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The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:00 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Paphitis, spare us your nauseating jewish cock sucking for the next 3 posts please because nobody’s interested and you are alone in thinking highly of them! :lol:

When you have no argument you beg to be spared! But you need to add the vulgarity to save face.

Look, the Israelis got nothing to do with it unless their security is compromised. When they feel their security is conpromised then the whole world will know it when their army invaded Syria.

Russia knows this and now wants the Iranians and Hesbollah our of Syria.

No one goes a stuff about Russia in Syria. It’s hesbollah and Iran the Israelis want out and they will start a war over it too.!

Just knock it off with your jews because nobody’s interested and they are irrelevant to the issue at hand.

Btw mate! I am offering 2 Day packages to Salisbury! You interested?

I will give you a discount! :lol:
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Sep 16, 2018 10:48 am

At least once source suggests no trace can be found for these two gents before the passports were issued in trace of birth certificates, no internal passports, nothing....all suggesting that these are artifical identities....and in a place like Russia it is quite hard to create a fakse ID unless you are a state entity of a certain sort...

And my wife is certain the interview was scripted and rehearsed....very carefully rehearsed...Indeed it was the questions that were not asked that assist in suggesting this interview was how come you walked about twice as far in the wrong direction when the cathedral is so prominent.....?

This is a kremlin damage limitation exercise...they tried a stunt and failed....

Keep swallowing the BS , Robin Hood, plenty more where it came from...
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:44 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:At least once source suggests no trace can be found for these two gents before the passports were issued in trace of birth certificates, no internal passports, nothing....all suggesting that these are artifical identities....and in a place like Russia it is quite hard to create a fakse ID unless you are a state entity of a certain sort...

And my wife is certain the interview was scripted and rehearsed....very carefully rehearsed...Indeed it was the questions that were not asked that assist in suggesting this interview was how come you walked about twice as far in the wrong direction when the cathedral is so prominent.....?

This is a kremlin damage limitation exercise...they tried a stunt and failed....

Keep swallowing the BS , Robin Hood, plenty more where it came from...

And why on earth would anyone doubt your Mrs?

A proud Russian!

I tell you who. The die hards like Robin Hood and Get Real! :lol:

God bless your Mrs STUD! A wonderful Russian telling us what Pootin is all about!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:23 pm

Oh now! Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Let's get this straight.

Two guys from Moscow are so attracted by the idea of visiting that well know international feature, Salisbury cathedral (in the midst of winter) that they fly 1000 miles to the UK and back. Except the don't visit it. Although,they do a lot of walking around the town but - not in the direction of the very prominent feature they are apparently so in love with. They're on camera though, a couple of minutes away from the Skripals home, the very afternoon of their being poisoned. Two obviously very fit young male Russian guys. Just a coincidence of course :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, very credible! :roll:

What's the latest out of the St Petersburgh troll factory, or the likes of Moonshine of Albania on this? You need to visit an opinion shop, urgently. :roll:

Truly - only a total Bahhhhhhh! would try to defend this to the death - surely? That of course - is what we have though. :lol:

See you Sunday - sunshine. :wink: No friendly offers of drinks this time though. You have a habit of throwing that in a person's face on a public forum. Like all those "private" messages. "I showed 'em!"

For someone who apparently wants nothing to do with me, you have a very odd way of going about it. :? Perhaps I should just walk in on one of your monthly get togethers - unannounced - you know, just like you did. :wink: ... s-highest/

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:37 am

Photos of Russian "Spies" Doctored in Skripal Novichok Case

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Sep 27, 2018 4:33 am

And now there are reports that suggest one of the men has been properly identified as a Medal winning GRU Colonel.....

...and the use of some one of his rank suggests a very high level,approval of his rank.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:36 am

LR: I will ignore you usual rants of denigration, ridicule and sarcasm .... it is just ‘chaff’ on your part. The personal stuff is the same .... of no relevance but you just have to have your say ..... your problem is that there are fewer and fewer members to read your drivel.

Now what is it you said? “ Oh now! Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Let's get this straight?” I will parody your smart arsed explanation ........

