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The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Fri May 11, 2018 8:09 pm

Robin Hood wrote:You conveniently forget all the 'advice' you were dishing out before that, about all the people that had contacted you by PM and wanted you to join them to sort me out! Like that P*** who was in contact with you and knew '.... where I lived' do you remember those 'threats' or is that just a lapse in your memory.

I forget nothing. This is typical of your mythology and self-justification. I openly told you that because of your abrasive manner two people had contacted me (knowing as those on here will of our adversity) with a view to "paying you a visit". The truth.

So you agree? What I said happen did! Again you conveniently omit to mention all the posts you then made that terminated with TIC TOC TIC TOC .......... of course that was not intended as a threat was it? :roll: if you really want to read this, then read it from the original post, I have left the rest off as being the vitriolic load of selective and half truths, lies, distortion of events and really just the posting of someone with a severe personality disorder.

There are no "lies and distortion" everything I said in cyprus46182-510 was absolutely true. My warning was just that and not a threat, to make you aware that you were going beyond the pale, to the point where people were becoming vengefully angry with you and were looking for such. Your ridiculous idea that we were "coming for you" was just that. Paranoia. The "oblique threat to my wife" was totally ridiculous.

I said on several occasions that if you didn't get a grip on your abrasive attitude, sooner or later somebody was going to want to sort it out with you. Thus the "Tic toc" reference. I see you've taken the tip and are acting accordingly. :roll: BTW, it's a small island and you are in the Limassol phone book.

You are not - and never have been - a "victim".

I will leave others to judge that if they can be bothered to.

Yes, I agree

I ask any who takes the trouble to read the above to ask yourself on simple question: :?:

If this is what this man thinks why, having chased me off one site, would he then follow me to this one a few months later to start the same tirade of personal abuse all over again? :x[/b]

You were not "chased off " you sent a blatantly threatening message in one of your moments of madness. You were quite rightly suspended for that. You have an odd idea of "personal abuse". Which is why most of your complaints to Admin (running to?) have been ignored. Basically it's OK for you to vent your spleen but if anybody highlights your hypocrisy then you seem to think - as a "victim" - it's unfair. I didn't follow you to this site afterwards. I was on this site a year or more before that incident.

Only a very spiteful and vindictive character would bother to spend so much time and forum space in an endless war of attrition against a member he cannot force to toe his line. Hang on ..... isn't that what the US/NATO and their allies do to countries that stand up against them? :roll:

A spiteful and vindictive person is somebody who goes off forum for the likes of deliberately winding a third party up and points them in another's direction in order to do their dirty work (protesting innocence but then threatens to do it again!). A spiteful and vindictive person is somebody who invades another persons social life, without a by your leave. ***A spiteful and vindictive person is somebody who posts other's private messages on a public forum. A spiteful and vindictive person is somebody who - in a totally unrelated message to Admin - adds comments like "He drinks and drives". A spiteful and vindictive person posts private messages from a forum's Admin publicly on another forum. A spiteful and vindictive person sends a nasty email to a club secretary to say he is quitting because of another member (*** basically and irrationally frightened of what he might do about it) A spiteful and vindictive person is somebody who - when he and his wife are offered a welcoming drink after being ignored in a club at a Christmas party- publicly posts his rejection of it as some sort of good thing.

Bludgeon - bludgeon - bludgeon.

This is what you do. You never give up. Except of course when somebody shows that you are clearly wrong. Then it all goes very quiet. You bludgeon people to the point where they give up and leave (you have quite a few of those "scalps" under your belt) or, they metaphorically slash their wrists. Doesn't work with me though.

Bludgeon - bludgeon - bludgeon. :wink:

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 12, 2018 2:39 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:I have always found it strange that Cypriots do not see the similarities between events in 1974 and what has been going on in Palestine from 1948 and continues to this day!

The Cypriots are not blind RH. This sentiment was very clear after the 1974 Invasion and in fact we hosted Palestinian refugees many times here. It looks however the Palestinians themselves have already submitted to their fate waiting for their final extinction. Not much anyone can do for them, no matter how sympathetic he could be.

in fact our relations with Israel were just at the absolute typical level albeit we always had the headache of their embassy in Nicosia (it's now behind the Ex-Mitsubushi traffic lights) where the prices of land and buildings dropped down to near zero because of the risk. You know it's been heavily bombed twice in the past and innocent Cypriots died.
It's only recently that this Anastasiades Govnt elevated our relations with Israel at this level even to the point of doing joint military exercises and offering them free use of our Air and sea space. Notice they offer the same things to the Russians,presumably to earn some postponement in paying the money they lend us during the crisis. It looks our Govnt is totally confused and the people more confused than their own Govnt.

