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Lay it on the Line.

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Lay it on the Line.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:44 pm

This Forum , not so long ago, was a vibrant and entertaining place where one could spend a little leisure time, there were members who were dedicated to whatever cause or agenda they chose to participate in and 'IT WAS FUN'.

Admittedly there was a healthy degree of 'Piss-Taking' (Sorry Ladies) but all in all it was very often a pleasant experience to wile away an hour or so.

In THAT spirit I am now going to relate an incident which happened recently And., at the risk of being branded a 'Racist' (which possibly I might be) I'll chance my arm.

A young chap (whom I would imagine was from somewhere in the Caribbean) was sauntering through a market place with his baseball cap at an awkward angle and his trousers half way down his legs and his underpants on display, certainly noticed the displeasure on my face as he came toward me, he checked his step and more or less confronted me whilst (at the same time) offering me a glowering return of gaze and an attitude which would suggest that he would like me to shove him out of the way.

I did not oblige BUT, did inform him that, as there were young persons and elderly Ladies and Gentlemen in the vicinity, I did not think his 'Dress Code' was appropriate and he responded with some garbled 'Patois' which I did not fully understand BUT, midst his garble, he did refer to the fact that he was 'BLACK'.

That was HIS mistake and MY opportunity to educate the flash little runt, I straightaway informed him that if he considered that he was 'BLACK', then he was living in a fools paradise since as far as 'I' was concerned, he was nearer the colour of 'DOG SHITE' and he'd better get used to it because it wasn't going to change any time soon.

Now, THAT is a small example of how screwed up the 'PC' brigade has managed to invade the thought processes of the human mind, by allowing (or badgering) people to accept such nonsense, in that 'DOG SHITE' and 'BLACK' are the same, it demeans the 'TRUE BLACK AFRICAN' and , more sadly, diminishes the dignity that many of the 'Tribes' of 'Africa' portray in their daily lives and in the tenets of their beliefs, some of the finest examples of humanity on the face of this earth. (imho). 8)
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Re: Lay it on the Line.

Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:23 pm

But you are a racist as well as homophobic.
Sometime back you posted a view that the black people should still be slaves!!
Yet you have shown your admiration for the savages that blow them selves up, slit throats, burn people alive, always offering a warped
Interpretation of their hideous acts.
On the hand you infer that you are ... religious, praising none other than Allah and Islam, one reason that I have always considered you to be a pervert.

You also hate the west that gave you the opportunity to be able to express your views freely without the fear if losing your head.
Homosexuality is rampant the world over, a practice that I find objectionable but understandable. The world is by no means perfect, but I would rather be in a world full of gays and blacks than in world full of Islamists chopping heads off and screaming allahoakbar.
May I thank you for not interrupting my personal thread.
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Re: Lay it on the Line.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:03 pm

miltiades wrote:But you are a racist as well as homophobic.
Sometime back you posted a view that the black people should still be slaves!!
Yet you have shown your admiration for the savages that blow them selves up, slit throats, burn people alive, always offering a warped
Interpretation of their hideous acts.
On the hand you infer that you are ... religious, praising none other than Allah and Islam, one reason that I have always considered you to be a pervert.

You also hate the west that gave you the opportunity to be able to express your views freely without the fear if losing your head.
Homosexuality is rampant the world over, a practice that I find objectionable but understandable. The world is by no means perfect, but I would rather be in a world full of gays and blacks than in world full of Islamists chopping heads off and screaming allahoakbar.
May I thank you for not interrupting my personal thread.

For as much as I would have to admit that I DID advocate that it was a wrong move to abolish slavery, IF you had taken the time to consider the reasons for my comments, you may have noticed that they were born out of my opinion (true to this day) that the younger generations of those who were 'Slaves' have had an unholy and destructive influence upon ANY society in which they have chosen to live.

The 'Trousers down and tilted Baseball Cap' example a merely minute indication of such a suggestion. Add the arrogance, disgusting moral habits, monkey music, gang cultures, no go areas and drug problems (to name a few) and it becomes crystal clear that there IS a good argument in support of those who (like myself) feel that it is wrong to expect decent people to accept that they must not offend them by singling them out for their destructive behaviour.

