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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby erolz66 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:17 am

Purely out of recognition Sotos, that of the handful of people that still continue to contribute to this forum, you would be the one that overall on a spectrum ranging from 'puerile childish playground response' through to 'adult response' most consistently tends towards the 'adult' end imo, I will reply to your post, before fading away again and leaving the playground to those that enjoy such environments.

Sotos wrote:erolz, what do you mean democratic forum? Every member that joined got access to the admin of the forum, the hosting and the domain name and you run elections and referendums on how to do things? So if a 1000 new members joined one day that wanted to take that forum in a totally different direction they would be able to do it? Sorry, but "democratic forum" in that sense seems very strange. Even if you didn't own everything yourself and you shared the ownership with several other people it would still be at best an oligarchy. For a forum "democracy" is not so much a question of ownership, but about allowing free speech and having an unbiased moderation... and in that way I think this forum is very democratic. Now I would understand if your argument was for stricter moderation... but that doesn't have anything to do with having more democracy, and as I said earlier a lot of moderation often results in biased moderation which creates something less "democratic".

Firstly I do not think I used the expression 'democratic forum' in any of my posts ?

Secondly it was GR who first mentioned this other forum. My post was a response to GR's claim that this other forum treated the members of the forum like a 'dictatorship' and this is why not just he decided to stop using it but why everyone else except 12 or so others stop using it and why this undisclosed 'we' remained with the 'tolerant' and 'just CF. This then is the context within which I reply to you.

Thirdly I would note that in the past on this 'just' and 'tolerant' and in your words 'democratic' forum merely mentioning or indirectly referring to this other forum, even in PMs to other users, was ground for and did result in arbitrary and summary suspension of the member concerned, not just myself but others too. For all I know doing so may yet again result in such for me. Who knows ? I would also like to refer to the discussions that were had here that relate to the 'evolution' of the idea of a 'different' forum amongst a whole range of former posters here but the truth is most if not all of those were summarily expunged from this forum a long time ago. I would also like to link to some posts on this other forum but it has been made more than clear that doing so, even in a PM, is unacceptable to the owner of this forum and despite all appearances I do not participate in forums and wilfuly seek to flout the desires of the owner of that forum. So I will try 'walking the tightrope' by offering some extracts from posts made on this 'other forum' (which is now essentially closed and has been for some time now), as an attempt to exercise my 'free speech' whilst also respecting the anonymous owner of this forum.

Again please do remember the 'context' of why and where this post of mine has come from and that we are talking here essentially about a comparison between this forum and the other one.

So some extracts from one of the earliest threads on this other forum started by myself and titled "Moderation and adminstration [sic] of your forum"

erolz circa 2005 on the other forum wrote:Although moderation of the site has not yet been needed to date I am keen that we put systems in place to handle such things _before_ they become necessary and not after they become necessary.
However I do not want to just arbitrarily apply these things without a discussion of them and the issues surrounding them with you the membership of the forum. This is NOT my forum. It is OUR forum.

Administrator status - the reason and the role

I do not want to be the sole administrator of the forum. I would like it ideally to have 2 joint and equal administrators. Myself as one and a Greek Cypriot as co administrator. I believe this is necessary to protect the balance of the forum into the future. Whilst I might strive to as balanced as I can in decision about the forum I am a Turkish Cypriot and having a joint Greek Cypriot admin would help restrict and balance any unilateral decisions I might make conscious or unconscious that are in fact biased towards Turkish Cypriot.

The role principally would be to act as a check and balance against myself should I start to loose my objectivity, create a clear impression and reality that the site is bi-communal at all it's levels and be a point of contact for any Greek Cypriot member who feels they have been treated unfairly and would not get a fair hearing from myself as a Turkish Cypriot.

Administrator status - how we chose one

[snip]My suggestion therefore is that I supply a list of people who I feel meet this criteria. If they are willing to take on the role we run some sort of poll to ensure they are acceptable to the members as well. This could require a simple 'more yes votes than no votes' or it could require X more yes votes than no votes. Minds [sic - clearly I meant names] that spring to mind immediately to me are. MicAtCyp. However I asked and hoped that MicAtCyp would take this role on from day one of this forums creation and so far he has chosen to decline such an offer. Keifas or Alexandros Lordos.

