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The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Thu May 10, 2018 8:05 pm

Robin Hood wrote:You conveniently forget all the 'advice' you were dishing out before that, about all the people that had contacted you by PM and wanted you to join them to sort me out! Like that P*** who was in contact with you and knew '.... where I lived' do you remember those 'threats' or is that just a lapse in your memory.

I forget nothing. This is typical of your mythology and self-justification. I openly told you that because of your abrasive manner two people had contacted me (knowing as those on here will of our adversity) with a view to "paying you a visit". The truth. I also said that I had told both of them to get a life. (did you get the "It's a chat forum FFS. Not the centre of the universe"?). You have laughingly turned this into my threatening to pay you a visit with two friends in order to do you and your wife violence, whilst trashing your property. Total and absolute rubbish and treated by all as such.

You forget the fact that I complained several times to admin/owner over several weeks when you openly ramped up the rhetoric on an open forum and really started digging into your 'hatred' files going back years. I asked him by PM to have a word with you about your continually picking me out as your selected target. He did warn you but it made no difference. Then when I got pissed off and returned the 'advice' you ran to admin snivelling to get me banned. When you start throwing shit at others don't be surprised if eventually they turn on you and sling shit back.

Was your complaining "running to Admin"? I received no warning from anybody. Your perception, as always, is wrong. The incident started (you have invariably been the instigator of all the really unpleasant confrontations between us) with your telling another member that I was a liar and you would PM him the details (Mouse). I then opted for getting the whole incident out into the open. When the forum owner deleted the whole fiasco you lost the plot and sent me a blatant threat of violence which I passed on, verbatim to Admin. That's not "snivelling" it was common sense. You went way beyond the bounds of acceptable behaviour and were quite rightly suspended for it. You didn't "send shit back" you totally freaked out and - as always - took the whole thing off forum. Every time you've done that it has caused you grief. Keep things on forum!

You proudly say how you offered to buy my wife and I a drink a few months ago and I politely turned you down. But of course you don't mention that when we first met face-to-face I invited you and your wife to come to our home and join us for a dinner one evening with our mutual friend and his wife ...... and you turned me down flat. Not even a thank you for asking, you blamed your wife as not being into meeting strangers, I seem to remember! Typical .... you blame someone else.

I offered to buy yourself and wife a drink at my club Xmas party because you both sat in a corner and were ignored. That was wrong. Pride had no part in it. Your posting that on this forum as some sort of righteous rebuttal was despicable. Your much earlier invitation to dinner at your place was politely refused because at the time we were still hammer and tongs, as now and also because unlike you I tell my wife absolutely nothing about my forum activities. She would have wondered, quite rightly, WTF was going on. As it turned out I was right. Your abrasive manner on forums with anyone who just happens to disagree with you has led to nothing but acrimony. A meal wasn't going to change that. I told you several times that our relationship online and in the real world were incompatible and one had to go. You disagreed. Ultimately, I was right.

So cut the Holier than thou crap ..... you are a nasty piece of work when anyone crosses swords with you, spiteful and vindictive with a long, long memory .... letting bygones be bygones is not in your repertoire.

You could have settled it all with a simple apology, which would have been gratefully accepted and resulted in a fresh start. You didn't and like when you are wrong in here just chose to ignore it. In anger, you deliberately wound somebody up and pointed him in my direction in order to "get back" for my trouncing you on a forum. Subsequently, you claimed it was a joke gone wrong. You even blamed the two of us. Him for overreacting and myself for lying. Apparently none of it was your fault. People here can't see the big picture. Whilst they perceive you and I as enemies they don't appreciate that I am just one of quite a few who have trodden the same path. You even lost the other forum a long-serving member and sponsor. A man who was so incensed at your obnoxious manner that he looked into taking legal action against you. If you want to see a nasty piece of work you might want to look at some of your many confrontations with people and think about that. As it happens, in your famous mail you blew your claims of innocence out of the water by threatening to wind the same poor guy up again over a trivial issue.That's the sort of thing you do - from behind a keyboard.