Two guys from Moscow are caught by CCTV arriving at Salisbury Station at 11:48 and they are seen looking in shop windows (Official) but from those official CCTV pictures it is very obvious they made no attempt to hide their faces. The only thing they failed to do was to wave at the cameras or take ‘selfies’ outside Skripal’s home!

The Skripal’s leave their house at 09:15 as caught on CCTV, disappear completely off the RADAR and are not seen again until after midday (Official). When they left the house, both held the handle to close the front door and were instantly contaminated with Military Grade Novichoc. (Official) Although I am not sure what difference the Military Grade makes as I have never seen the commercial version ‘Novichoc Light’, on sale in LIDL or Tesco.

Novichoc A-234, we were informed by HMG, is a nerve agent so strong a minute amount kills in less than a minute and yet the Skripals were still alive and well at least six hours later. (Official). But according to HMG, they didn’t die because overnight rain or damp air had diluted the Novichoc so it had a lesser effect.

So ..... these two incompetent assassins were able to spray, from a specially made perfume spray (That MI6/Police never found), a deadly nerve agent on the Skripal’s door handle, several hours before they had even left the point of departure from their digs the other side of London? (Official) Something strange there, maybe Putin has discovered time travel?

When the Skripal’s collapsed on a park bench late afternoon and were taken to hospital, the staff were not aware for a couple of days that they were treating a nerve agent, they were under the impression it was a drug overdose and treated it as such, but no others were contaminated. (Official) But,Teresa May, Boris Johnson, MI6 et al all knew and were quick (Too quick) to make it public.

Some 48 hours later Teresa May appears on TV to accuse the Kremlin of a nerve agent attack on British soil with an agent called Novichoc, created by and only available in Russia. This was a heinous ‘highly likely/probable’ Russian State sponsored chemical attack organised by Putin himself. A terror attack on a ex-Russian Spy (actually an Ex-Russian Colonel who spied for the UK and NATO), his daughter and a police officer.(Official) It was at this time Porton Down State chemical laboratory moved into the hospital and started to ‘deal with the situation’ as a nerve agent attack.(Official)

The Russian spy, his daughter, the policeman and his family surprisingly recover within a comparatively short period, less than a week for the police officer, and just disappear from the face of the Planet, without a trace (FACT) and the only people who know where they are is HMG (FACT) and no doubt the CIA/FBI ..... and yet you find nothing strange in that at all?

Their target was in Salisbury and yet they took a cheap shared room, with no en-suite, in a grotty Eastend hotel the other side of London to their intended target (Official) They had a sex/drug party the night before and somehow spilt a minute amount of Nivichoc on the floor, found on one single swab, but it was no danger to others. (Official) An amount that was even too small to make a full identification of Novichoc, only linking the sample to a group of substances which also traces back to common cleaning materials (FACT) How unusual to find residue of cleaning agents in a hotel room? I am surprised they didn’t arrest the cleaner as Russian agent too?

The British Embassy in Moscow apparently, provides them with a Visa and yet did not know what type nor did they have copies of their iris scans, finger prints, or any records of their bank statements, jobs, home address’s etc, (Official) all the things an applicant would need to provide to get a visa, which would of course be investigated? After all we don’t want these nasty Russian agents armed with chemical WMD’s getting into the UK, do we?

Even their names were aliases. (Official) NOW .... it is being spouted by a guy called Higgins (Part time MI6), that this Visa issue may ‘highly likely’ have been an inside side job by a corrupt employee at the Embassy in Moscow. Then his highly respected internet/social media intelligence outfit called Bellingcat, suddenly charges in to provide the backup information required to ‘fill in the detail’! Bellingcat, an outfit of dubious reliability, vehemently anti-Russian, who source is social media and who’s director is totally unqualified at anything and yet is a weapons ‘expert’ with no military experience. They are also known to tamper with the evidence they provide. (FACT)

Well ..... yes ...... I can see that is all very credible and all achieved by just using some of the official stories, of which there have been so many and with no Russian fake news to cloud the picture! That is ..... if you don’t look too deeply into situations that appear on the face of it, to be highly UNLIKELY, even impossible. But of course some people will believe anything without questioning their sources. Neither do they as a matter of course, answer embarrassing questions raised by others because they have no credible answer, they throw out more ‘chaff’ instead.

