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The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 15, 2018 12:36 pm

Robin Hood wrote:My prediction of your response was dead on I see, as a member of The Mob you are so predictable .... the MO is always the same!

When in an awkward position.................................................... obfuscate.

It's all really dead simple though.

Two men traveled from Moscow to the UK, supposedly to see Salisbury cathedral. They had official Russian passports but there were anomalies.

They stayed at a hotel in Bow, London. Post incident, Porton Down found traces of Novichok in their room.

On the 3rd March they traveled to Salisbury by train. They stayed for 1hr 45mins, Apparently driven back by the snow. Snow in the town was actually sparse that day though and people were going about their normal business. The cathedral was less than a mile from the station.

They went back to London and returned the next day (Skrypal hit). On exiting the station they turned in the opposite direction to the cathedral and walked more than double the distance that would have entailed. CCTV evidence showing them to be very close to where the Skrypals lived. They admit this but claim it was a coincidence.

At 1.05pm they were picked up on CCTV near the city centre. Just a few minutes from the cathedral. Which, despite a significant amount of camera coverage has produced no evidence at all of a visit.

At 1.50pm they returned to London in order to catch a flight back to Moscow. Total time spent in the UK 2 days. Salisbury, less than 4 hours.

Now, if you don't find their mockery of a story to be an insult to the intelligence then I suggest you are either:

1. An idiot.

2. A Kremlin stooge, who invariably echoes absolutely everything they come out with, no matter how ridiculous. :wink:

3. Both.

I have absolutely no interest in anything that Mr Murray comes out with. Don't you ever actually have opinions of your own? You know - the famous "outside the box" stuff. Murray is rabidly anti-West (which of course is why you love him so much) and a well known useful idiot, who’s outpourings are about as objective as Das Kapital.

I have no idea who "The Mob" is. :? Unless of course you're referring to all of those people who are out to get you.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin..

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:52 pm

My wife has watched the interview, which in her opinion was very carefully skripaled, I mean scripted. She discussed it in terms of how the language was used, as well as body language, and other nuances that suggested the Whole thing was carefully rehearsed. She expressed the view that the interview was aimed more at a Russian Audience than other countries, becuase the Russians know they did it, and know we know they did it, so only the guilible and those without contact to non Russian News scources, in particular in Rural Russia, would be fooled.

In her view The descroption of the weather sounded like it was taken from a weather report. As LondonRake and I have both observed the snow was not so bad, snow was not obvious in any images from the days. I do not know what Robinhood's experience is of Russian winter, i have some, having had several winter visits to Moscow, but To the aversge Russian it woukd have been nothing.

It appeared to her beyond doubt thst the two men are Trained operstives in the Russian Secret services.

I woukd rather gonwith her judgement than that of somebody who is relying on chicken feed from certain websites.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:44 pm

My only comment on the interview was:

"Whether what they are saying is true or not, we don’t know but the interview was obviously not rehearsed, but at least they get to speak, in fact the interviewer was hostile. An open interview is more than Sergie and Julia or the policeman have had the opportunity to do!"

I disagree with your wife ..... to me it was not rehearsed, they seemed nervous, out of their depth and struggling for answers. A clearly rehearsed ‘interview’ was the only speech given by Julia Skripal and my wife, who also understands Russian, says that it was ‘English’ Russian like many Russian natives who commented on it at the time remarked! The grammar was odd and was not used the way a native Russian speaker would use Russian. The same applied to her written statement issued through the police.

Most of my posts are refuting the quite frankly ridiculous comments from LR. All of them are either his own Russiaphobic analysis or straight out of the Guardian. The Telegraph or the Daily Mail. I think that Murray, unlike me, has experience of Russia and the East in winter and it is his comments I regard as more accurate than someone based in an office in London or a retiree in his villa in Cyprus.

..... and of course always ignored is any reference to the ‘Where are they now?’ when it comes to the Skripals. This is always just ignored or brushed off. I am sure if it were Father and Daughter Brits held incommunicado somewhere in Russia after an attempt on their lives .... we would never hear the end of the condemnation of the Russian kidnappers from LR.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:54 pm

I've changed my mind, having read these stories of similar such events from Britain's past, which are of equal credibility to the Skrypal duo's tale. Please accept my sincere apology for doubting the upstanding lad's account:

How sad to see the mockery of two ordinary Russian cathedral enthusiasts who flew 2,000 miles to spend an afternoon admiring a steeple in Wiltshire before catching the first flight home to their jobs in the fitness industry.

Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, however, are not the first innocent foreign tourists to be smeared by the British state.

The Blitz

In 1940, the British government attempted to frame Austrian watercolourist Adolf Hitler for the aerial bombardment of London.

“Mr Churchill has completely misrepresented the situation,” said Hermann Goering, a Berlin-based aviation expert, in an interview on Third Reich Today. “All that happened is that a few hundred decent Nazi lads wished to visit the famous Liberty department store, to buy some beautiful scatter cushions for their wives. Their friends had told them all about it. Apparently, it is 19 metres tall.

“So they jumped straight into their planes and flew over. For some reason, however, the British switched on these horribly bright searchlights, and set off the most deafening sirens. Amid all the commotion, our decent lads became understandably flustered, and reached for their radios, to let their wives know they were coming straight home. In their panic, though, they all pressed the wrong button, and accidentally dropped several thousands tons of explosives on the buildings below.

“They never did get to buy those scatter cushions.”

The Vikings

In the 8th century AD a group of Scandinavian tourists set off for a holiday in northern England.

“It was the most terrible letdown,” said Olaf Olafssen, a keen rower, in an interview on Pillaging Today. “We were looking forward to two weeks of sunbathing – but to our surprise northern England was really cold. Obviously as Vikings we were completely unfamiliar with such inclement conditions. So we had no choice but to set fire to some monasteries for warmth.”

The Romans

British historians have long sought to depict the Romans as ruthless, power-mad invaders.

“Nothing could be further from the truth,” said Claudius Caesar, an Italian sightseer, in an interview on Empire Today. “My several thousand armed friends and I went to Britain simply to see the famous 123-metre spire of Salisbury Cathedral. When we arrived, however, we were informed that the cathedral hadn’t actually been built yet. You can imagine our disappointment. Having come all that way, we decided we might as well hang around for a bit, while the local construction firm set to work. But after 367 years they still hadn’t got started, so we ended up just going home.”
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:20 pm

When in an awkward position.................................................... obfuscate.
Nothing to add ... it’s all old stuff.

It's all really dead simple though.
Of course it is ..... you read it in the Telegraph or the Guardian .... post it ..... everybody reads it ..... and those who don’t agree with it are either ‘idiots’ or ‘Kremlin stooges '.... repeating anything the Kremlin tells them to? Have I got that right?

Two men travelled from Moscow to the UK, supposedly to see Salisbury cathedral. They had official Russian passports but there were anomalies.
Our two neighbours travelled from Ashford to Bruges via Brusselles a couple of weeks ago ......... I didn’t find that so strange as they do it several times a year and call it a ‘long weekend’. But if they were two Russians going to Salisbury via Gatwick that really is strange and should sound alarm bells?

Yes, two Russian weekend tourists ....... with ‘official’ passport anomalies? ....... that is according to Bellingcat ..... who got it from some unnamed Russian source ..... almost six months ago ...... but only told a Guardian journalist this week .... that their passports were numbered consecutively. Of course you can see that clearly on the copies they provided ..... oh, wait a minute .... they didn’t provide any copies.

They stayed at a hotel in Bow, London. Post incident, Porton Down found traces of Novichok in their room.
The owner of the Hotel didn’t remember them and didn’t even know which room they were in ...... Bellingcat must have told MI6 so they knew which room to go to and collect samples. The quantities collected were so small they presented no risk to the public ...... you know this Novichok stuff, which is ten times more powerful than VX! As Murray pointed out, at those low levels it would have been impossible to identify the substance with accuracy, it would merely put it in the same chemical group many household cleaners are in.

On the 3rd March they travelled to Salisbury by train. They stayed for 1hr 45mins, Apparently driven back by the snow. Snow in the town was sparse that day though and people there were going about their normal business. The cathedral was less than a mile from the station.
They were going to Stonehenge that day ..... which they found was closed due to snow! The light snow deposit in town had been salted .... as they do in the UK at the first flake normally, so not surprising it was relatively clear.