The humorous bit is that the 'threat' you perceived was all perfectly legal and legitimate and not physical at all :D ....... I'll give you a clue ..... don't drink and drive :roll: ...... you know what I mean? :wink: :wink:

The threat was blatant and clear. If you think what you sent me was "legitimate" you are delusional. Suffice to say it has been accepted by everyone who has read it as a threat of violence against me and it has gotten you suspended from a forum where the Admin is noted for his fairness and tolerance. When it comes to "drinks and drives" in your earlier post - despite the fact it had absolutely nothing to do with the subject being discussed - you felt the need to add that. Total and typical spite.

If you want to discuss any topic we have a mutual interest in, I am happy to do so respectfully ..... treat me reasonably and without the sarcasm and ridicule, and I will respond in the same manner, but I won't be bullied by the likes of you!

I have always treated people the way they treat me. Some of your ideas invite ridicule. Your complete inability to acknowledge another point of view as having validity or to admit when you're in error deserves sarcasm.

BTW: Just watching President Vladimir Putin's inauguration celebrations in Moscow on Planeta TV (Pity I don't speak Russian but my wife understands it, although not proficiently enough to translate Putin's speech into English )......... I do so love the Russian National Anthem ........ and what a spectacular but low key display display. You don't know what your missing! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have little time for somebody who takes up the cause - absolutely any cause - against his own country with literally any nation, no matter how odious, that would do it harm, merely to appease feelings of bitterness and anger about their past lives. You can hide on this forum and get away with that but if you were a Cypriot espousing similar views about your country you would have been out on your ear a long time ago.

You are not - and never have been - a "victim".
Last edited by Londonrake on Thu May 10, 2018 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu May 10, 2018 9:21 pm

Be sure if the CY Govnt were the issue many Cypriots would agree that her wrong doings are more than whatever it does right.
Hard core leftists (mainly AKEL supporters) wouldn't find one good word to say about it.
RH gives me the impression of a British hard core leftist, even his alias implies that.

For example look at this love affair with Israel. How can a country under Turkish occupation became an ally with another country that occupies other people's lands and does exactly the same things to the Palestinians that Turkey does on us. :o
If the CY Govnt were the issue I would personally advocate it's a hypocrite. I am a right wing supporter though..
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Thu May 10, 2018 9:35 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:LR,
Be sure if the CY Govnt were the issue many Cypriots would agree that her wrong doings are more than whatever it does right.
Hard core leftists (mainly AKEL supporters) wouldn't find one good word to say about it.
RH gives me the impression of a British hard core leftist, even his alias implies that.

For example look at this love affair with Israel. How can a country under Turkish occupation became an ally with another country that occupies other people's lands and does exactly the same things to the Palestinians that Turkey does on us. :o

Firstly, I apologise Pyro for sustaining what must to you be a tedious exchange over past histories on what is in essence somebody else's forum. What I've said though is the absolute truth and I can't ignore some of the downright lies/fantasies being promoted. Although, I submit that RH has this amazing (arab?) capacity for convincing himself of the absolute truth of the most absurd views.

RH's political leanings are - even after 8 years -a mystery to me. He promotes many left-wing views but conversely has a deep admiration for what are in essence fascist dictatorships. He seems to see them as a case of admirable"strong leadership". I'm right in saying that he will support absolutely any regime which is anti his own country. I don't think many on here are outright anti-Cyprus - of any persuasion. It's a paradox that he hates Israel so much. They're a nation which clearly won't put up with any shit at all - from anybody. Right up his street, I would have thought.

Doesn't what Turkey has done to you bear significant parallels to what the Russians have done in Ukraine? If the Turks held a referendum in the north tomorrow for annexation and it was overwhelmingly voted for would that be legal and acceptable to you and your countrymen? That’s just one anomaly. There are more.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu May 10, 2018 11:52 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:LR,
Be sure if the CY Govnt were the issue many Cypriots would agree that her wrong doings are more than whatever it does right.
Hard core leftists (mainly AKEL supporters) wouldn't find one good word to say about it.
RH gives me the impression of a British hard core leftist, even his alias implies that.

