by repulsewarrior » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:49 am
What does it matter? In terms of this conversation, i come from a "mixed" village, if you are to believe the British who called it that.
I know my neighbours and their stories, our closeness to the land, i am fortunate to belong to a family here much longer. The struggle was the same, and in that we did it together; who we feared were not each other. And to this day my village celebrates this their loving nature, in Larnaca, as it is, the village now ''Turkish'' if you believe the Turkish Army, once a year where such a notion that Cypriots exist is not a question, it is a fact, as a village we join together despite the efforts to make it anything but so.
Am i Greek? Who is asking, are you "Turkish" (defined by "Turks") or Turkish? Are you my brother, or one of "Them" no better than the "Greeks" for which my family paid a big price? Principal, Rule of Law, respect for each other whether a believer in God (read: one God), or not, to recognise that Love, as an infinite power is served, that in serving lovingly it cannot "be" a possession: this is the Problem, without a Cypriot way.
...have i answered your question?
If you love the richness and diversity of your culture, enjoy this Liberty. Remember though, Freedom is no different to any one, that as an Individual, what becomes your pursuit as a Person is based on the recognition of this fact, we are not enemies of each other as a Human race, and that our real enemies like Hunger, Disease, and Ignorance, are fears better served with the hatred which to this day we use to "destroy" each other; Lest We Forget.
...i recall a lesson i learned long ago as a child. Did you know that Mary while on her way to Bethlehem rode on a Cypriot donkey? It was no coincidence, then as now this donkey has a special quality that is endearing; by stock a high quality, reliable, enduring, gentle in manner, and while small carries weight.