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The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:23 pm

Seems as if this incident could just come down to a case of Occam’s Razor?

The toxin could be Saxitoxin and a case of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning. The Skripals had a seafood risotto pesce with king prawns, mussels and squid rings at Zizzi, as reported in the Daily Mail on March 6. This explanation has a lot more going for it than the ‘conspiracy theory’ that the Russian's did it with Novichoc!

My wife had an incident like this in Sri Lanka many, many years ago .............. after eating lobster! The hotel called an ambulance and she was hospitalised for several days and was ill for over a week. It took her many weeks to fully recover. Presumably she had a mild dose of this type of toxin.

May jumped the gun and forced Porton Down for a confirmation of Novichoc, she instantly blamed Russia even Putin himself and the whole story started to collapse soon after that, with May and Johnson trying to make a case for it being a Russian act of terror on British Territory.

Now she is so far out on a limb ..... there is no way back, they have got to try and bluff their way out of this or it is humiliation big-time and resignations all round. They have made the UK look foolish and now many of these friends/allies are saying the UK Government has to come up with the evidence. So she didn’t actually give them the evidence............... just assurances. (Trust me .... we know Russia did it, there are no other explanations! :roll: )

Not claimed to be anything other than an hypothesis with credibility .............

The Best Explanation For The Skripal Drama Is Still ... Food Poisoning Moon of Alabama.

Doctors at the Salisbury District Hospital announced today that Sergej Skripal's health is rapidly improving. He and his daughter Yulia will likely be well again
It is unlikely that any targeted poisoning with a real 'military grade' nerve agent would have allowed for such an outcome. This brings us back to food poisoning as a possible cause of the Skripals' ordeal.

A friend of this blog, Tore, sent us his considerations which we publish below. He suggest that shellfish poisoning, which is caused by a neurotoxin known as Saxitoxin or STX, is the real culprit of the Skripal incident. He explains how this would fit to the observable behavior of the British government and other participants in the drama. In my view his theory has significant merit.

On Wednesday the niece of Sergej Skripal, Viktoria Skripal, received a phone call from Yulia Skripal. She was interviewed by a Russian TV station and suggested that food poisoning might have been the real cause of the calamities her relatives were in:

“Did they eat a dish that one cannot eat, or is it banned in England?
"The first signs when they were found were very similar to fish poisoning.”

Victoria intended to visit the UK and to bring Yulia back home to Moscow. The United Kingdom just rejected Victoria Skripal's visa application because she "did not comply with the immigration rules." No further explanation was given.

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby miltiades » Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:36 pm

Yet, some morons, described this as attack on the UK equal to the ....Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. Unbelievable that grown men and women swallowed The Clown's accussations backed up by a bloody useless PM.What a bloody joke, hundreds explelled all because of ... fish poisoning.people are indeed so bloody naive, gullible , its no wonder the world still glorifies dark ages mythological bullshit.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:43 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Seems as if this incident could just come down to a case of Occam’s Razor?


Sorry, but the idea of things being reduced to the simplest and most likely reason seems funny, when it comes to conspiracy theorists. It's always - "you have to dig deeper to find the "real truth" :roll: Kennedy/9/11 etc, etc.

Perhaps a good place to start - who is "MoonofAlabama". He's a leading left wing blogger. Like many such people, he supposedly lives in the USA, where he has the freedom to express such opinions about his country and in the process does quite well out of "contributions". Such activities would not be tolerated in the places he usually advocates. That recurring, ironic fact is ignored by himself and those who promote his and others similar views.

If you have a lot of time on your hands and are bored (who does/is). Here's the site. You will find that it's full of the usual anti-western articles.

The Skripal's it seems were victims of nothing more than food poisoning. :lol: Although, the policeman who became ill (part of the conspiracy theory) didn't eat there. Nobody else who ate at the restaurant became ill, either.

Contrast Mr Moon's article - which is nothing more than unsubstantiated opinion - with the indignant shouting about the lack of "smoking gun" proof regarding potential Russian involvement in the Skripal incident and you get some idea of the extent of hypocrisy being bounded about here. It's quite routine.