IF the 'Cotton Fields' are the proper place for them, so be it, certainly (imho) respectable areas where decent people wish to reside without having to endure the new approaches to 'PC' doctrines on top of all the other discomforts, is NOT the most suitable for such intolerable standards.

Handed 'The Race Card', these descendants of 'Slavery' are given 'Carte Blanche' to contest almost every misdemeanour because they are 'BLACK', which (as pointed out earlier} they actually are NOT. 8)

Footnote:- I will try to avoid your personal post. thanks for your thanks. :lol:
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Re: Lay it on the Line.

Postby erolz66 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:09 pm

Schnauzer wrote:This Forum , not so long ago, was a vibrant and entertaining place where one could spend a little leisure time, there were members who were dedicated to whatever cause or agenda they chose to participate in and 'IT WAS FUN'.

This forum is and always has been a place overwhelmingly characterised by it's sheer puerility and secondarily by its persistent overtones of sexism, racism, homophobia and intolerance generally, all in a structural atmosphere of dishonesty and anonymity. It is nothing more that a virtual playground almost exclusively populated and dominated by second and third rate intellects doing little more that indulging their own egos, with almost entirely nothing of any real value or worth to say. A form of public intellectual masturbation that is indeed obscene. On the relatively rare occasions it has attracted honest and adult contributors who genuinely do have something of value or worth to say, they have been driven from the forum in one way or another by the children that run and run rampant in this virtual playground.
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Re: Lay it on the Line.

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:29 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:This Forum , not so long ago, was a vibrant and entertaining place where one could spend a little leisure time, there were members who were dedicated to whatever cause or agenda they chose to participate in and 'IT WAS FUN'.

This forum is and always has been a place overwhelmingly characterised by it's sheer puerility and secondarily by its persistent overtones of sexism, racism, homophobia and intolerance generally, all in a structural atmosphere of dishonesty and anonymity. It is nothing more that a virtual playground almost exclusively populated and dominated by second and third rate intellects doing little more that indulging their own egos, with almost entirely nothing of any real value or worth to say. A form of public intellectual masturbation that is indeed obscene. On the relatively rare occasions it has attracted honest and adult contributors who genuinely do have something of value or worth to say, they have been driven from the forum in one way or another by the children that run and run rampant in this virtual playground.

Perhaps I figure in your analysis. I don't know.

However, you make valid points.

This forum is very insular. Almost to the point of being incestuous. Cliquish is perhaps a kinder term. How many active members are there?

There are some whose views are so entrenched and unbending that they simply will not tolerate any that differ. In a sense it's very 1984-ish. I've seen members who have been driven off. Others - newcomers - that have been greeted with contempt and spite, subsequently never to return.

I can't see any obvious way to change this. Those that run rampant and have created this situation seem happy to have done so. They basically appear to want a small, compliant audience to perform to. :(
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Re: Lay it on the Line.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:12 pm

I would be bound to support my initial comment about the vibrancy of this forum in the past, I joined initially in the early part of 2000 and, having 'Morphed' once or twice, remember quite clearly some of the more entertaining contributors who at times made it a pleasure to engage with them.

I have never been a great enthusiast when discussing (or debating) :lol: the deeper subjects concerning political stances since, I am convinced that the real issues which may be of the greatest importance to we lay persons, are carefully concealed from us (possibly to protect us, as a politician might say) and therefore quite pointless for us to argue about.

Nonetheless, I do take an interest in those serious events which affect our lives and I DO try to analyse the 'Root Causes' of the turmoil we are aware of in the ME and elsewhere, my views are too often misconstrued as a result of my opinions BUT, I am perfectly content to receive the 'Flack', as an old soldier I am used to it. :lol:

And YES, I will reiterate that in days gone by, this forum was a pleasure to be associated with and I suggest it could once again become so...with respect. :wink:
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Re: Lay it on the Line.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Apr 01, 2018 10:57 pm

...not the longest standing member here, but compare the numbers, it is surprising.