Moderation - the reason and the role

In addition to having two equal admins for the forum I would like to have 3 moderators as well. Again ideally these would comprise of one Turkish Cypriot one Greek Cypriot and one non Cypriot. These in addition to the two admins would make a body of 5 people that would be responsible for decisions about the forum and it's future, should consensus re such issue not be found or clear amongst the members themselves. If decisions about the forums future and how it operates can not be derived clearly from the membership themselves then these 5 people will democratically vote to make such decisions, with no one person having any greater voting rights than any other (and certainly not myself).

The principle of moderation is that it is a voluntary role of 'service' to the forums members and not one of 'authority' over them. Moderators will be asked and expected to act in the best interests of the forum and not their own interests. The main role of moderators will be to make decisions re the 'movement' of threads or posts within threads to appropriate sections or the merging of threads together, with the objective of making the forums as useful a resource as possible for all its users.

On the issue of moderators and the deletion of posts I suggest the following system. Moderators should have the authority and ability to delete posts in extreme situations imo. However I suggest that any such deleted posts are in fact moved to a special section of the site, that remains viewable by all members but does not allow replies to be made to the posts in that section. This way anyone can still see exactly what has been 'deleted' but such posts will be removed from the main body of the thread they originally appeared in and the incentive to 'respond in kind' by other posters will be reduced to a minimum. This to me seems like a good balance between 'freedom of speech' and the need to keep blatant rubbish and unacceptable posts out of the main threads in order to promote and encourage real dialog. To this end I have added a mod to the site that would allow moderators to use the normal 'delete this post' button, which will then automatically move the offending post to the 'special area'.

Moderators - How we chose

As per the section above on how we chose a co admin for the site, so I suggest a similar process for picking administrators. Again I am going to stick my neck out and suggest some names I think would fit the bill. I would stress that these are just my personal _suggestions_ and that it is for all of us that use the forum to ultimately decide and not me alone.

Turkish Cypriot Moderator - Brother
Greek Cypriot Moderator - Keifas or MicAtCyp or Magikthrill or Mikke2
Non Cypriot moderator - Cannedmoose

This thread lead to a discussion of around 30 odd posts from a range of different members that included the likes of 'cannedmoose','brother','city','Xenos 2Fan','Dhavlos','Alexandros Lordos' - all of which used to post on CF and now no longer do so. The thread in turn led to a series of other threads and polls and discussions that shaped the operation of the forum in both theory and practice as it evolved both in the 'who' and the 'how'. Alexandros Lordos, a former consistently 'adult' poster on CF that I personally consider genuinely is a 'first rate' intellect and believe is widely recognised as such far beyond the narrow bounds of the 'playground' that is CF, did become my 'co admin'. The forum did operate for a number of years on the principal and practice that 'no post was ever deleted' (other than blatant bot based spam posts later in its life) but were only 'moved' to a section of the forum that could still be publicly viewed. Public discussion and review of any and all moderating decision was allowed provided it was done in the section of the forum designated for such.

In closing I would again ask you to consider the above not in the context of 'such a system is too idealistic or impractical or unsustainable', which would be valid fair and adult comments about this forum. I would ask you consider the above in the context of GR's essentially puerile 'poo pants, poo pants' assertion that the I / the forum, and explicitly in comparative terms to this forum, treated its members 'like a dictator' and that is why 'we' abandoned it.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:14 am

erolz66 wrote:...included the likes of 'cannedmoose','brother','city','Xenos 2Fan','Dhavlos','Alexandros Lordos' -

Yes that’s the list… now I remember some of the pompous CUNTS you had there doing your monotheistic bidding!

Did you not have a system implemented whereby a number of down-votes (or something like that) would ultimately silence posters?

In other words the “condemned” would start losing “posting rights” because your dozen odd henchmen would down-vote the opposing view en masse, thereby taking his abilities away bit by bit... (perhaps in specific posting areas or something?).

Anyway, you can’t expect me to remember perfect detail of how it worked after so many years, but the point is that you had a “punishment system” in place, based solely on opinions/viewpoints!

If the opinion posted was opposite to the forum’s “flow” you and your idiotic mates; who incidentally had the combined IQ of a gonorrhea-stricken walrus, would jump to kill off that person’s abilities/reach on the forum... and that’s not including all the bannings that mostly me and Kifeas would suffer.