Porton Down's analysis, which concluded that Novichok had been used, but they couldn't definitely state that it was of Russian origin, was obviously also part of the conspiracy theory (odd that they didn't say it was of Russian origin :? ) . I imagine that when/if OPCW come to some sort of conclusion, should it reflect badly on Russia, will also become part of it. And they call us "sheep". :lol:

On Thursday, the Russian ambassador to the UK stated that Novichok didn't exist. It was a myth created by the USA. He said a lot of other things, including denying that Putin had ever said traitors would kick the bucket, which - as usual - has been ignored in here. That's what happens when you raise an embarrassing fact, with supporting evidence. Nothing.

So, does anybody actually believe that what happened to the Skripals was simply a case of food poisoning? Or, do they perhaps take the view that it's a desperate line, straight out of the St Petersburgh troll factory?

We live our lives and what affects us on a daily basis is of course paramount. However, as long as I can remember, when it comes to this sort of thing, the Russian's reactions have always been exactly the same. Deny - Divert - Distract. As long ago as when I was a kid in 1962 and Khrushchev sent a personal message to JFK, to assure him that Russia had no plans to base missiles in Cuba. There's never been a shortage of western "useful idiots," willing to follow the line. Dare I suggest? Like sheep.

So, of course Russia denies any involvement.

They denied involvement in Katyn. Cuba

.................about Chernobyl

.........In the murder of Raoul Wallenberg

............In the murder of Litvinenko

................In the poisoning of Viktor Yushenko

........................In the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner

.........................In Olympics drug cheating

.......................In the initial invasion of Crimea

.......................In the attempted murder of Skripal and his daughter

They never, ever admit responsibility - so why expect it now?

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! :lol: And we are the sheep? :roll:

Parts of this will no doubt be construed as "personal abuse". The definition used is quite wide but, in reality, not at all libelous. :wink: At least, that's what my investment tells me.

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:34 am

Londonrake: I won’t repeat your post but in reply ...........

You just demonstrate you are totally brainwashed! You sound more like Paphitis in every post you make. :D

I think the majority following this thread and in general, are of the opinion that the British Government has screwed up big time! They do not believe what they are being told and are questioning it. The people remember Saddam’s WMD fraud! How many millions of innocent people did the US and their allies kill on the basis of that blatant lie? This one could be worse ..... far worse and it won’t be in someone else’s backyard ..... it will involve everybody on the Planet. No one will escape it and it is the Western powers, the NATO countries and affiliates that are driving it, NOT RUSSIA, and the west have been building up to a conflict with Russia, China and Iran for decades. :x

You are just like May and Jonson, you opinion is pre-formulated by your masters and you don't have the ability to even look at all the holes in your arguments. You are all predisposed to blame Russsia ( .... although you still see them as the USSR) for just about everything. Not one of the wrongs you have attributed to Russia, and all those you have missed, would stand for more than a minute in a Court of Law ...... because you have yet to provide any tangible evidence. :roll:

I don't regard this post as at all personal, that is just your paranoia kicking in, I see it as a rant and completely irrational!

BTW: I have been following this argument on your other forum and even there the only ones convinced it is Russia/Putin is you and the other ex-military know all. You have both used the term 'conspiracy theory' without even considering it could well be YOUR version that is the conspiracy theory, going on current performance and you have both said that anyone who questions the official story is in some way either mentally retarded or stoned on Zivania.

Strange that? You, H and Paphits, are all ex-military and all sing the same song. So brainwashed is as good a description as any. :D

Out of interest the, statistics are also interesting:

This thread started on 18/3/18 .... has had 5910 views .... and 322 replies .... and has just two people believing the official story.

The other Forum started on 8/3/18 .....has had 1537 views ..... and 52 replies ..... and has just two people believing the official story. In both cases one of the ‘believers’ is you!

So I think it is obvious that this Forum gets a lot more traffic than the other. The posts on here are also much longer and detailed ..... although most of the missives are from you and not topic related.