I don't know my 'value' to the other active members, i know that i have tried very hard to maintain a helpfulness to the readership at large, in my own way. The other forum, as it is being called, was more attractive to me, essentially at the advent of the Information Age, and for years i was happy it was an alternative to this forum. My longevity, in any case, has been based on conviction: I want to see Cyprus Free. And frankly, it is a disappointment that the choices, to give expression to my voice, have been reduced to an even smaller number, and smaller still.

...i miss a lot of members, indeed some were driven away for no good reason; it demeans us, to quote a phrase GR came up with, it is not the Cypriot way.

...beside the original thinking, it is the links which make this site valuable to me, as to other readers. Some of the topics are remarkable, and in the years to come, if this site is easily found (or if it exists at all), it will have, to offer, this History in a chronological form; something to think about. I know so much more about Turkey, and Syria, for example, from this forum, that i would otherwise not have known; I have to thank quite a few, who make, who made, the effort to share, here.

Laying it on the line, it is as a loving person i strive; Grace is not easy.

Not "Greek", not "Turkish", to see them as one in the same is not so hard for me. My family was torn apart "being" Cypriot. This way, the way, is lonely.

...i am hoping that milti's tour of the island will be another one of those topics where we can find something more than hurtful spite, just the same.
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Re: Lay it on the Line.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:07 pm

Schnauzer wrote:For as much as I would have to admit that I DID advocate that it was a wrong move to abolish slavery, IF you had taken the time to consider the reasons for my comments, you may have noticed that they were born out of my opinion (true to this day) that the younger generations of those who were 'Slaves' have had an unholy and destructive influence upon ANY society in which they have chosen to live.

The 'Trousers down and tilted Baseball Cap' example a merely minute indication of such a suggestion. Add the arrogance, disgusting moral habits, monkey music, gang cultures, no go areas and drug problems (to name a few) and it becomes crystal clear that there IS a good argument in support of those who (like myself) feel that it is wrong to expect decent people to accept that they must not offend them by singling them out for their destructive behaviour.

Slavery was a huge crime on the first place and the second biggest crime was that they did not return and settle the black people to their countries of origin when they abolished it.
Instead they chose the easy way, letting them free and landless in a hostile environment struggling for centuries to at least become equal.
You are now paying the price for your crimes.
You are actually paying too little. Did you say you'd prefer to pay nothing and continue having slaves LOL?
In that case you should be prepared to risk losing your lives in trying to keep control. Don't you know that's what was actually happening and started getting out of control when they abolished it?

Imo the USA should be split in two, one purely black and one purely white . Similarly the UK and other European and Latin American countries that thrived from that crime.

Instead the country you live in chose the cheap way.
Pay the small price for the crimes of your ancestors, for the fact that you came to this world with some ancestral wealth waiting for you, made from the sweat of those poor people, and happy. :wink:
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Re: Lay it on the Line.

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:28 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:For as much as I would have to admit that I DID advocate that it was a wrong move to abolish slavery, IF you had taken the time to consider the reasons for my comments, you may have noticed that they were born out of my opinion (true to this day) that the younger generations of those who were 'Slaves' have had an unholy and destructive influence upon ANY society in which they have chosen to live.

The 'Trousers down and tilted Baseball Cap' example a merely minute indication of such a suggestion. Add the arrogance, disgusting moral habits, monkey music, gang cultures, no go areas and drug problems (to name a few) and it becomes crystal clear that there IS a good argument in support of those who (like myself) feel that it is wrong to expect decent people to accept that they must not offend them by singling them out for their destructive behaviour.

Slavery was a huge crime on the first place and the second biggest crime was that they did not return and settle the black people to their countries of origin when they abolished it.
Instead they chose the easy way, letting them free and landless in a hostile environment struggling for centuries to at least become equal.
You are now paying the price for your crimes.
You are actually paying too little. Did you say you'd prefer to pay nothing and continue having slaves LOL?
In that case you should be prepared to risk losing your lives in trying to keep control. Don't you know that's what was actually happening and started getting out of control when they abolished it?

Imo the USA should be split in two, one purely black and one purely white . Similarly the UK and other European and Latin American countries that thrived from that crime.

