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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 02, 2018 1:42 pm

Sotos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I’d be more concerned in case Admin finally discovers your mono-blocks of corrupted English; you never did mention how you got through uni without being able to form a single sentence Sotos… :? :lol:

First of all my major wasn't English literature. Secondly, here I am writing in a casual, conversational way and not in a way I would write an essay :roll: But if you can't read my "mono-blocks" due to your dyslexia then let me know and I will add a few lines breaks for you.
Happy now? ;)

Your assignment is to master sentence structure. I will test you in 3 days...

https://www.english-grammar-revolution. ... cture.html ... cture.html ... -sentences

ooook! :shock: Will the test be multiple choice? :?

I’ll just post a mono-block and ask that you insert line feeds wherever you think sentences terminate.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 02, 2018 1:49 pm

Sotos wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Sotos wrote:It is nearly impossible to properly moderate highly emotional and controversial issues like the ones often discussed in this forum. You can either have the (almost) anything goes approach which this forum follows, or the "pushing your agenda" approach, like the comments of Cyprus Mail where they will ban anybody who can successfully argue against the positions they promote. If an ideal unbiased moderation was possible then I would prefer it ... not just here but everywhere.. imagine a youtube video on a controversial issue with 100 good comments as opposed to 5000 bs one liners from people who can't type a single sentence properly! But between a very lightly moderated forum / comment section VS biased moderation, I certainly prefer the former.

There is such an Admin on a Cypriot Forum for Brits. This Admin wasn't controlling at all and in fact was very popular to say the least. I think only one person didn't like him and he is currently here after he got suspended for going all stupid and personal.

But, there is hardly any moderation. He also welcomed me with open arms, is extremely astute and tolerant of a wide range of views.

This Cyprus Forum would flourish if they had him here as the Admin.

In fact, I think forum like this one and that one should unite with him as Admin. This forum would go places and all of a sudden there would be huge numbers of forumers and people will join because he has built a good atmosphere there.

All round he is a top notch bloke and I don't say that lightly because a few years ago there was a Brit forum which had an idiot Admin and most of the members there were just pompous idiots and just so intolerant and lacked any understanding of Cyprus whatsoever, where as this go is just so open to everything Cypriot which is why he came to Cyprus to begin with.

People like Erolz are just not good Admins because he pushed an agenda and that made him intolerant to the rest of us. He calls it being an adult but ou can only be an adult if you agreed with the Annan Yes vote.

And what debates are controversial and emotional in an expat forum? A heated argument about the best fish & chips restaurant in Peyia? An emotional debate on whether cupcakes are better than cookies? And even if there is a political discussion in that English run forum obviously everybody there would agree with your pro-American stance and the only pro-Russian British person I know was apparently banned from there.

gee whiz....I wouldn't call Brits overly emotional about things. They were not terribly emotional at all. Hoodwinked was probably the most emotional out of that lot but he wasn't liked and pissed them off and now he is a refugee. The reason why he wasn't liked is because he got vindictive and nasty with people, just like we are seeing on this forum.

The topics they would talk about vary greatly.

At the time when I was there briefly, the big topics were BREXIT, the decline of the Sterling, Repercussions for the UK and so forth. They would also talk about various things about their daily lives in Cyprus.

Occasionally, they would venture into Cypriot politics and discuss the peace talks, and Turkey.

Another big topic was The US Elections and Donald J Trump. The forum was split into 2 camps - those in favor of Trump and those not. The Admin there, Steve, was pretty cool. He was knowledgeable about Cyprus too. His character seemed to be something like Tim Drayton's persona as if the 2 individuals are the same person. A very calming presence.

There were also threads about Syria, Ukraine, and other Global News events. A few of the members were political animals too, and only discussed politics and nothing else.

Others would just stick to General type comments. But they were all very nice and polite people, other than Hoodwinked from what I can gather. There are actually 4 or 5 members here from that forum who occasional post on CF.

They had large variances in viewpoints but they all got along and took the piss out of each other when they disagreed and even indulged in slapstick banter too.