They went back to London and returned the next day (Skrypal hit). On exiting the station they turned in the opposite direction to the cathedral and walked more than double the distance that would have entailed, bringing them very close to where the Skrypals lived. They admit this but claim it was a coincidence.
The Police issued video shows they arrived at 11:48. The government say the Skripals house door handle was the source of Novichoc contamination .... with the utmost probable, most likely, confidence in that probability ..... and, again official word, the Skripals left the house at around 09:15 ...... never to return!

Somebody has got it wrong and I would back the video evidence as authentic. Then the Skripal's turn off their mobiles for almost three hours ..... nothing suspicious there then ...... as they were obviously trying to conserve the batteries ..... or maybe didn’t want to be found/located. Maybe they had a clandestine meeting with ...... who knows ..... MI6/GRU/Mafia/secret service or Teresa May ? (That's just me having my own original and irrational thoughts and opinion .... not Putin using me as a puppet!)

At 1.05pm they were picked up on CCTV near the city centre. Just a few minutes from the cathedral.
And yet from 09:15 until around 13:05 there is no CCTV footage of the Skripals in that 3 hours, but plenty of these two Russian killers wandering the streets for just over an hour, looking in shop windows ..... you know ..... like tourists often do.

At 1.50pm they returned to London in order to catch a flight back to Moscow.
I don’t think it is possible to catch a flight to Moscow from ‘Salisbury International’ ...... nearest airport for that would be London Gatwick ..... so maybe that is why they went there and, as they didn’t hire a car the train was a better choice than walking (Remember these guys were highly trained GRU spooks!)?

Total time spent in the UK 2 days. Salisbury, less than 4 hours.
..... and they were on 'Candid Camera all the time..... because I read somewhere that the UK is a surveillance state! I once spent 36 hours sitting in Jeddah airport ........ and never got to leave the place at all ! Now isn’t that strange?

Now, if you don't find their mockery of a story to be an insult to the intelligence then I suggest you are either:

1. An idiot.

2. A Kremlin stooge, who invariably echoes absolutely everything they come out with.

3. Both.

That's it?..... That is your reasoned conclusion? Of course all three for me no doubt as I find the whole bloody UK fairytale a constant source of entertainment, as the UK government makes accusation after accusation and then gets cross because the Russians just say ...... ‘But we didn’t do it .... and you have presented nothing to say we did!’

I have absolutely no interest in anything that Mr Murray comes out with. Don't you ever actually have opinions of your own? You know - the famous "outside the box" stuff. Murray is a rabidly anti-western person (which of course is why you love him so much) and a well known useful idiot, who's outpourings are about as objective as Das Kapital
Here we go, rubbish the author,the poster and the 'Nazi' touch for added effect!. As I said your responses are very predictable but I do have plenty of opinions of my own ..... but I back them with some sort of supporting evidence, which naturally you just consider Russian propaganda!

Can you not see how arrogantly stupid, transparent and paranoid your story becomes when the Russiaphobia is ditched and events looked at without your usual bias and in a more pragmatic way?

Well that's it from me! But next time I see a bit of Russian propaganda from a Journalist who obviously expresses an independent view of anything associated ..... I will post it!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:46 pm

TLDR but I'm certain, all total tosh.

2 men fly 1000 miles supposedly to look at an urban cathedral in England. They stay for only 2 days, spend less than 4 hours in Salisbury and don't actually go to see it. Despite the fact that they walk around Salisbury distances which far exceed that to the cathedral. It's purely a coincidence of course that the 2 Russians are in the vicinity of the Skypals house the very day they're poisoned.

Two men who hail from Moscow but apparently were driven off by the snow. Look again at the CCTV. There is no bloody snow! They aren't wet at all. It's patent bollox.

In quite a few years you have never once shown any doubts at all about whatever the Kremlin machine has pumped out. You've just echoed it, verbatim. You are indeed a Kremlin stooge. Puppet. Then you accuse others of having closed minds and being unable to think for themselves. You just can't see it. Hypocrisy.

This thread is a good example of your problem and a clear demonstration of why you've gotten through so many people on Forums. Here to ultimately end up broadcasting a couple of posts a month (or less) on Syria.