Instead the country you live in chose the cheap way.
Pay the small price for the crimes of your ancestors, for the fact that you came to this world with some ancestral wealth waiting for you, made from the sweat of those poor people, and happy. :wink:

That is an excellent analysis and it contains precisely the same sentiment as one I posted some time ago when there was a certain amount of controversy about with regard to the 'Indian and Pakistani populations in the UK.

My position was, that subsequent to the end of the 'Raj' period (when the populace of India was advised that 'Queen Victoria' was the 'Mother' of the nation and that 'Great Britain' was her homeland) the downtrodden remnants of the nation that had been robbed of it's wealth and resources, came home to 'Mum'. :lol:

I agree that the initial act of enslaving the African was an awful enterprise in the first place AND, the end result probably the only outcome one could expect due to the fact that 'Revenge' is a great sweetener to those who suffer oppression, good luck to them with bells on BUT, the descendants (some of them and in particular the 'Trousers down brigade') and allied forces are, in my opinion, seeking to exact their vengeance in the wrong direction.

It is a mistake to generalize and I may have fallen foul of such a mistake on account of the disgust I feel for the way in which hitherto respectable communities seem to have deteriorated on account of the influences imposed upon them by the descendants of 'Slavery' and, it is not 'Racist' to object to such issues.

I recall an incident (which I posted some time ago) when a young 'Descendant' snatched a gold chain from the neck of a Lady in a market place and ran off, the Lady hurled a tirade of 'Racist Abuse' after him and I advised her that "He is only taking back that which belongs to his ancestors, there are no 'Gold Mines' in England", and those are the exact words I relayed to her......Fact.

I am not a racist BUT, neither am I prepared to accept that I must live my life treading on eggshells for fear that I might offend some person (or 'PC' pundit) because I wish to speak my mind or convey my feelings, I AM presumably a 'Law-breaker' each time I exercise my own right to do so, there are millions like me.

There are of course exceptions to those I have classified above, thousands upon thousands of them BUT, on account of the protection given to them courtesy of the 'Great British PC Brigade', they too are suffering the consequences of their (not so well presented) counterpart's behaviour.

Hence my comment regarding the mistake of 'Abolition', sadly, it would appear that it WAS a mistake due to the repercussions we now witness, it would appear that having started something without considering the probable end product, we must indeed accept the consequences, not much we can do about it now, as has been stated by 'Enoch Powell' (a politician who was laughed at for his pronouncement)......."It's Too Late". 8)
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Re: Lay it on the Line.

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 02, 2018 1:33 pm

Londonrake wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:This Forum , not so long ago, was a vibrant and entertaining place where one could spend a little leisure time, there were members who were dedicated to whatever cause or agenda they chose to participate in and 'IT WAS FUN'.

This forum is and always has been a place overwhelmingly characterised by it's sheer puerility and secondarily by its persistent overtones of sexism, racism, homophobia and intolerance generally, all in a structural atmosphere of dishonesty and anonymity. It is nothing more that a virtual playground almost exclusively populated and dominated by second and third rate intellects doing little more that indulging their own egos, with almost entirely nothing of any real value or worth to say. A form of public intellectual masturbation that is indeed obscene. On the relatively rare occasions it has attracted honest and adult contributors who genuinely do have something of value or worth to say, they have been driven from the forum in one way or another by the children that run and run rampant in this virtual playground.

Perhaps I figure in your analysis. I don't know.

However, you make valid points.

This forum is very insular. Almost to the point of being incestuous. Cliquish is perhaps a kinder term. How many active members are there?

There are some whose views are so entrenched and unbending that they simply will not tolerate any that differ. In a sense it's very 1984-ish. I've seen members who have been driven off. Others - newcomers - that have been greeted with contempt and spite, subsequently never to return.

I can't see any obvious way to change this. Those that run rampant and have created this situation seem happy to have done so. They basically appear to want a small, compliant audience to perform to. :(

This forum is just different.

This forum will need to amalgamate with other Cyprus Forums in order to be viable long term. My belief it is something that needs to be looked into by the Admins of this forum and the other forum.
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