Overall it was a childish, dictatorial, Ottoman-based, undemocratic ganging up against those who didn’t agree with that fucked up Turkish pea under your scalp! :|

Here’s your evaluation as a forum owner/admin : FAIL

You tried, you failed, now FUCK OFF!
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:57 am

Sotos wrote:It is nearly impossible to properly moderate highly emotional and controversial issues like the ones often discussed in this forum. You can either have the (almost) anything goes approach which this forum follows, or the "pushing your agenda" approach, like the comments of Cyprus Mail where they will ban anybody who can successfully argue against the positions they promote. If an ideal unbiased moderation was possible then I would prefer it ... not just here but everywhere.. imagine a youtube video on a controversial issue with 100 good comments as opposed to 5000 bs one liners from people who can't type a single sentence properly! But between a very lightly moderated forum / comment section VS biased moderation, I certainly prefer the former.

There is such an Admin on a Cypriot Forum for Brits. This Admin wasn't controlling at all and in fact was very popular to say the least. I think only one person didn't like him and he is currently here after he got suspended for going all stupid and personal.

But, there is hardly any moderation. He also welcomed me with open arms, is extremely astute and tolerant of a wide range of views.

This Cyprus Forum would flourish if they had him here as the Admin.

In fact, I think forum like this one and that one should unite with him as Admin. This forum would go places and all of a sudden there would be huge numbers of forumers and people will join because he has built a good atmosphere there.

All round he is a top notch bloke and I don't say that lightly because a few years ago there was a Brit forum which had an idiot Admin and most of the members there were just pompous idiots and just so intolerant and lacked any understanding of Cyprus whatsoever, where as this go is just so open to everything Cypriot which is why he came to Cyprus to begin with.

People like Erolz are just not good Admins because he pushed an agenda and that made him intolerant to the rest of us. He calls it being an adult but ou can only be an adult if you agreed with the Annan Yes vote.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:19 am

erolz66 wrote:Firstly I do not think I used the expression 'democratic forum' in any of my posts ?

You are right... you said that this forum is a "dictatorship" while yours is a "genuine communal effort" so I assumed that you meant that yours is the opposite of a "dictatorship", i.e. a democracy. In the end of the day no forum, or any website for that matter, can be a democracy. If the ones that own it are 1 or 2 or 10 makes very little difference. And if you are the sole owner of the domain and hosting then ultimately you have the power to do anything you want with the forum. You can very easily remove that other admin... not sure if you could do that from your admin dashboard but you could certainly do it by editing the database. On the other hand if that other admin removes you, you can very easily reverse his action, remove him and re-admin yourself, again by some simple database edit. So in the end of the day you have the ultimate power over that forum, not unlike the admin here for this forum. Other admins, moderators etc are in no way equal to the one who owns the domain and controls the code and the database. Anyway... I understand that what you said you probably said it as a "tit for tat" for what GR said. So yeah... this forum is a dictatorship like every other forum... but in this case it seems that the "dictator" is never around to dictate anything, so it runs more like an anarchy which is why GR gets to say all the crap he wants... I bet admin doesn't even know about the crap GR and some others post here :P So where is your forum now? I made a Google search with parts of the text you quoted but I got no results. You do not allow the indexing of it, or is it open to members only?
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:09 am

Sotos wrote:
erolz66 wrote:Firstly I do not think I used the expression 'democratic forum' in any of my posts ?

You are right... you said that this forum is a "dictatorship" while yours is a "genuine communal effort" so I assumed that you meant that yours is the opposite of a "dictatorship", i.e. a democracy. In the end of the day no forum, or any website for that matter, can be a democracy. If the ones that own it are 1 or 2 or 10 makes very little difference. And if you are the sole owner of the domain and hosting then ultimately you have the power to do anything you want with the forum. You can very easily remove that other admin... not sure if you could do that from your admin dashboard but you could certainly do it by editing the database. On the other hand if that other admin removes you, you can very easily reverse his action, remove him and re-admin yourself, again by some simple database edit. So in the end of the day you have the ultimate power over that forum, not unlike the admin here for this forum. Other admins, moderators etc are in no way equal to the one who owns the domain and controls the code and the database. Anyway... I understand that what you said you probably said it as a "tit for tat" for what GR said. So yeah... this forum is a dictatorship like every other forum... but in this case it seems that the "dictator" is never around to dictate anything, so it runs more like an anarchy which is why GR gets to say all the crap he wants... I bet admin doesn't even know about the crap GR and some others post here :P So where is your forum now? I made a Google search with parts of the text you quoted but I got no results. You do not allow the indexing of it, or is it open to members only?