One question:

If the UK Government has nothing to hide why have they cut of communication between the Skipals, their family members in Russia and their Embassy. These actions are illegal and they have even refused a visa for Yulia’s cousin to visit her ........ without giving a reason. Are they being held against their will? Maybe we should expect both to have a sudden relapse? :roll:
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:24 am

A curious incident …. Parts VII and VIII

A Curious Incident Part VII - by Sushi for the Saker blog

On April 3rd, 2018, DSTL Porton Down released further statement in regard to the toxic material employed in the March 4, 2018 attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal. On April 4th, the OPCW will meet in closed session at the request of the Russian Federation. This update provides the reader with background information to assist in an understanding of the issues raised by this new Porton Down information release. The Guardian reporting may be found at here. The Sky news interview video is here. The Russian communication to the OPCW is found in PDF format here.

A Military Grade Nerve Agent

Gary Aitkenhead, chief executive of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) at Porton Down, told Sky News: “We were able to identify it as novichok, to identify that it was military-grade nerve agent.”

What Does this Mean?

Full article ……..

A Curious Incident Part VIII - by Sushi for the Saker blog

An Open Letter to the UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson ……….


In the matter of the Skripal affair it appears the facts are once again being fixed around the policy.
While the prior attempt at a “dodgy dossier” had the intent of giving grounds for an attack upon a foreign state, the present course of HMG appears confused, contradictory, alien to the interests of the citizens of the UK, and to the interests of the greater global public.

In a March 22 2018 briefing, the UK ambassador to the Russian Federation alleged that Russian actions “. . . left us with no choice but to conclude that this amounts to an unlawful use of force by the Russian state against the United Kingdom.”
As you are no doubt aware, the wording “an unlawful use of force” in state relations implies an act of war. It has been reported that P.M. May has sought to invoke NATO article 5 against the Russian Federation. She employed similar construction in her address to the HoC on March 12 2018: “. . . this was a direct act by the Russian State against our country.”

These are serious allegations. They hold consequence not just for the citizens of the UK, but have the prospect to mimic the European sleepwalk of June to August 1914. During Archduke Ferdinand’s death rattle, he is reported to have murmured “Es ist nichts.” The potential outcome of recent events can hardly be labelled as “nothing.”

The claim of the UK government to the effect that the compound used against the Skripals was an organophosphate nerve agent (OPNA) with a toxicity 8 to 10 times greater than VX is hardly supported by the facts of the event.

Full article .......
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:42 am

This is from RT and I have not seen the interview on either SKY or BBC ........ so I thought it might be worth posting?

Seems like this Bolton, Trumps advisor, is not a very nice person and most definitely a bully for the US Administration’

'I Give You 24 Hours To Resign': 1st OPCW Chief on How John Bolton Bullied Him Before War on Iraq


The first OPCW chief, who tried to bring Iraq and Libya into the organization, told RT how US foreign policy hawk John Bolton threatened him over his refusal to resign prior to the 2003 Iraq War.

Jose Bustani, the first director-general of the global chemical weapons watchdog Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), sat down with RT and revealed how John Bolton, a Bush-era official and now Donald Trump's pick for National Security Adviser, bulldozed the way for the 2003 Iraq invasion.


Shortly afterwards, the Bush administration began to aggressively lobby for his removal, and it became "a tragic story" for him, he said.

"I got a phone call from John Bolton – it was first time I had contact with him – and he said he had instructions to tell me that I have to resign from the organization, and I asked him why," Bustani told RT. "He said that [my] management style was not agreeable to Washington."

He resolutely refused to resign, only to see Bolton again at OPCW headquarters in The Hague several weeks after the phone conversation.

"He came to my office and said: 'You have to resign and I give you 24 hours, this is what we want. You have to leave, you have to resign from your organization, director-general.'"

Bustani said he "owed nothing" to the US, pointing out that he was appointed by all OPCW member states. Striking a more sinister tone, Bolton said: "OK, so there will be retaliation. Prepare to accept the consequences. We know where your kids are."

According to Bustani, two of his children were in New York at the time, and his daughter was in London. He told Bolton:
"My family is aware of what's going on, so [they're] prepared to face consequences." The reply shocked Bolton, who then left the office.

The video .......
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:30 pm

Good evening RH.

