @ GR I have gone to the exit door on numerous occasions but have found it to be a revolving one which keeps bringing me back in !!
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby erolz66 » Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:17 am

Jerry wrote:Erol's phrase "intellectual colossas" made me laugh. Sounds a bit like "intellectual gollos". Could be applied to both participants much of the time. Both have 'seen off' contributors over the years; one with his aggressive pseudo smart-arse rudeness and the other with his nit picking and "forensic" dissection of his opponents point of view.

Fair comment (imo)

Jerry wrote:I must add that CF has a much more liberal approach to extreme views expressed from either of the Cypriot communities

Again I would find little to disagree with you here. I appreciate how that may appear to contradict some of the things I have said earlier in this thread but I do not have the will right now to go in to a 'forensic' dissection of why I think otherwise, despite such a 'surface' appearance.

Jerry wrote:whereas forums (fora?) based in the north expel persons who try and tell the Greek Cypriot version of events. I've been kicked off three such sites - so much for "free speech" in Erdogan's colony.

Here I would say I find your connection with the 'phenomena' that you have experienced with something 'inherent' and specific with fora in or connected to the north (or Erdogan's colony if you prefer) a little harsh and coloured more by your own personal perspectives and view point than objective reality. Different fora exist for different audiences and different purposes. If I go to a forum designed for say enthusiasts of fishing and start posting my views on how barbaric and cruel fishing is, I would pretty much expect to be in conflict with the forum in general and those that run it and would not find a 'banning' particularly unusual or connect my 'banning' there with something intrinsically 'anti free speech' amongst those who enjoy fishing. So these forums that you were banned from, were they designed for an 'audience' of all kinds of Cypriots for the purpose of facilitating free and open discussion across such ? Or were they designed for a smaller more specific subset of people, like say expats who live in the north ? I suspect that if you were to go to a forum designed for an audience of say expat that live in the south and started posting 'pro TC' viewpoints and perspectives, the response there would on the whole be little different that you experienced and highlight above.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Sotos » Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:10 pm

erolz66 wrote:A forum search shows that of the 4671 posts I have made here under the user names of erolz, erolz2,erolz3 and erolz66 since august 2004

So you made 4671 posts and you have been visiting and posting in the forum for 14 years. Why??? Looking at your opinion about how "this forum is and always has been" it just doesn't add up! I think there must be something personal between you and the admin which we don't know about.

Again I would find little to disagree with you here. I appreciate how that may appear to contradict some of the things I have said earlier in this thread but I do not have the will right now to go in to a 'forensic' dissection of why I think otherwise, despite such a 'surface' appearance.

You wouldn't need to go into any "forensic dissection" if you already know the answer. So just tell us what are the views you or any other TC can have on the Cyprus problem or any other issue which would be censored in this forum. Earlier you gave the example of admin removing an ad promoting a GC owned hotel in the north... but that is an ad, not a political view. I am pretty sure that even the most extreme views from both sides on the Cyprus problem are allowed and can be found in this forum. And not only that but in this forum we have views which are pro-American, pro-Russian, pro-Assad, pro-ISIS etc. We aren't newbies here either and if there was some censorship of specific kind of views we would have noticed it.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:03 pm

Jerry wrote:Erol's phrase "intellectual colossas" made me laugh. Sounds a bit like "intellectual gollos". Could be applied to both participants much of the time. Both have 'seen off' contributors over the years; one with his aggressive pseudo smart-arse rudeness and the other with his nit picking and "forensic" dissection of his opponents point of view.

Thank God for the 5 intellectual posts you made since 2010 drawing hundreds of new memberships or this place would go bust… can't imagine why Admin hasn't put you on the payroll yet. :?
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