Pyrpolizer wrote:Schnauzer wrote:For as much as I would have to admit that I DID advocate that it was a wrong move to abolish slavery, IF you had taken the time to consider the reasons for my comments, you may have noticed that they were born out of my opinion (true to this day) that the younger generations of those who were 'Slaves' have had an unholy and destructive influence upon ANY society in which they have chosen to live.
The 'Trousers down and tilted Baseball Cap' example a merely minute indication of such a suggestion. Add the arrogance, disgusting moral habits, monkey music, gang cultures, no go areas and drug problems (to name a few) and it becomes crystal clear that there IS a good argument in support of those who (like myself) feel that it is wrong to expect decent people to accept that they must not offend them by singling them out for their destructive behaviour.
Slavery was a huge crime on the first place and the second biggest crime was that they did not return and settle the black people to their countries of origin when they abolished it.
Instead they chose the easy way, letting them free and landless in a hostile environment struggling for centuries to at least become equal.
You are now paying the price for your crimes.
You are actually paying too little. Did you say you'd prefer to pay nothing and continue having slaves LOL?
In that case you should be prepared to risk losing your lives in trying to keep control. Don't you know that's what was actually happening and started getting out of control when they abolished it?
Imo the USA should be split in two, one purely black and one purely white . Similarly the UK and other European and Latin American countries that thrived from that crime.
Instead the country you live in chose the cheap way.
Pay the small price for the crimes of your ancestors, for the fact that you came to this world with some ancestral wealth waiting for you, made from the sweat of those poor people, and happy.

That is an excellent analysis and it contains precisely the same sentiment as one I posted some time ago when there was a certain amount of controversy about with regard to the 'Indian and Pakistani populations in the UK.
My position was, that subsequent to the end of the 'Raj' period (when the populace of India was advised that 'Queen Victoria' was the 'Mother' of the nation and that 'Great Britain' was her homeland) the downtrodden remnants of the nation that had been robbed of it's wealth and resources, came home to 'Mum'.
I agree that the initial act of enslaving the African was an awful enterprise in the first place AND, the end result probably the only outcome one could expect due to the fact that 'Revenge' is a great sweetener to those who suffer oppression, good luck to them with bells on BUT, the descendants (some of them and in particular the 'Trousers down brigade') and allied forces are, in my opinion, seeking to exact their vengeance in the wrong direction.
It is a mistake to generalize and I may have fallen foul of such a mistake on account of the disgust I feel for the way in which hitherto respectable communities seem to have deteriorated on account of the influences imposed upon them by the descendants of 'Slavery' and, it is not 'Racist' to object to such issues.
I recall an incident (which I posted some time ago) when a young 'Descendant' snatched a gold chain from the neck of a Lady in a market place and ran off, the Lady hurled a tirade of 'Racist Abuse' after him and I advised her that "He is only taking back that which belongs to his ancestors, there are no 'Gold Mines' in England", and those are the exact words I relayed to her......Fact.
I am not a racist BUT, neither am I prepared to accept that I must live my life treading on eggshells for fear that I might offend some person (or 'PC' pundit) because I wish to speak my mind or convey my feelings, I AM presumably a 'Law-breaker' each time I exercise my own right to do so, there are millions like me.
There are of course exceptions to those I have classified above, thousands upon thousands of them BUT, on account of the protection given to them courtesy of the 'Great British PC Brigade', they too are suffering the consequences of their (not so well presented) counterpart's behaviour.
Hence my comment regarding the mistake of 'Abolition', sadly, it would appear that it WAS a mistake due to the repercussions we now witness, it would appear that having started something without considering the probable end product, we must indeed accept the consequences, not much we can do about it now, as has been stated by 'Enoch Powell' (a politician who was laughed at for his pronouncement)......."It's Too Late".