Robin Hood wrote:You just demonstrate you are totally brainwashed! You sound more like Paphitis in every post you make. :D

Did I? It's been a long time since Paphitis and I have communicated. IIRC that was months ago and about the new Boeing P8 MPA aircraft, plus our mutual experiences with the RAAF at their Edinburgh, Adelaide base.

I thought I'd addressed your idea that I am brainwashed. TBH, It seems the case that anybody who disagrees with your POV is "brainwashed". Although, you clearly think for yourself. As can be demonstrated by the occasions when you have actually disagreed with Russia on certain aspects of their activities.

Robin Hood wrote:I think the majority following this thread and in general, are of the opinion that the British Government has screwed up big time! :

On what basis did you come to that conclusion? Not that I give a shit.

Robin Hood wrote: The people remember Saddam’s WMD fraud!

I agree, but don't see what that has to do with the Skrypal affair. I've highlighted Russia's record of lying on such issues and nothing you've said has countered any of that. You simply ignore embarrassing facts.

Robin Hood wrote: You are all predisposed to blame Russsia ( .... although you still see them as the USSR) for just about everything. Not one of the wrongs you have attributed to Russia, and all those you have missed, would stand for more than a minute in a Court of Law ...... because you have yet to provide any tangible evidence. :roll:

What makes you think I see Russia as the USSR? That came to an end nearly 30 years ago.

You speak of evidence in a court of law but routinely post "independent" articles from fringe websites as though they were authoritative. Nevertheless, they are all actually just highly prejudiced left-wing opinions.

Robin Hood wrote:I don't regard this post as at all personal, that is just your paranoia kicking in, I see it as a rant and completely irrational!

:lol: Don't you see. Talking about my paranoia kicking in and my irrational ranting IS personal???? That's why your idea of possibly undertaking libel action would be a bit of a problem. I've accumulated a cross-forum file of such exchanges going back a couple of years - so far. As I was professionally advised.

Robin Hood wrote:BTW: I have been following this argument on your other forum and even there the only ones convinced it is Russia/Putin is you and the other ex-military know all. You have both used the term 'conspiracy theory' without even considering it could well be YOUR version that is the conspiracy theory, going on current performance and you have both said that anyone who questions the official story is in some way either mentally retarded or stoned on Zivania.

I can't speak for other people. However, I don't believe that I have ever said that anybody is mentally rearded and I think the reference to being stoned on Zivania was actually from somebody who shared your views. Nothing to do with me, either way.

Do you not think that the expression "other ex-military know all" is actually personal abuse? You do seem to be blind to the other side of the coin.

Robin Hood wrote:Strange that? You, H and Paphits, are all ex-military and all sing the same song. So brainwashed is as good a description as any. :D

It's odd, how you have such a fanatical view about anybody who's been in their respective armed forces as being "brainwashed". I thought I'd covered that one.

Robin Hood wrote:Out of interest the, statistics are also interesting:

Forgive me for again quoting you but - I couldn't give a flying fuck about the statistics, or activity on some other forum

Robin Hood wrote:One question:

If the UK Government has nothing to hide why have they cut of communication between the Skipals, their family members in Russia and their Embassy. These actions are illegal and they have even refused a visa for Yulia’s cousin to visit her ........ without giving a reason. Are they being held against their will? Maybe we should expect both to have a sudden relapse?

The arsonist insists on being privy to the evidence, meeting people who were affected by the fire and being closely involved in the investigation. :lol: It all sounds reasonable - to the useful idiots. However, Mr Putin's efforts to blitz the airwaves with "plausible deniability" have been sussed. Too many times. He has totally screwed up and Russia, particularly the sort of people we see swanning around here in £400m yachts, are now starting to pay the price.

You realise of course, others make a good living out of what you're doing for free? :wink:

Are you still of the view that it was food poisoning? Do you agree with the Russian Ambassador to the UK that President Putin never said traitors would kick the bucket and that Novochok is a US myth? You see - you never actually face up to these things. You just ignore them, I imagine hoping they will go away.