I have always regarded Israel as nothing other than a geographic piece of land which could also be called Palestine or by any of its previous names. However, I see those that weild the power, not as just being Jews but of being Zionists. There are still those that believe these are the same. My beef with 'Israel' is the Zionist system and the way it is repeating the very Holocaust they use to gain the Worlds sympathy for their plight 70 years ago and now apply it with impunity to those whose land they occupy and who they starve and torture, just like the Nazi's did to their people in the Warsaw Ghetto. And the rest of the 'civilised' World says nothing. :evil:

I totally agree. Let this be my answer to Paphitis' praising Israel at all times:
This is the historical map of how the Zionists created their State. It's all stealing of lands, ethnic cleansing, murder, and colonizing . ... gle-state/
They also apply pressure to nearly every Jew all over the world to settle in Israel. They populated this weird state with Jews they brought from Africa to as far away as Russia, Canada, the US ... from everywhere else you can imagine. They have a strong community in Larnaca where they organize weekly parties, and a camp near Ahna Dam for vocations

The only map that is valid in that link of yours is the third one from 1949 to 1967. That was the dejure and legal creation of the Israeli State which most countries recognise.

The final map post 1967 is the map whereby Israel is building illegal settlements in the West Bank, which isn't recognised by hardly anyone, including the USA. In other words, the settlements are illegal.

But you need to ask yourself why Israel actually took over the West Bank, Golan Heights and Sinai. They took over because they were going to be invaded and driven to the sea. The same threats against Israel are being made today by Iran, Hezbollah and Hamaz which are funded by Iran and armed to the teeth. The Israelis have no choice but to go on an offensive in Syria.

As to going back to the 1967 status, Israel has been willing to do that in the past. Not so much Netanyahu, because his supporter group is the religious right but all other Israeli Governments have been far more accommodating. There has been a willingness (especially with the PLO), but Iran has been unwilling to recognise the Israeli State. In fact, they insist on driving the Jews into the Sea. Well that is not going to end well for Iran.

If Israel is ever attacked by Iran and faced with the prospect of defeat, then we have WW3. That is the red line here. The West will come to Israel's aid. It won't ever get that far because the Israeli's will not just sit around doing nothing. They will just keep chipping away as you can see in Syria.

And Russia will run a mile. it will abandon Iran. have you noticed how the Russians have steered well clear whenever any Israeli action takes place in Syria. That's because they know and can see the writing on the wall.

As to our alliance with Israel. It makes absolute sense. Israel and Cypriot interests overlap with the resources in the Mediterranean. Without Israel, the Cyprus Government will never be able to exploit the resources in its EEZ. In fact, Israel is the country that gives Turkey some pause and food for thought as to the consequences because Cyprus and Israel now have security arrangements. Not just this, but there are American Gas companies involved as well as some Israeli, French, Italian, and Dutch companies. So as you can see, things are not that easy for Turkey now.

make no mistake, might equals right. We are seeing this in the South China Sea (very relevant to Cyprus) where a big country is basically trying to steal the EEZ of other neighbouring countries, and hence also steal any resources, and fishing stocks. The thing that is spearheading the push back there is the USA with the neighbouring countries.

In Cyprus case, let's be very honest and accept that the push back against Turkey is actually ISRAEL. And hence it will be the USA also which will not be messed with by Turkey over its little piece of Cyprus EEZ. And this is what is required. If the USA is there, then Italy will make its stand too. The French will do it all on their own as they are not scared of Turkey at all, and they don't need the Yanks to make a point.

The other thing that is beneficial, is the geographic proximity. Israel needs Cyprus to train its pilots in the Cyprus and Greek FIR. They actually love going up against the Greek and Cypriot military. last year, the Israelis sent their Special Forces to Cyprus. Do you understand how beneficial that is to Cyprus? Cyprus has also bought 4 SAAR 4.5 Offshore Patrol Boats which can be armed with Gabriel SSM (also Harpoon).

This is a breakthrough in CNG capability thanks to the Israelis.'ar_4.5 ... ssile_boat

It suits Cyprus to be friends with Israel and this brings Cyprus closer to NATO, ANZUS, USA, Asian countries like Japan and South Korea, and also Australia. Yes through Israel, there are many things can can happen for Cyprus.

Israel isn't the evil country you seem to think. Take a look at Iran and its provocations. There can never be peace as long as this continues. If Iran goes too far, it will have the West to contend with too.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat May 12, 2018 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 12, 2018 2:57 am

Robin Hood wrote:I just spoke to someone who came up with the obvious and ultimate solution to the Israel/Palestinian problem........ :wink:

She said ..........If America wants to see a peaceful future in the ME and an end to conflict, why does the US not give the Israeli's one of their States for free, and they do have 50 to chose from and some of them almost empty of people? Then call it New Israel, build a new capital city and call it New Jerusalem, build a replica Wailing Wall ...... and give the Palestinians their b****y land back? :roll:

Simple, no more conflict and the Israelis would be safe among welcoming friends. I said I though they had already put that plan in motion by handing Washington DC, The Senate and The Congress and of course The White House over to them and the Americans all seem perfectly happy with that deal, at least I have seen no reports of Friday riots in protest ? :wink:

The Jews belong to the Holy land!

