Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis wrote:Really? I don't exude overconfidence.
I just do not tolerate any nonsense like the kind you swallow from the Russian mouthpieces and let me tell you, most Americans will not swallow the garbage you spout either.
They will never say I skim over any facts, but they would say you are a very deluded soul and a very sad individual for the views you hold about the USA and Assad.
And what you are talking about is the typical stereotype. Brits are more reserved because they just don't talk and try to be overly polite. You never know where a Brit is coming from. Americans and Aussies are loud but very down to earth and direct. Americans are more polite and friendly than Brits are.
In fact, you can say that Greeks are even louder and more obnoxious than Americans are, but what that is, is a zest for life which the brits just DO NOT possess and that is why I call them Griogoloi! Americans and Aussies are not Griogoloi like the Brits are. FACT!
But how you can actually pigeonhole 2 countries as diverse as Australia and America has me buggered. They are ethnically diverse, hence have a very rich culture especially in the cities.
Oh and you have not flown with me or seen how I operate so how can you say that. you haven't even met me. I would say I have some confidence in my ability as I should but I am not overconfident and I am no cowboy. I am in fact a very conservative flyer and I follow the rules and SOPs and I have over 12000 flying hours too and I am still alive.
As for sticking to the SOP's, I do not know anything else. I wouldn't ever dare do anything else. I take my profession very seriously and everyone I have flown for know that and the Americans know that from the references they have received from me. You see sunshine, the Americans didn't just offer the job on a whim. They actually followed their own procedures and processes and I had to sit their exams, be interviewed by a panel and even get Sim Checked by conducting an ILS Approach with a missed approach for an RNAV Rwy 19 with one engine out.
You see, you always try to say that the Americans are stupid, but they are not. in fact, they are very clever themselves especially looking at all the things they have accomplished - they actually have a can-do attitude. If the Americans are going to do it, they are going to do it real big and not half-hearted. They are no mugs.
And no, there is a hierarchy in the Cockpit but with proper Crew Resource management. Each pilot has their role to perform but one is in command and that is it. It isn't a democracy like you seem to think. The captain makes all the command decisions because he/she is responsible for the safety of the aircraft and passengers and the FO has to assist them. There are SOP's on how checks are performed when they are performed and by whom they are performed. Every action is checked and no I have never had any conflict in the cockpit before. Not even once in 12000 hours of which about 11000 were Multi Crew environments.
As I said a) You exude overconfidence; b) you skim the headlines rather than read and digest the content; c) You make comments without switching on the brain. c) you are too quick to judge others based simply on your opinions...... and much more! You have demonstrated your short comings all in this one post.
FYI: I had many political type conversations with Americans and they are not very well read on foreign matters. Like you, many soak up CNN, WSJ and the WaP etc.and just accept what they are told without question ..... they are often surprised when you point out that what they have is very rarely much more than a half truth or even outright lies. I have never fallen out with an American at any level, I have had arguments with them and I am undoubtedly of a rather stubborn nature but I can honestly say I never made enemies of any them .... unlike some Brits!

No, I don't.
I don't do anything other than religiously follow Crew resource management techniques and the Standard Operating Procedures. But assertive enough to draw the line when there have been breaches and I have even self-reported myself a couple of times for doing the wrong thing because there are always lessons to be learned when things don't go according to plan. Also very willing to accept responsibility when things don't go according to plan because that is what we are supposed to do. I have never been criticized for my attitude or even punished.
You can't go wrong with a bit of honesty and humility and at the end of the day, I also want to build good solid work relationships, and even make friends which I will even socialize with outside of work. I would imagine that the USA is a very lonely place without friends.
Aviation is a pretty intimate environment.
As to the politics. You are completely out of step with what is actually the norm, not me. I have not even seen you once make a post which is even slightly conciliatory to any Western country, including Britain when it comes to International Politics and International Flashpoints such as Ukraine, MH17, Syria and also Israel. You are also completely out of step with the EU and Cyprus. You only see things one way when they are not. You are sympathetic to Russia and any other force that is perceived to be against the West. You claim to analyze information, but no-one has seen any evidence of this because your sources are not real. They are Fake News. And then you come up with all kinds of ludicrous explanations such as insinuate that Sergey and Yulia were suffering from Fish Poisoning because that is what was alluded to by the Russian mouthpieces.
Well I am sorry, but that doesn't make you more informed than I. That just proves that you are one-eyed. There is 1000 times more chance of me being critical of the West than you being critical of Russia and Iran. In fact, I have been critical of the West, just as is my democratic right to be. but I put forward my argument for this criticism in a reasoned and practical matter and just be anti for the sake of it, or because I am an angry person with a chip on my soldier. this is a luxury people in Syria and Russia do not have, so just sit back and think about the irony for a minute.
Well guess what! Russia and Iran ARE NOT such upstanding global citizens. They are in fact,
global thugs and right now they are very big supporters for global terrorism. That is the fact here. My enemy is my friend is what we have come to thanks to pootin who is in bed with Assad and Hezbollah.
This is NOTHING to be proud of. We can understand about Russia having interests and wanting to maintain bases in Syria. Well that is all OK. The West will be fine with this, but Russia has chosen a path leading to an even worse Cold War than ever before just because he wants to give the impression of a Greater and more powerful Russia. he is of course deluded and we all know this to be the case deep down. There are no Death Rays, or Death Star Lazers. He would eat his arsehole and start sucking his thumb like an infant if there was ever a war with the West.
He has done a lot of very silly things. So many times our Electricity Grids are being hacked by Russian hackers. not only that but the GRU interfered with the US Elections. As we move forward more and more information is coming forward. And the West has sent Russian diplomats home. Hundreds of them.