There has been an absolute blitz of propaganda from the Moscow machine on this issue. I read today that they have floated a total of 29 conspiracy theories about the Skrypal incident. Pick your favourite. Nothing though alters the fact that this is the biggest diplomatic Russian screw-up for decades. :wink:

I will ask again. What do you want? To just blind broadcast articles from fantatically prejudiced fringe sites like informationclearinghouse to the forum masses? Or, to have an exchange of views with people that have a different perspective? You don't seem to know. :?
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:41 am

I apologise to other members for this post but ignoring it was not really an option given the content ....... it needed a response ........ :)

I thought I'd addressed your idea that I am brainwashed. TBH, It seems the case that anybody who disagrees with your POV is "brainwashed". Although, you clearly think for yourself. As can be demonstrated by the occasions when you have actually disagreed with Russia on certain aspects of their activities.

Let ME remind you! Do you remember the quote of yours ’..... you couldn’t run a military if every Tom, Dick and Harry applied their own views.’ ? So explain how you do that ..... if you can’t think of a way try getting hold of some fanatical Muslim terrorist ..... because that is the way they do it too. You know .... Madrasa’s, the Prayers and readings of the book .... collectively known as brainwashing. Yours is the same MO only the cause changes!

On what basis did you come to that conclusion? Not that I give a shit.

Look at the posts on here, the only ones that unequivocally sing the praises of the US and its coalition and boast about ‘superiority’, is you and Paphitis!

I agree, but don't see what that has to do with the Skrypal affair. I've highlighted Russia's record of lying on such issues and nothing you've said has countered any of that. You simply ignore embarrassing facts.

It’s called trust! Blair and Bush lied .... the people now know that, although considered a ‘conspiracy theory’ when Corbyn and others resisted the 2nd Gulf War because the ‘evidence’ was clearly questionable ..... you know such as the claim about hitting the UK with missiles in 20 minutes, the case for war was unbelievably weak.

I am afraid you bend the truth .... Russia has said in most cases NOT GUILTY. Crimea was slightly different ! So what takes precedence, the UN Charter , i.e. the peoples democratic right to self determination or the constitutional Law of a fascist government that came to power in a foreign instigated coup (Regime change?) The people decided .... not Russia. But we’ve been down that route before.
What makes you think I see Russia as the USSR? That came to an end nearly 30 years ago.

Because you make such silly accusations every time the West points the finger, obviously without considering all the evidence .... or lack of, or using logic and common sense. I tried to explain Crimea but you chose to ignore all the illegal actions by the US that led up to the Coup and in turn gave justification for the Russian response in Crimes ..... it fell on deaf ears.

You speak of evidence in a court of law but routinely post "independent" articles from fringe websites as though they were authoritative. Nevertheless, they are all actually just highly prejudiced left-wing opinions.

If you check, when it is an opinion piece I usually say so. I clearly stated that on the MoA post, which of course you just ridiculed as extreme left wing propaganda. Does it never occur to you that what they a writing about is the other side of the story to that you read, and most often with a loads of links to sources? I have a tendency to look at both sides and work out what is credible.

Don't you see. Talking about my paranoia kicking in and my irrational ranting IS personal???? That's why your idea of possibly undertaking libel action would be a bit of a problem. I've accumulated a cross-forum file of such exchanges going back a couple of years - so far. As I was professionally advised.

WOW is that a veiled threat .... do grow up! So I AM on your hit list? Do you post your Lawyer all my posts? Maybe he would like to join the forum? I don’t keep records like you I am not as paranoid .... the filing cabinet must be full up by now? :lol:

I can't speak for other people. However, I don't believe that I have ever said that anybody is mentally retarded and I think the reference to being stoned on Zivania was actually from somebody who shared your views. Nothing to do with me, either way.

Calling someone a conspiracy theorist is derogatory and is an insinuation that the victim is a few pennies short of shilling. H’well referred to others as naive for not believing the official story and suggested the member put down the Zivania bottle, and he is the other ex-military know all! Read his posts. You make some pretty scathing remarks some times, so ‘white-as-snow’ ... you ain’t!

Do you not think that the expression "other ex-military know all" is actually personal abuse? You do seem to be blind to the other side of the coin

If the name fits and both you and he DO frequently appear to think you are experts on anything military and us ‘civvies’ are just useful idiots to be tolerated or belittled. Again read his posts .... and yours

It's odd, how you have such a fanatical view about anybody who's been in their respective armed forces as being "brainwashed". I thought I'd covered that one.