The land where the Messiah was born.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat May 12, 2018 6:12 am

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:I just spoke to someone who came up with the obvious and ultimate solution to the Israel/Palestinian problem........ :wink:

She said ..........If America wants to see a peaceful future in the ME and an end to conflict, why does the US not give the Israeli's one of their States for free, and they do have 50 to chose from and some of them almost empty of people? Then call it New Israel, build a new capital city and call it New Jerusalem, build a replica Wailing Wall ...... and give the Palestinians their b****y land back? :roll:

Simple, no more conflict and the Israelis would be safe among welcoming friends. I said I though they had already put that plan in motion by handing Washington DC, The Senate and The Congress and of course The White House over to them and the Americans all seem perfectly happy with that deal, at least I have seen no reports of Friday riots in protest ? :wink:

The Jews belong to the Holy land!

The land where the Messiah was born.

The Askenazi Jews who form well over 90% of the Jews in Israel, come from Eastern Europe. Of the original 13 tribes of Israel there are very few traces of them left in the population of the ME today and then only traceable through DNA sampling. They are not and never have been natives of the Holy Land. Their claims are therefore false. :roll:

Does Netanyahu look like he has ME blood in him? His ancestry is of Easter European origin. But you make the same mistake as others that sing your tune ...... the Jews are not the problem, nor is Judaism ..... the problem is Zionism .... and you can ignore the difference as much as you like but not all Jews are Zionists and certainly not all Zionists are Jews.

Yes, Jesus was a Jew but the only time he is noted as having used violence was against the JEWISH money lenders. (Today’s Bankers) He was of one of the original 13 tribes ..... who no longer exist! They were called originally Hebrews but took the collective name The Tribes of Israel, from a hill near Jerusalem, when they fled Egypt and headed for their homeland.

Revelations: The 13 tribes are listed in Numbers 1 starting in verse 20, and are:

Judah ..... this was the tribe Jesus came from.

and then Levi (verse 47)
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 12, 2018 9:03 am

No one cares from where they came from. You have no evidence at all that disproves their connection with the holky land.

They have this connection, have always wanted to return their and they have returned to what they claim as their homeland and promised land.

They have their State of Israel and it is a dejure creation that is recognised by most countries.

They will not be driven into the sea, Yes Jesus was a Jew, and the Jews have returned to the land of Moses, and Jacob.

And really, who on earth can really claim a direct link to Ancient people. Can today's Egyptians really claim linkage to the Pharaohs and Cleopatra. Can the Greeks claim linkage to Ancient Greece? probably not completely and convincingly. But they claim the exact same culture and traditions. In the case of the jews, they have the exact same language, cultuire and religion and that makes them Jews like speaking Greek, being Orthodox and the culture allow people to claim Hellenism.

Therefore, they are Jews. Like the Jews that were present in Israel since before Christ. Therefore, they belong.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat May 12, 2018 12:18 pm

Paphitis wrote:No one cares from where they came from. You have no evidence at all that disproves their connection with the holky land. .... plenty of evidence if you look for it, this just happened to pop up first.

They have this connection, have always wanted to return their and they have returned to what they claim as their homeland and promised land.

They claim God gave it to them as his chosen people.

They have their State of Israel and it is a dejure creation that is recognised by most countries.

How can you 'recognise' a country that has no defined boundaries ..... and most of what they claim is theirs they stole from others?

They will not be driven into the sea, Yes Jesus was a Jew, and the Jews have returned to the land of Moses, and Jacob.

But in the main they are not the people chosen by the Jewish God ...... they are from Eastern Europe. They adopted Judaism around the time of Mohammed. Any links to ME Jews and the 13 tribes, are through DNA and the link to the Near East is less than 0.1%. Mainly through the female line.

And really, who on earth can really claim a direct link to Ancient people. Can today's Egyptians really claim linkage to the Pharaohs and Cleopatra. Can the Greeks claim linkage to Ancient Greece? probably not completely and convincingly. But they claim the exact same culture and traditions. In the case of the jews, they have the exact same language, cultuire and religion and that makes them Jews like speaking Greek, being Orthodox and the culture allow people to claim Hellenism.

The Jews in the time of Jesus did not speak Yiddish they spoke Aramaic and Arabic as far as I understand. .

Therefore, they are Jews. Like the Jews that were present in Israel since before Christ. Therefore, they belong.