For example look at this love affair with Israel. How can a country under Turkish occupation became an ally with another country that occupies other people's lands and does exactly the same things to the Palestinians that Turkey does on us. :o

Firstly, I apologise Pyro for sustaining what must to you be a tedious exchange over past histories on what is in essence somebody else's forum. What I've said though is the absolute truth and I can't ignore some of the downright lies/fantasies being promoted. Although, I submit that RH has this amazing (arab?) capacity for convincing himself of the absolute truth of the most absurd views.

RH's political leanings are - even after 8 years -a mystery to me. He promotes many left-wing views but conversely has a deep admiration for what are in essence fascist dictatorships. He seems to see them as a case of admirable"strong leadership". I'm right in saying that he will support absolutely any regime which is anti his own country. I don't think many on here are outright anti-Cyprus - of any persuasion. It's a paradox that he hates Israel so much. They're a nation which clearly won't put up with any shit at all - from anybody. Right up his street, I would have thought.

Doesn't what Turkey has done to you bear significant parallels to what the Russians have done in Ukraine? If the Turks held a referendum in the north tomorrow for annexation and it was overwhelmingly voted for would that be legal and acceptable to you and your countrymen? That’s just one anomaly. There are more.

I form my opinion of other forum members on a case to case basis and so far I found RH's views on whatever we discussed interesting and informative. I many times even agree with him. Now if he is the kind of "absolutist" that you think he is, it doesn't matter to me, and if his absolutism extends to issues I disagree I will respond. So far nothing like that happened.

i haven't discussed or tried to learn more about what happened in Ukraine so I honestly I can't express a valid opinion.
Regarding your question about the Turks in the North (which consist of 50% original TCs +50% settlers) voting for annexation in a referendum, that wouldn't be legally binding to anyone for many reasons. Firstly because they only own about 12% of the land in the occupied, and the area under the control of Turkey was a product of invasion and occupation combined with ethic cleansing. Thirdly presumably Turkey's right to interfere (not to invade and occupy as it did) according to the treaty of Guarantee was to secure the constitutional order, not to save the TCs per se.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Fri May 11, 2018 12:37 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:LR,
Be sure if the CY Govnt were the issue many Cypriots would agree that her wrong doings are more than whatever it does right.
Hard core leftists (mainly AKEL supporters) wouldn't find one good word to say about it.
RH gives me the impression of a British hard core leftist, even his alias implies that.

For example look at this love affair with Israel. How can a country under Turkish occupation became an ally with another country that occupies other people's lands and does exactly the same things to the Palestinians that Turkey does on us. :o
If the CY Govnt were the issue I would personally advocate it's a hypocrite. I am a right wing supporter though..

Israel can't be compared to Turkey.

Sorry but you are barking up the wrong tree here.

And to not be friends with Israel, would be an absolute dire mistake especially with the resources in the East Mediterranean. Fact is, if Israel was so nasty (they are not) they wouldn't have agreed to delineate their EEZ and they would have stolen the Cypriot Gas reserves.

If we are ever going to have a chance, it is through Israel bringing us closer to the USA and more embedded with Western European countries like the UK, France, and Germany.

In addition to that, Cypriot and Israeli interests are compatible in light of the resources now in the east Mediterranean.

Israel is probably the most important country in the world for the RoC now.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Fri May 11, 2018 6:28 am

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:You conveniently forget all the 'advice' you were dishing out before that, about all the people that had contacted you by PM and wanted you to join them to sort me out! Like that P*** who was in contact with you and knew '.... where I lived' do you remember those 'threats' or is that just a lapse in your memory.