You THINK you covered it but missed the point that it was you that proposed the idea that all had to obviously sing from the same hymn sheet or the military could not function. Again, explain how else you get a bunch of individuals to act in the same fashion against their better instincts, without brain washing them?

Forgive me for again quoting you but - I couldn't give a flying fuck about the statistics, or activity on some other forum

Nor could I, I just thought it interesting after Paphitis expressed his admiration and thought the other site was far superior to this Forum. It shows he was not correct .... going on statistics.

The arsonist insists on being privy to the evidence, meeting people who were affected by the fire and being closely involved in the investigation. It all sounds reasonable - to the useful idiots. However, Mr Putin's efforts to blitz the airwaves with "plausible deniability" have been sussed. Too many times. He has totally screwed up and Russia, particularly the sort of people we see swanning around here in £400m yachts, are paying the price.

In ANY legal procedure, in any Court the accused has the right to see the evidence against them. The UK has acted as Accuser, Jury, Judge and is building up to be the executioner to! The UK just bypassed that procedure completely and illegally.

From what I have seen so far all Russia has said is ‘We didn’t do it!’ Seems fair enough to me. Then the UK wants them to prove it ......... prove their innocence? ....... that is an impossible task and the Law turned on its head.

It has been the UK Government that has blitzed the air airwaves with a continuously changing scenario as every accusation they make seems to backfire as they get more and more improbable. That happens when you tell lies ... tell one and you need to tell more as truth demolishes the illusions they create. The UK has come up with no evidence! They told all the other NATO countries and the EU that they had the evidence but, Lithuania, Germany and Italy (maybe others) have said the UK government needs to supply the evidence. I don’t know how you perceive that but to me it says they did a ‘John Kerry MH17’ on them? Do you remember that ..... yours was one of the early posts when it happened and you regarded Kerry’s statement as “.... pretty conclusive,” at the time .... just a few hours after it came down. Who needs evidence! :roll:

You realise of course, others make a good living out of what you're doing for free?

I do it for the satisfaction of seeing replies/responses that shows there are many others that feel the same as I do about what is going on in the World. But, like others, I know there is little I can do about it. :cry:

Are you still of the view that it was food poisoning?

I think it more plausible than most of the UK theories so far! BTW: So did Marc Sloboda on RT ‘Crosstalk’ this morning he even mention he read it on MoA web site ..... you should watch the programme. :)

Do you agree with the Russian Ambassador to the UK that President Putin never said traitors would kick the bucket and that Novochok is a US myth?

As I said, I don’t speak Russian but Putin released him in 2010 having bleached him dry of useful info. The UK gave him the same bleaching and then gave him a house and a pension. So common sense says whatever Putin said or didn’t say, actions speak louder than words. To then suggest that Putin decided to target him in such a clumsy and inept way is for ‘useful idiots’ like Boris Jonson to spout.

Novichoc is a myth! The Soviet program was called ‘Folient’. The Russian defector that wrote the book called it Novichoc and that was the name the US used for it ....... and it was also mentioned on a UK TV Spy Series ....... maybe that’s where May and co. got the name from.

You see - you never actually face up to these things. You just ignore them, I imagine hoping they will go away.

Not true, I will always explain my views as I have here but I am sure most members find it rather boring, it is just that you reject The Messenger, the Message, the Source and the myriad of well read journalists, ex-Ambassadors, Politicians even ex-military, that do not agree with your point of view. How many times I have gone to lengths to explain my thinking, only for you to ridicule me with sarcastic comments ?

There has been an absolute blitz of propaganda from the Moscow machine on this issue. I read today that they have floated a total of 29 conspiracy theories about the Skrypal incident. Pick your favourite. Nothing though alters the fact that this is the biggest diplomatic Russian screw-up for decades.

I think, looking at what has gone on in the last 4 weeks, it has been far more indicative of a British cock-up! They accused before they had ANY evidence as scientist have pointed out. It was two days for the UK to make their announcement for something the OPCW said would take them at least three weeks.

