Paphitis wrote:Londonrake wrote:Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake/Paphitis:
The thread is about the Skripal incident not a sounding board for Twinky and Twerky to keep attacking me. So how about either acting like grown up's, which I appreciate both of you might find difficult, or take your bile else where!
If you want to talk about Skripal fine .......... if not go some where else to ply your silly games!
Or, perhaps we should lobby Admin for bigger fonts!
BTW - it's "elsewhere" and "play". Have you been drinking?

'Are you sure he hasn't been taking anything a little more stronger than just Alcohol? I mean his user-name on the other forum was some kind of Narcotic (ProVox?) so maybe he is a Druggie!
Maybe he is on anti-depressants or some uppers or maybe who is just doing the funky stuff.
It would explain quite a bit!

I don't drink very much (Just a beer sometimes), I don't smoke, still have all my own teeth, have perfect blood pressure, don't need a hearing aid and I've never taken drugs. I take no medication except drops for glaucoma, You obviously did not do Latin at school otherwise you would know what ProVox actually means, in fact you obviously were absent for most of the English language classes also. But then you demonstrate quite clearly you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
But maybe this will explain something to you as you keep spouting off as if you actually know something you know nothing about ..........................
I have taken this from the ‘Quit complaining’ thread .....
There is such an Admin on a Cypriot Forum for Brits. This Admin wasn't controlling at all and in fact was very popular to say the least. I think only one person didn't like him and he is currently here after he got suspended for going all stupid and personal.
Just to put the record straight ..... Steve is a very nice guy and I got on with him very well, I cannot say the same for your mentor Mr.TIBBS/Londonrake/Charlie B.
These are the last two e-mails between myself and SJD, which clearly refutes your comment.
My suspension was down to the actions of one person when he didn’t like me doing to him what he was doing to me. Stupid of me to retaliate, maybe that is what he wanted as he is doing the same on this forum and I stupidly fell into the trap.
So my suspension was down to one man..... TIBBS/Londonrake ..... and had nothing to do with my opinions or views but my stupidity in responding to his bullying, which I might add GR has also identified as his trait on this forum.
Not being satisfied with his success on the Cyprus Eastern forum .... he then follows me here, just a few months later and starts all over again.
Just read them!
Do you see history repeating itself ? Same attacker, same MO, same poison, same personal attacks, same resorting to historic events and the same resorting to acquiring idiots to support him. It’s all in these two e-mails! The only thing missing is the open or PM’d threats ........ if he should make any via PM, I will post them.
As you will see, I tried time and time again to stop the bullying with no effect. I appealed to SJD and he did nothing about it. I then threatened TIBBS (Londonrake) after he insinuated that ‘
others’ wanted him to join them and ‘
get me’. He added several times ‘
tic-toc-tic-toc’ to his post, which naturally I took as a threat and his countdown to something unpleasant. Unfortunately he has fed you a load of distorted crap, at which he is a master, and, like the buffoon you are, you fell for it all.
Now he brings his poisonous and vindictive personality to this forum and he has you as his useful idiot! But this time it is not only me but others he is attacking, but I am still his primary target. He is a washed out, brain washed ex-military who craves for the days he was a ‘
somebody’ and wishes he was still fighting the USSR and the Cold War like he was decades ago in the 60-70’s. Hence his hatred of all the same things you hate and just as illogically.
If you check the’ Skripal’ thread, in spite of Londonrake making several posts, several of them bordering on a missive of epic proportions, not one of them contributed
ANYTHING to the thread ..... not one thing! So GR was very correct with his observations. I will give you your due, you do make some comments no matter how irrational but mainly you just divert the topic to something that gives you the opportunity to expound your Western MSM propaganda.
-----Original Message-----
From: ProVox
Sent: 14 August 2017 19:35
To: SJD Cyprus Eastern Forum Admin
Subject: Thank you for your e-mail ......
Thank you very much for your polite reply. I am sorry you are involved but I
only had two options. I could turn to you or leave! But why should I
allow a bully to drive me away?
From my point of view, my only guilt in this, is that I eventually give in
and tackle him head on. Ignoring him does not work it only emboldens him
to make more wild personal attacks, almost as if he is playing to an audience.
I have e-mailed him and told him there is now a red line and he steps over
that at his peril. Because of the way he thinks, he has assumed I mean to
break the law and physically go for him. In fact it is the exact opposite
...... Deleted by me, I won't give away secrets that I may need in the future ........
will bring him down with a very hard bump that will cost him dear.
I know a lot about this man and the one thing I know for sure, having seen
it many times is that he frequently drinks and drives! If he ceases to
continually attack me (Bullying) he has nothing to fear from me. If he
continues to act the way he has in the past, well ...........
I have also told him that if he attempts to carry out any form of physical
action against me, my family or my property, with or without the support of
others, then all hell will break loose and yes it will become a physical
confrontation as well as involving the law. I am 6'2", 100kg, I am fit and
healthy and have spent the last 25 years of my working life on major construction projects in the
ME. Since my school days I have never started nor got involved with
fights. As a senior engineer I have broken up a few, so although I am now
in my 76th year I can look after myself and for TIBB's I would be a
formidable foe. All he needs to do, is stop doing what he is doing, it is
as simple as that and only a directive as such from you will achieve that on
the forum.
I do not seek confrontation on a personal level every time I post, dished
out as a string of sarcasm, ridicule and his personal opinion of me. If he
wants to confront my views/opinions sensibly, with that I have no problem, is
that not what a forum is all about?
Once again I apologise for getting you involved.
His reply .................
-----Original Message-----
From: SJD Cyprus Eastern Forum
Sent: 19 August 2017 04:40
To: ProVox
Subject: Forum Membership
Hi Alan,
Many thanks for your email and hope that you are well!
I have noted the comments in your recent email and wanted to take time to go
through the others and also through the emails sent from Charlie.
I had initially hoped that you two could resolve your differences or at
least co-exist on the forum. Unfortunately that doesn't appear likely any
time soon and the bad feelings between yourselves is almost palpable.
Whilst I have no desire to restrict reasonable & legitimate debate the
previous examples you both have displayed are far from that.
I have to consider the membership as a whole and cannot allow any member or members to be repeatedly disruptive. Nor can it be acceptable to allow any
member or members to consume a disproportionate amount of time unreasonably.
I think we can both agree that this is not the first time I have had to get
involved in disputes that you have been at the centre of.
Unfortunately it has also come to my attention that you have sent a
threatening email to the Mr Tibbs account through the forum. I have taken
into consideration your comments in the previous email regarding the email
and Charlie's perception of it. However after reading the relevant parts in
the email for myself the only impartial conclusion that I can arrive at is
that they were indeed threatening.
Using the forum to transmit such messages is strictly prohibited and
contrary to our terms & conditions. In addition on a solely personal level
it is not something I ever want to see happening nor something I will
Given all the above and after careful consideration I am left with no
alternative other than to suspend your membership of the forum effective
I appreciate that this action will not be welcomed but I have not taken the
decision lightly and it's not one that is open for discussion.
Cyprus Eastern Forum
History repeating itself? A good bit different to your version!