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Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:13 pm ... athematics

Is there a revolution coming along in mathematics? A shift that will fundamentally change the way in which mathematicians work? In the near future, will computers rather than humans reliably verify whether a mathematical proof is correct?
According to Julie Rehmeyer, a blogger for the popular science magazine Scientific American, the Russian mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky (*1966) has developed an approach that could indeed revolutionize mathematics and its foundations: He has been able to show in principle that homotopy theory, which deals with the deformation of geometric objects, expresses the same ideas as the theory of programming languages and mathematical logic, only in a different language (homotopy theory plays a major role in Voevodsky’s work on the Milnor conjecture which earned him the prestigious Fields medal in 2002).
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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:14 pm

[PDF]Toposes in General Theory of Relativity - Core

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by AK Guts - ‎1996 - ‎Cited by 21 - ‎Related articles
Department of Mathematics, Omsk State University. 644077 Omsk-77 RUSSIA. Email: [email protected], [email protected]. October 30, 1996. ABSTRACT. We study in this paper di erent topos-theoretical approaches to the problem of construction of General Theory of Relativity. In general case the resulting.
Sketches of an Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendium

P. T. Johnstone - 2002 - ‎Mathematics
[734] G. Loullis, Sheaves and Boolean valued model theory, J. Symbolic Logic 44 (1979), 153-183; MR 80k:03037. [735] V. A. Lyubetskil, Estimates and sheaves: some problems in nonstandard analysis (Russian), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 44/4 (1989), 99-153; English translation in Russian Math. Surveys 44/4 (1989), 37-112; ...
The unification of Mathematics via Topos Theory - ResearchGate ... ia_Topos...

Download citation | The unification of M... | We present a set of principles and methodologies which may serve as foundations of a unifying theory of Mathematics. These principles are based on a new view of Grothendieck toposes as unifying spaces being able to act as `bridges' for transferring i...
constructive mathematics in nLab

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5 Jan 2018 - Constructive mathematics. 1. Idea; 2. Origins and schools; 3. Topos theory; 4. Some features of constructive mathematics. Rephrasing of classical ideas; Bifurcation of notions; Negative translation; Truth versus assertability. 5. Prehistory; 6. Related entries; 7. References. General ...
[PDF]Pluralism and the Foundations of Mathematics - Semantic Scholar ... dd8a5e.pdf

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by G Hellman - ‎Cited by 29 - ‎Related articles
set theory and in category theory, whose problematic relation- ship is discussed. The first case illustrates the ... non-classical mathematical axioms, constructivism of the Russian school, which lives with Church's thesis ... theory, more specifically topos theory, which generalizes on set theory in certain ways. Originating in ...
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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby Londonrake » Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:09 am

It’s a determined man who Googles that. :shock: :lol:
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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 24, 2018 4:10 pm

A personal story...

Gossip is haram not because you don't know but because you always add something to it.

Am I allowed to tell you the story of my cousin at school?

His sister married a Jamaican, I am not sure if that was before or after his father died.

But he was not denied gifts, many gifts, of all shapes and colours, both living and dead, material and intellectual.

What is the father when the son benefits so greatly?
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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 24, 2018 6:49 pm

I know you said 1-2 per week, but I think I missed a week, so I'm making up for it, if you don't mind :) <--- Cheeky bastard! :lol:

My guess is that if you were to heal me you would have to know my whole facebook,

On the other hand I am willing to teach you mathematics, astrology, shaolin, or even divination,

Two messages I have sent today to friends, you are not permitted to publish these as they are private between me and my mates. <--- Now you're confusing me... post or not? :?

If you do they will suspect you of hacking into my facebook and stealing the information, which I doubt you could do anyway :roll

So here they are:

There are two foundations to mathematics, realistic foundations that is, though of course there are many variations. One is called Set Theory and the other is called Category Theory. In ancient times this was known as Arithmetic and Geomancy. Descartes is the man who unified them by saying we are points in space, thus making arithmetic dominate, the speaker has made the transition to Category Theory, the movement through equivalences in space and time, I wish him the best of luck in all that he does, for this tiny point in space, planet earth, is beautiful. Thank you. And you wonder why the bees are disappearing, I have a lump in my throat, please heal

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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 24, 2018 6:52 pm

Tsuki, in future, if you don’t want something published mark it at the very top with “not to be published” or something like that.
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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:57 pm

...tell us please, a little about GST (General System Theory).
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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:26 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...tell us please, a little about GST (General System Theory).

Let us consider ants as a system, for they are a good example, systems have key stones, without which the whole system collapses, rather than dictating, the queen is simply that, it is just as much a worker as the others, but it's position holds the system together, indeed some might say it works harder, producing all the offspring. In European society there are multiple keystones of differing importance, the aristocracy, they are not brought before the law because to remove them risks catastrophe. However in reality they dynamism of the system does hold them to account. The king may apply acupuncture to make sure the system is functioning correctly, such is the nature of democracy.
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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:27 pm

Why do I think lonewolfcypriot is George Galloway?
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Re: Our friend Tsuki sends us this message…

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:10 pm

Get Real! wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...tell us please, a little about GST (General System Theory).

Let us consider ants as a system, for they are a good example, systems have key stones, without which the whole system collapses, rather than dictating, the queen is simply that, it is just as much a worker as the others, but it's position holds the system together, indeed some might say it works harder, producing all the offspring. In European society there are multiple keystones of differing importance, the aristocracy, they are not brought before the law because to remove them risks catastrophe. However in reality they dynamism of the system does hold them to account. The king may apply acupuncture to make sure the system is functioning correctly, such is the nature of democracy.

tsuk can answer for himself i'm hoping; you just demonstrate your ignorance toward math.
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