I will ask again. What do you want? To just blind broadcast articles from fanatically prejudiced fringe sites like informationclearinghouse to the forum masses? Or, to have an exchange of views with people that have a different perspective? You don't seem to know.

It is you that thinks these sites are left wing ‘fanatics’. They just give the other side of the story that the MSM outlets would never touch as they do not meet the editorially approved narrative of the Western ‘free’ press. Why do you think that there is so much insistence that the Internet should be controlled ? It is because these sites, you hate so much, are providing information and the people are beginning to think for themselves. Check the MoA link you provided, his view ratings are rising very fast ........ he even makes note of that and thanks everyone for the comments. :roll:
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:48 am

Another twist in the story ......... :roll:

The Skripals to be Relocated with “New Identities” and a New Life in America? - By Stephen Lendman

According to the London Times, “Sergei and Yulia Skripal will be offered new identities and a new life in America in an attempt to protect them from further murder attempts,” adding:

“Intelligence officials at MI6 have had discussions with their counterparts in the CIA about resettling (them), offer(ing) new identities,” according to an unnamed senior Whitehall official.

They’re both conscious, improving markedly, regaining strength, perhaps enough to be discharged in the coming days or weeks.

If the above scenario is accurate, it’s a scheme to put the Skripals into the equivalent of America’s witness protection program – not to safeguard them from nonexistent Russian threats, solely to silence them and hamper truth-telling on the incident, the Big Lie about fabricated Kremlin responsibility for whatever happened maintained

Purely MY Conspiracy Theory ........... :? 8)

Hmmmmmm ..... they have been kept isolated since the day it happened. They were going to die with just a miniscule chance of recovery. A couple of days later someone in the hospital saw what was happening and blew the whistle that Yulia was awake, eating and talking. Almost immediately the Police made a statement on Yulia’s behalf confirming she had been awake for a week.

Then someone smuggles Yulia a mobile and she calls her cousin. I listened to the call on RT and it was strange! She spoke in very short sentences and spoke quietly as if maybe she had shut herself in the bathroom to avoid detection. She was detected, no doubt the mobile was confiscated and we have heard nothing since.

Now the UK government has spoken with the US government and they are suggesting putting both of them in the US Witness Protection programme. Did they ask for this? We don’t know because the Spooks and medics are the only people that have spoken to them. But what have ‘they’ told them ...... Putin is out to get you .... trust us ..... let us look after you? Look up what witness protection entails ....... they will sever all association with their former lives and effectively disappear off the face of the Earth ! Yulia has a job, friends/relatives and a boy friend, an apartment and pets in Moscow, why would she need to disappear? :shock:

Or is the 'disappearance off the face of the Earth' the actual plan? This has all the hallmarks of the Dr. David Kelly case! He was a threat and was removed .... but this time there will be no bodies, just the assurances by the UK government that they have started a new life in the US ..... never to be heard of again. A couple of plain vans will arrive at the Salisbury Hospital ..... and drive to Porton Down to dispose of the evidence, ........ both of them!!! :o

Let’s see if we actually see Yulia and/or her Father again ...... speaking live to the Press and TV? If not ..... I think this was probably their fate? :cry: I could of course be completely wrong? :roll: :wink:
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:58 pm

An explanation by a real expert on Novichoc type compounds who explains about identifying these compounds and why Porton Down could not identify the origin without a sample from the same laboratory. Interesting and not that technical……….

Video: Dr. Chris Busby on Novichoks and the Skripal Russia Poisoning Affair - By Prof. Christopher Busby

Dr Busby says a few words about the Russian Nerve Agent issue. He speaks as an expert in this area.

Chris worked for several years at the famous Wellcome Research laboratories in Beckenham, London as a Senior Scientist in the Department of Physical Chemistry. His job, at the basic level, was to help determine the structure and origin of pharmaceutical compounds. So, he is an expert in this area.

He also carried out similar work at Queen Mary College London for his first PhD and synthesised complex organic chemicals. From that, he relates that the synthesis of a specific small organic chemical like the supposed Novichoks is not very difficult. Most synthetic organic chemists could knock up small quantities of the 234 compound, given the structure.

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