I think the dynamic over there and the dynamic here would compliment each other very nicely.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:28 pm

Let ForumA be those that deal with politics, social issues, different/opposing views and
ForumB those where people meet to exchange scientific knowledge e.g on maths, physics etc and
ForumC the rest that might deal with whatever e.g paranormal

ForumsA with any kind of moderation are destined to close down-admit it.
ForumA where the Admin is everywhere are destined to concentrate around the Admin in an ass licking fashion - admit it.
e.g. Look at how Paphits extends his ass licking to as far away as to this forum LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
People who own a Forum but don't give a shit about it, are most likely doing it to collect money from ads.
In those forums YOU are the product -admit it

To my surprise the best admin of a Cyprus forum I ever met was a young schoolgirl about 17-18 in Nicosia. I assume her name was Mikaella because that's how her forum was called. The forum was strictly political and in Greek. She did not do any moderation at all. In fact I personally called her a racist and i despised her for her imo racist views. However she only once complained once at me asking me If i would ever say anything good for her. The forum absolutely thrived during the Anan Plan. Me and Bananiot originate from that forum.

Anyway why that girl was so good as an admin?
Like I said she did not do any moderation. No banning of members, no penalties, nothing.
She was too young for anyone to concentrate around her in an ass licking fashion.
However she knew so damn well how to initiate and direct topics and discussions. She would only participate asking questions and directing the discussion. Usually controversial questions giving every opposing view enough room.
Maybe she got assistance from her parents, although i beleive she was very smart and could do it herself.
When a discussion was nearly over she would throw some more "petrol" usually of the controversial type questions and everybody would be back debating like hell.

There were a lot of teachers over there (Bananiot himself was a teacher) using high level complicated Greek language that often irritated me, because of the many insinuations,hidden sarcasm etc. I often get irritated when people hide behind complicated language to trick you. And I don't mean in Greek only, I see it happening in forums that use English or other languages.

In summary this forum is just OK. I like the fact there is no moderation, but it is true that it gets childish more often than not.
It's difficult to find anything interesting in here, there are discussions that go on for ever without adding anything, nobody cares for the Cyprus problem anymore, so it's more like a place to say or read something when you have nothing better to do.
It has it's funny jokers too.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:33 pm

Oh I forgot to say how Mikaella's forum closed down: She went abroad for studies. She kept it for one more year and then suddenly closed it.

I also forgot to say that imo this forum will close down in about 1-2 years. Simply because there's no one to direct it to anything interesting, and the very few people left to give it a boost.
Currently the #1 booster is Paphitis -I admit that :lol:
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby kurupetos » Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:04 pm

Cousin Lordo after quitting CF...

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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby erolz66 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:12 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:In summary this forum is just OK. I like the fact there is no moderation, ...

Which would be fine if it were a fact. Clearly you believe there is no moderation here but you are in fact mistaken in this regard. I myself have been banned / suspended on multiple occasions and had posts summarily removed by the admin and I know of many others who have experienced the same. The last time I was 'suspended' from here it was for 'trolling' for making a post with a link and no comment. An entirely arbitrary decision in reality that is not applied to those 'connected' to the forum owner like GR or indeed any number of other posters (basically GC poster that do not challenge certain views). If you do not believe there is moderation here, that is, when it wants to be, 'efficient' and harsh, just try posting something that promotes tourism in the north of Cyprus, even specifically at a hotel that was TC pre 74, and just see how 'efficient' the moderation here is. Back in the day and for many months, before the admin got to grips properly with his google ad settings, countless such posts were summarily deleted for 'promoting the TRNC' and members banned, all while the revenue generating google ad banner was promoting estate agents in the north and the sale of property in the north Now I have always accepted that the owner of the forum can do and run it any way they want. However to believe that this site 'has no moderation' is to just be blind to the reality because you yourself happen to be an a 'group' that is not subject to such. There are many groups and types of opinion that are and always have been subject to such moderation. There is moderation here and there always has been. It has always reflected the the personal biases of the anonymous forum owner. It has always been inconsistent and it has always been entirely detached from the published forum 'rules' of the forum - but it exits none the less.