I forget nothing. This is typical of your mythology and self-justification. I openly told you that because of your abrasive manner two people had contacted me (knowing as those on here will of our adversity) with a view to "paying you a visit". The truth. I also said that --------So you agree? What I said happen did! Again you conveniently omit to mention all the posts you then made that terminated with TIC TOC TIC TOC .......... of course that was not intended as a threat was it? :roll: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if you really want to read this, then read it from the original post, I have left the rest off as being the vitriolic load of selective and half truths, lies, distortion of events and really just the posting of someone with a severe personality disorder ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You are not - and never have been - a "victim".

I will leave others to judge that if they can be bothered to!

I ask any who takes the trouble to read the above to ask yourself on simple question: :?:

If this is what this man thinks why, having chased me off one site, would he then follow me to this one a few months later to start the same tirade of personal abuse all over again? :x

Only a very spiteful and vindictive character would bother to spend so much time and forum space in an endless war of attrition against a member he cannot force to toe his line. Hang on ..... isn't that what the US/NATO and their allies do to countries that stand up against them? :roll:
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Fri May 11, 2018 6:56 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:LR,
Be sure if the CY Govnt were the issue many Cypriots would agree that her wrong doings are more than whatever it does right.
Hard core leftists (mainly AKEL supporters) wouldn't find one good word to say about it.
RH gives me the impression of a British hard core leftist, even his alias implies that.

For example look at this love affair with Israel. How can a country under Turkish occupation became an ally with another country that occupies other people's lands and does exactly the same things to the Palestinians that Turkey does on us. :o
If the CY Govnt were the issue I would personally advocate it's a hypocrite. I am a right wing supporter though..

I admit many of my views are well left biased, but I would say I am NOT political! I judge and form my opinions from what I see happening around me not by any misguided patriotic loyalty to either a regime or a political party. Well done .... yes, I chose the RH because it reflects the way I feel about society. I have a tendency to favour the underdog but do try to base it on credible information, not just an official doctrine.

I have always found it strange that Cypriots do not see the similarities between events in 1974 and what has been going on in Palestine from 1948 and continues to this day!

I have always regarded Israel as nothing other than a geographic piece of land which could also be called Palestine or by any of its previous names. However, I see those that weild the power, not as just being Jews but of being Zionists. There are still those that believe these are the same. My beef with 'Israel' is the Zionist system and the way it is repeating the very Holocaust they use to gain the Worlds sympathy for their plight 70 years ago and now apply it with impunity to those whose land they occupy and who they starve and torture, just like the Nazi's did to their people in the Warsaw Ghetto. And the rest of the 'civilised' World says nothing. :evil:

I am not a blind Nationalist/Patriot who is blind to the obvious truths. How can anyone admire the UK for spending millions illegally bombing a nation that is no threat to it, has not attacked it and yet cannot even repair a crumbling health, education and social care system and let the country collapse so far in lack of support for peple that students have debts they can never pay off and will never be able to afford to buy their own house. Then look at Iraq. Iran, Libya and Syria where they provided free education, health care, social housing and social care ...... because they had strong dictators to lead them. Ghaddaffi even used to give every newly wed couple a house .... for free and interst free loans to start a business. The West destroyed all that and gave them ...... 'freedom' from tyranny ..... and now they have nothing. Whose got it right here, who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? As you can see happening in the UK give people all this freedom and many will abuse it and society comes crashing down. And it's not just the UK ..... it is the Western World in general.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Fri May 11, 2018 12:36 pm

Where is Yulia ? :?:

Just shows how a bit of critical thinking puts different intelligent people, who have never met, on exactly the same track and coming to the same or very similar conclusions. Or is it just Russian brain washing or propaganda and the news clampdown and 'D' notice is of no significance? :roll:

The Skripals will most likely never be allowed to talk - The Saker

May 11, 2018

From Paragraph #7

In the meantime, I want to refocus on the Skripal case. There is one outright bizarre thing which I initially dismissed, but which really is becoming disturbing: the fact that the Brits are apparently holding Sergei and Iulia Skripal incommunicado. In other words, they have been kidnapped.