The Russians are right in just simply saying ....... WE DIDN’T DO IT ! Where is the evidence, where are the victims, why do you (HMG) not comply with international norms for such an incident and set up a proper investigation?

It is up to the accuser to provide the evidence, which so far they have failed to do with any credible detail. If the accused can show one irrefutable piece of counter evidence why they are not guilty .......... the accuser loses the case!

Now, you being such a staunch supporter of the military you served for all those years and all unquestionably for Queen and Country ......... how would you feel about a fellow officer who did this to your comrades? But of course you are not like ‘them’ you have a forgiving and understanding nature!!!!

Reality? Why didn’t Skripal just die in an ‘accident’? Why spend millions conjuring up an operation using quite obviously, totally incompetent operatives you know full well would likely fail and expose you? Doesn’t make sense does it? Of course it would to you because you never accept anything but the official line as having a shred of credibility! Just shows what a lifetime of ‘official story’ brainwashing can achieve!

Had this charade been enacted in Moscow instead of London, a nearby Russian town instead of Salisbury, star turn being a traitorous ex-British officer/Russian spy and his daughter, attacked with a chemical agent only the British had, applied by two incompetent MI6 agents working on the direct orders of Teresa May, with a perfume spray they never found and all the other laughable ‘evidence’ ......... you would be rolling on the ground laughing like a drain and would have good reason to do so!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:36 am

Robin Hood wrote:LR: I will ignore you usual rants of denigration, ridicule and sarcasm .... it is just ‘chaff’ on your part. The personal stuff is the same .... of no relevance but you just have to have your say ..... your problem is that there are fewer and fewer members to read your drivel.

You mean rants and denigration like "Plonker" and "Drivel"? I could trawl for 50 more of yours against various people but on this occasion can't be assed. You've done your share when it comes to "personal stuff" but, as always, you’re totally blind to the hypocrisy. . And, of course, I'm not just talking about the internet related. Your personal stuff has been really personal at times. Nasty habit that.

"Fewer and fewer members"? :? What an odd parallel universe you occupy. AFAIK, in over 10 years on forums, only one person has left one because of me. Now, who could that be? :wink: Conversely, you've accrued quite a significant body count. “Collateral damage” as you once commented. Here - where's Tim these days? STUD said at one point (correctly) that discourse with you was pointless. Paphitis? No more needs to be said there I think.

The rest of your post I'm afraid I didn't read. I just glanced over it. I agree with STUD, there's no point. It'll be a reiteration of whatever's come out of the Kremlin. Much of it flying in the face of the realities. Often to the point of absurdness (food poisoning? :lol: ). I suspect that somewhere in that grey matter of yours is a little voice that's pointing it out. Fundamentally though, it all comes down to your obsessive need to never be wrong about anything. In the 8 years I've known you you've never once been wrong about anything. Even when you were glaringly so.

I genuinely hope you enjoy yourself tomorrow. We should give generously to what is a good cause, after all. :wink:

Peace. 8)
Last edited by Londonrake on Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hot off the press.

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:57 am

Breaking news!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:09 am

yialousa1971 wrote:Photos of Russian "Spies" Doctored in Skripal Novichok Case

AKAIK nobody on the Russian side, including the demigod himself and of course the “tourists”, in their “interview”, :roll: has attempted to deny or question the CCTV stuff. Merely explain it away, on the basis of innocent tourism- when 2 GRU men were just coincidentally within the Skripal neighbourhood on the day of the poisoning - during their 3hrs 45 minutes in mid winter Salisbury - where they didn’t visit the cathedral - involving 2 days in the U.K - and over 1000 miles of travelling.

When it comes to the 40 odd “We had nothing to do with it” Skripal troll lines that have flooded out of St Petersburgh - as I think you said right back at the beginning Y - “Does anybody believe this shit?”. :wink: :lol:
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