I’d be more concerned in case Admin finally discovers your mono-blocks of corrupted English; you never did mention how you got through uni without being able to form a single sentence Sotos… :? :lol:
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:41 pm

Get Real! wrote:I’d be more concerned in case Admin finally discovers your mono-blocks of corrupted English; you never did mention how you got through uni without being able to form a single sentence Sotos… :? :lol:

First of all my major wasn't English literature. Secondly, here I am writing in a casual, conversational way and not in a way I would write an essay :roll: But if you can't read my "mono-blocks" due to your dyslexia then let me know and I will add a few lines breaks for you.

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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:48 pm

Sotos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I’d be more concerned in case Admin finally discovers your mono-blocks of corrupted English; you never did mention how you got through uni without being able to form a single sentence Sotos… :? :lol:

First of all my major wasn't English literature. Secondly, here I am writing in a casual, conversational way and not in a way I would write an essay :roll: But if you can't read my "mono-blocks" due to your dyslexia then let me know and I will add a few lines breaks for you.
Happy now? ;)

Your assignment is to master sentence structure. I will test you in 3 days...

https://www.english-grammar-revolution. ... cture.html ... cture.html ... -sentences
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby B25 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:49 pm

Sotos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I’d be more concerned in case Admin finally discovers your mono-blocks of corrupted English; you never did mention how you got through uni without being able to form a single sentence Sotos… :? :lol:

First of all my major wasn't English literature. Secondly, here I am writing in a casual, conversational way and not in a way I would write an essay :roll: But if you can't read my "mono-blocks" due to your dyslexia then let me know and I will add a few lines breaks for you.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 02, 2018 1:34 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Sotos wrote:It is nearly impossible to properly moderate highly emotional and controversial issues like the ones often discussed in this forum. You can either have the (almost) anything goes approach which this forum follows, or the "pushing your agenda" approach, like the comments of Cyprus Mail where they will ban anybody who can successfully argue against the positions they promote. If an ideal unbiased moderation was possible then I would prefer it ... not just here but everywhere.. imagine a youtube video on a controversial issue with 100 good comments as opposed to 5000 bs one liners from people who can't type a single sentence properly! But between a very lightly moderated forum / comment section VS biased moderation, I certainly prefer the former.

There is such an Admin on a Cypriot Forum for Brits. This Admin wasn't controlling at all and in fact was very popular to say the least. I think only one person didn't like him and he is currently here after he got suspended for going all stupid and personal.

But, there is hardly any moderation. He also welcomed me with open arms, is extremely astute and tolerant of a wide range of views.

This Cyprus Forum would flourish if they had him here as the Admin.

In fact, I think forum like this one and that one should unite with him as Admin. This forum would go places and all of a sudden there would be huge numbers of forumers and people will join because he has built a good atmosphere there.

All round he is a top notch bloke and I don't say that lightly because a few years ago there was a Brit forum which had an idiot Admin and most of the members there were just pompous idiots and just so intolerant and lacked any understanding of Cyprus whatsoever, where as this go is just so open to everything Cypriot which is why he came to Cyprus to begin with.

People like Erolz are just not good Admins because he pushed an agenda and that made him intolerant to the rest of us. He calls it being an adult but ou can only be an adult if you agreed with the Annan Yes vote.

And what debates are controversial and emotional in an expat forum? A heated argument about the best fish & chips restaurant in Peyia? An emotional debate on whether cupcakes are better than cookies? And even if there is a political discussion in that English run forum obviously everybody there would agree with your pro-American stance and the only pro-Russian British person I know was apparently banned from there.
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Re: Quit complaining…

Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 02, 2018 1:36 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I’d be more concerned in case Admin finally discovers your mono-blocks of corrupted English; you never did mention how you got through uni without being able to form a single sentence Sotos… :? :lol:

First of all my major wasn't English literature. Secondly, here I am writing in a casual, conversational way and not in a way I would write an essay :roll: But if you can't read my "mono-blocks" due to your dyslexia then let me know and I will add a few lines breaks for you.
Happy now? ;)

Your assignment is to master sentence structure. I will test you in 3 days...

https://www.english-grammar-revolution. ... cture.html ... cture.html ... -sentences

ooook! :shock: Will the test be multiple choice? :?
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