There was this one single telephone call between Iulia Skripal and her sister, Victoria, in which Iulia said that she was okay (she was clearly trying to reassure Victoria) but it was clear that she could not speak freely. Furthermore, when Victoria mentioned that she would want to visit Iulia, the latter reply ‘nobody will give you a visa’. After that – full silence. The Russian consulate has been making countless requests to have a visit, but all that the Brits have done since is have Scotland Yard post a letter which was evidently not written by Iulia and which said “I have access to friends and family, and I have been made aware of my specific contacts at the Russian Embassy who have kindly offered me their assistance in any way they can. At the moment I do not wish to avail myself of their services, but, if I change my mind I know how to contact them”. What friends?! What family?! Nonsense!

Her sister tried to contact her many times through various channels, including official ones, and then in total despair, she posted the following message on Facebook:

It continues:

I might add that coming from a Russian speaker. (i.e. from Victoria to Yulia) the term ‘sister’ means her brother or sisters sons/daughters are also known as sister/brother not just direct blood related as we understand it. We would refer to 1st cousin. It’s complicated!!! This makes the wording of the letter from Victoria very likely authentic.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri May 11, 2018 3:21 pm

Robin Hood wrote:I have always found it strange that Cypriots do not see the similarities between events in 1974 and what has been going on in Palestine from 1948 and continues to this day!

The Cypriots are not blind RH. This sentiment was very clear after the 1974 Invasion and in fact we hosted Palestinian refugees many times here. It looks however the Palestinians themselves have already submitted to their fate waiting for their final extinction. Not much anyone can do for them, no matter how sympathetic he could be.

in fact our relations with Israel were just at the absolute typical level albeit we always had the headache of their embassy in Nicosia (it's now behind the Ex-Mitsubushi traffic lights) where the prices of land and buildings dropped down to near zero because of the risk. You know it's been heavily bombed twice in the past and innocent Cypriots died.
It's only recently that this Anastasiades Govnt elevated our relations with Israel at this level even to the point of doing joint military exercises and offering them free use of our Air and sea space. Notice they offer the same things to the Russians,presumably to earn some postponement in paying the money they lend us during the crisis. It looks our Govnt is totally confused and the people more confused than their own Govnt.

I have always regarded Israel as nothing other than a geographic piece of land which could also be called Palestine or by any of its previous names. However, I see those that weild the power, not as just being Jews but of being Zionists. There are still those that believe these are the same. My beef with 'Israel' is the Zionist system and the way it is repeating the very Holocaust they use to gain the Worlds sympathy for their plight 70 years ago and now apply it with impunity to those whose land they occupy and who they starve and torture, just like the Nazi's did to their people in the Warsaw Ghetto. And the rest of the 'civilised' World says nothing. :evil:

I totally agree. Let this be my answer to Paphitis' praising Israel at all times:
This is the historical map of how the Zionists created their State. It's all stealing of lands, ethnic cleansing, murder, and colonizing . ... gle-state/
They also apply pressure to nearly every Jew all over the world to settle in Israel. They populated this weird state with Jews they brought from Africa to as far away as Russia, Canada, the US ... from everywhere else you can imagine. They have a strong community in Larnaca where they organize weekly parties, and a camp near Ahna Dam for vocations

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Fri May 11, 2018 4:08 pm

I just spoke to someone who came up with the obvious and ultimate solution to the Israel/Palestinian problem........ :wink:

She said ..........If America wants to see a peaceful future in the ME and an end to conflict, why does the US not give the Israeli's one of their States for free, and they do have 50 to chose from and some of them almost empty of people? Then call it New Israel, build a new capital city and call it New Jerusalem, build a replica Wailing Wall ...... and give the Palestinians their b****y land back? :roll:

Simple, no more conflict and the Israelis would be safe among welcoming friends. I said I though they had already put that plan in motion by handing Washington DC, The Senate and The Congress and of course The White House over to them and the Americans all seem perfectly happy with that deal, at least I have seen no reports of Friday riots in protest ? :wink:
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