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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:41 pm

just try posting something that promotes tourism in the north of Cyprus, even specifically at a hotel that was TC pre 74, and just see how 'efficient' the moderation here is

In that regard you are right ... we hardly see any spam in the forum and the first thing that happens in abandoned forums is that they get filled with spam. So the admin must be looking over the forum even though we rarely see any actions from him. Also, a few years back when somebody did post something very similar to what you say I alerted the admin with a pm and it was deleted. I think this is a good thing. I would assume that in your forum you show no bias between the legal RoC and the pseudo state... in other words you equate them, which is basically the Turkish position. Beyond that I think you are exaggerating. MrH has been pushing Turkish propaganda for years in the most provocative way and as far as I know he was never banned, while I believe GiG was also banned several times and for sure she isn't Turkish.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:25 pm

erolz66 wrote: However to believe that this site 'has no moderation' is to just be blind to the reality because you yourself happen to be an a 'group' that is not subject to such.

You mean I am a GC and as such I am not subjected to moderation whereas TCs are, right? Well that’s news to me.I haven’t heard any TC saying his posts have been deleted or moderated! There was one incident recently someone asking why some posts of a TC were deleted and in the end we found out they were deleted by the writer himself. Don't you think we GC forum members have enough decency to react to such a discriminatory attitude ourselves if it would ever occur?? I for one would abandon the forum for ever.

There was another incident when Paphitis complained to the Admin because Milti was initiating personal polls against him, and as far as I know the Admin did nothing about it..

erolz66 wrote: There are many groups and types of opinion that are and always have been subject to such moderation.

I assume the groups you refer to are the TCs. I can’t figure out what types of opinion you refer to. I ‘ve seen all types of opinion here and lots of political opinion from TCs for partition or even capitulation.
I am afraid you have to be more specific and provide examples.

erolz66 wrote: There is moderation here and there always has been. It has always reflected the the personal biases of the anonymous forum owner.

I am sorry but I haven’t seen anything. Imo both GR and many others in here (myself included) do suspect who the owner is. He changes nick and re-appears as a regular member. At all times he is from Limassol. But who cares... like I said all we the members participate in here knowing full well we are the PRODUCT.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:29 pm

Sotos wrote:
just try posting something that promotes tourism in the north of Cyprus, even specifically at a hotel that was TC pre 74, and just see how 'efficient' the moderation here is

In that regard you are right ... we hardly see any spam in the forum and the first thing that happens in abandoned forums is that they get filled with spam. So the admin must be looking over the forum even though we rarely see any actions from him. Also, a few years back when somebody did post something very similar to what you say I alerted the admin with a pm and it was deleted. I think this is a good thing. I would assume that in your forum you show no bias between the legal RoC and the pseudo state... in other words you equate them, which is basically the Turkish position. Beyond that I think you are exaggerating. MrH has been pushing Turkish propaganda for years in the most provocative way and as far as I know he was never banned, while I believe GiG was also banned several times and for sure she isn't Turkish.

She was??? When?
All I know she was using too many nicks and was deprived of some.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby erolz66 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:37 pm

Sotos wrote:In that regard you are right ... we hardly see any spam in the forum and the first thing that happens in abandoned forums is that they get filled with spam. So the admin must be looking over the forum even though we rarely see any actions from him. Also, a few years back when somebody did post something very similar to what you say I alerted the admin with a pm and it was deleted. I think this is a good thing. I would assume that in your forum you show no bias between the legal RoC and the pseudo state... in other words you equate them, which is basically the Turkish position. Beyond that I think you are exaggerating. MrH has been pushing Turkish propaganda for years in the most provocative way and as far as I know he was never banned, while I believe GiG was also banned several times and for sure she isn't Turkish.

For me Sotos you are missing my point. In the context of the point I am making it is simply irrelevant whether I or you or the admin or anyone else thinks removing such posts is right or not. That is merely a matter of opinion and perspective. My point is the idea that this forum 'has no moderation' is simply not the case. That is not a matter of opinion or perspective, it is a matter of fact. Once you accept this fact then arguments along the lines of "but in this case it seems that the "dictator" is never around to dictate anything, so it runs more like an anarchy" and "I like the fact there is no moderation" can be seen to be based on an invalid premise. That the particular moderation here allows many things, including the calling of people cunt's, and yet does not allow others, according to the particular individual whims and priorities of the owner, makes no difference in this regard.

You can run a forum as an anarchy where anything goes. A perfectly valid way to run a forum imo. Such a system does indeed inherently within it's very structure have an automatic 'equality'. But this forum is not run that way and never has been. To imagine it has is to deceive one's self.
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