I've perhaps given you a little renewed lease of life in this thread, got the old juices flowing again, but think I'll give it a miss now. It gets boring and, as always, there really isn't any point in it.:wink:
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 16, 2018 4:37 am

Londonrake wrote:TLDR but I'm certain, all total tosh.

2 men fly 1000 miles supposedly to look at an urban cathedral in England. They stay for only 2 days, spend less than 4 hours in Salisbury and don't actually go to see it. Despite the fact that they walk around Salisbury distances which far exceed that to the cathedral. It's purely a coincidence of course that the 2 Russians are in the vicinity of the Skypals house the very day they're poisoned.

Two men who hail from Moscow but apparently were driven off by the snow. Look again at the CCTV. There is no bloody snow! They aren't wet at all. It's patent bollox.

In quite a few years you have never once shown any doubts at all about whatever the Kremlin machine has pumped out. You've just echoed it, verbatim. You are indeed a Kremlin stooge. Puppet. Then you accuse others of having closed minds and being unable to think for themselves. You just can't see it. Hypocrisy.

This thread is a good example of your problem and a clear demonstration of why you've gotten through so many people on Forums. Here to ultimately end up broadcasting a couple of posts a month (or less) on Syria.

I've perhaps given you a little renewed lease of life in this thread, got the old juices flowing again, but think I'll give it a miss now. It gets boring and, as always, there really isn't any point in it.:wink:

Apparently these 2 Russians were interested in the cathedral of Salisbury as if the UK has no other places of greater interest.

It's interesting though that they were interested in the cathedral's spire. I would have thought Hagia Sophia in Istanbul would be of far greater interest to Russian Orthodox FIS Agents with its later added 4 Ottoman minarets.

Very odd behavior indeed.

Do we have any idiots buying? :lol:

This is far more older and impressive structure.


Or are we suppose to think they were visiting to see the clock. Yet did not visit Big Ben.mmmm

But they had the time to walk past the Skrypal house on the same day of their poisoning, and traces of the same poison were found in their hotel room.

I guess the UK was a bit too cold for these Russians and they had to high tail it out for warmer Russia. They said it themselves. They got snowed in apparently.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:08 am

Londonrake wrote:TLDR but I'm certain, all total tosh.

2 men fly 1000 miles supposedly to look at an urban cathedral in England. They stay for only 2 days, spend less than 4 hours in Salisbury and don't actually go to see it. Despite the fact that they walk around Salisbury distances which far exceed that to the cathedral. It's purely a coincidence of course that the 2 Russians are in the vicinity of the Skypals house the very day they're poisoned.

Two men who hail from Moscow but apparently were driven off by the snow. Look again at the CCTV. There is no bloody snow! They aren't wet at all. It's patent bollox.

In quite a few years you have never once shown any doubts at all about whatever the Kremlin machine has pumped out. You've just echoed it, verbatim. You are indeed a Kremlin stooge. Puppet. Then you accuse others of having closed minds and being unable to think for themselves. You just can't see it. Hypocrisy.

This thread is a good example of your problem and a clear demonstration of why you've gotten through so many people on Forums. Here to ultimately end up broadcasting a couple of posts a month (or less) on Syria.

I've perhaps given you a little renewed lease of life in this thread, got the old juices flowing again, but think I'll give it a miss now. It gets boring and, as always, there really isn't any point in it.:wink:

But since the 2 hapless FIS Agents will never be able to leave Russia ever again, because of all the INTERPOL arrest warrants against them, why not just go to the UK to clear their names by answering to all the charges if they trully believe they are innocent?

Surely they have some happy snaps of the Cathedral to justify their story?

If what they say is true, then being restricted to Russia is a lot more worse that doing a couple of years in a British Club med jail. There are people doing it tougher than any inmates in Britain.

Since their FIS careers are now over? what do they have to lose. They can't even go to Cyprus now for a vacation.

They are wanted dudes and staying in Russia would be like a life sentence, let's face it.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:12 am

Can someone tell me what the average IQ is for the average Russian FIS Agent?

It just doesn't appear as though they set the bar too high.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:14 am

Sorry but this is just hilarious to me.

Russian supporters end up with egg on their face.

Well played UK. Well played and check mate! :D

The UK does it again.

Russia caught with its pants down, not that there ever was much doubt to begin with.
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