That's what they keep telling every one, but those that have been dispossessed that have lived there for over a thousand years have a tendency to disagree with that concept! That is why they get so upset, just as GC's do about the lands they had stolen from them in 1974. The main difference is that the Turkish land theft stopped in 1974 ...... in Palestine it has been a continuous process. Had the Turks done what the Israeli's did in Palestine, Limassol would contain the whole GC population and would be another GAZA. :roll:

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 12, 2018 6:54 pm

Their country is defined by international treaty.

Their country has just as much legitimacy as Australia and Cyprus. Now say thank you to me for the revelation of the century.

You're welcome.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sat May 12, 2018 7:24 pm

Robin Hood wrote:That is why they get so upset, just as GC's do about the lands they had stolen from them in 1974. The main difference is that the Turkish land theft stopped in 1974 ...... in Palestine it has been a continuous process. Had the Turks done what the Israeli's did in Palestine, Limassol would contain the whole GC population and would be another GAZA. :roll:

Now I'm confused. Some time ago you indicated that if they held a referendum in the north and it returned a positive vote for annexation you believed that would be entirely acceptable. After all, Turkish forces reluctantly invaded after the democratic leader in Cyprus had been usurped by force, in order to save the TCs from the excesses of a fascist regime, supported by a foreign country.

Get the parallels? :wink: :wink:

It's called............... now................... what's that word? :? Hip - err - hop...................... :?
Last edited by Londonrake on Sat May 12, 2018 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 12, 2018 7:33 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:That is why they get so upset, just as GC's do about the lands they had stolen from them in 1974. The main difference is that the Turkish land theft stopped in 1974 ...... in Palestine it has been a continuous process. Had the Turks done what the Israeli's did in Palestine, Limassol would contain the whole GC population and would be another GAZA. :roll:

Now I'm confused. Some time ago you indicated that if they held a referendum in the north and it returned a positive vote for annexation you believed that would be entirely acceptable. After all, Turkish forces reluctantly invaded after the democratic leader in Cyprus had been usurped by force, in order to save the TCs from the excesses of a fascist regime, supported by a foreign country.

Get the parallels? :wink: :wink:

It's called............... now................... what's that word? :?

yes i concur to the fact that this RH was all in favour of annexation. He believes that the "north " has a right to annexation because Turkey reluctantly invaded after a fascist Greek Coup.

Take heed Pyro!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat May 12, 2018 8:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:That is why they get so upset, just as GC's do about the lands they had stolen from them in 1974. The main difference is that the Turkish land theft stopped in 1974 ...... in Palestine it has been a continuous process. Had the Turks done what the Israeli's did in Palestine, Limassol would contain the whole GC population and would be another GAZA. :roll:

Now I'm confused. Some time ago you indicated that if they held a referendum in the north and it returned a positive vote for annexation you believed that would be entirely acceptable. After all, Turkish forces reluctantly invaded after the democratic leader in Cyprus had been usurped by force, in order to save the TCs from the excesses of a fascist regime, supported by a foreign country.

Get the parallels? :wink: :wink:

It's called............... now................... what's that word? :?

yes i concur to the fact that this RH was all in favour of annexation. He believes that the "north " has a right to annexation because Turkey reluctantly invaded after a fascist Greek Coup.

Take heed Pyro!

Had the situation been as it was in Crimea ..... which it is not in both the case of Cyprus and Palestine, then ........... and this is what is called an Hypothesis ..... not a statement of fact

Northern Cyprus would have been an autonomous region; with its own regional Government and peopled mainly by Turkish Cypriots; who were then threatened by an illegal fascist Government in the South; that was put into power by a foreign inspired coup that caused the elected President to flee for his life; and the people of the North democratically voted to become independent through the right of self determination as laid down in the UN Charter; then voted through a referendum to be annexed by Turkey for their protection ...... it would be by the will of the majority ....... and the decision made according to The UN Charter. If GC;s living there were then given free choice to stay on equal terms with TC's or return to the South, what would be wrong with that? :?:

Although this happened in Crimea it is NOT what happened in either Cyprus or Palestine!

In neither case were the people asked .... the decision was made for them and in both cases their lands were stolen by acts of war. That is why both the Palestinians on the GC's have a beef, their lands were stolen from them and neither have the right of return as also laid down in the UN Charter. Their cases are very similar and completely different to events in Crimea.

I see the parallel between what happened in Cyrus with what happened in Palestine but cannot relate either to what happened in Crimea.

Or is that too difficult for you two to work out?

BTW: Paphitis, you said ......"yes i concur to the fact that this RH was all in favour of annexation." Please post where you got this from because I don't remember saying I thought TRNC should be annexed by Turkey? But then LR plays you like a dumb fish on the hook .... anyway! :roll:
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