It's a long and painful road for anyone to realize in what kind of rotten societies we live in.
Governments make sure that people in the Police or the Armed forces never learn about it, or else they'd would all collapse.
They pay those people well, offer them all possible benefits to make sure that don't have much reason to have doubts of how lovely their system is.
But those who are part of that ‘
club’ do not consider the fact they are spoilt. They regard it as an ‘
entitlement’, a word you will hear frequently if you ever ‘
mix’ on the British bases. But you are correct, that ensures they toe-the-line and do not question any orders or commands. Can you imagine the repercussions of an RAF pilot questioning the legality of him bombing targets in Syria? It would certainly limit promotion prospects and probably bring his career to an abrupt end!
I am not talking for the West alone. Russia is no different.
I have been on both British and US bases but never on a Russian base, as outside Russia there are only two and I would suggest neither would be typical. Many British and US bases are married status with facilities to reflect that and very little is spared in the way of benefits and comforts for wives/children. This is something the beneficiaries frequently do not realise and do not appreciate is virtually unheard of outside the military, that is, until they leave and enter the real world.
LR has a convenient memory! He once, some years ago, admitted that without military personnel being brainwashed to perform as one without regard for their natural feelings about right-and-wrong ...... the military of
ANY country could not function. But he obviously does not accept that this has any influence on his ‘
thinking’ when he leaves that environment. He sees any questioning of any aspect of the military or their privileges, as treasonous and a criticism of the whole military establishment. Therefore I am a Kremlin stooge in his eyes!
All those traitors coming out of Russia, must know something that we outsiders don't.
There have been spies and collaborators on all sides throughout history. There will always be those that will see an opportunity to swap sides, I suggest more for financial reasons than ideological ones. I think the traffic is two way.
But I think the worries about people becoming too informed is being played out even now. The privileged are becoming increasingly fearful of the people having access to information and becoming a threat by questioning their authority. Hence the almost indecent scramble to bring down the freedom of information and free speech on the Internet. Only yesterday Facebook and Twitter deleted 800 accounts of independent sites that questioned the official line or were considered anti-establishment! As the list was the same for both, there is obviously collusion but who is controlling it? ‘
They’ want the control over which information the sheep have access to, back where they feel it rightly belongs.