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The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:04 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:Now, I truly didn't want to get into all of this. You clearly belong here - in an eternal war with Paphitis. Your repeatedly bringing my name into petty squabbles is irritating though. If you want to carry this on - ad infinitum - then I'm your man - but you know from past experience what that means. Otherwise, perhaps you should try something new? Shut up about me and just get on with your normal business here?

No he doesn't. He doesn't belong here.

As I made clear a long time ago, I do not even read his posts. he doesn't exist as far as I am concerned.

He isn't on my radar.

I made this decision because I believe the person to be extremely irrational, vindictive, and very abusive. I don't want to read his vitriol.

As you all know at the other forum, he is a very sad and toxic human being. Life is too short to be caught up in this kind of negativity. Engaging him also means going round and round in circles in a self perpetuating cycle which is nothing but self=defeating and a waste of energy.

I have nothing at all to gain or learn from the individual.

I am happy talking with other members of the forum. There is something clearly wrong with the chap.

I'm happy to engage with you. I read your posts and am thankful for your contributions. I hope you don't go anywhere.

Besides, I know GR is starting to like you. :lol:

Any chance we can get the other Admin here too? He's pretty cool!

GR needs perhaps to learn the meaning of the expression "a truce". So far, any attempt upon my part has been spat back in my face. I would think by now, he might just understand that I can give as good as I get.

I cannot condone such behavior.

I didn't know this.

But in his defence, He is a pretty reasonable guy, unlike Hoodwinked.

You and him should be ok from now and you could arrange for a beer or 2 even without me.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:09 pm

Good God, the drama never ends! :?

I have no complaints from anyone on the CF, I’m just busy with my browser and other stuff… don’t even drink alcohol anymore because booze is not compatible with programming and I’ve also been very ill.

Anyway, no hard feelings and I’m outta here for a week so I can get some stuff done.

See you later people for a little while…
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:13 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake/Paphitis:

The thread is about the Skripal incident not a sounding board for Twinky and Twerky to keep attacking me. So how about either acting like grown up's, which I appreciate both of you might find difficult, or take your bile else where!

If you want to talk about Skripal fine .......... if not go some where else to ply your silly games!

Or, perhaps we should lobby Admin for bigger fonts!


BTW - it's "elsewhere" and "play". Have you been drinking? :wink:
Last edited by Londonrake on Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:17 pm

Get Real! wrote:Good God, the drama never ends! :?

I have no complaints from anyone on the CF, I’m just busy with my browser and other stuff… don’t even drink alcohol anymore because booze is not compatible with programming and I’ve also been very ill.

Anyway, no hard feelings and I’m outta here for a week so I can get some stuff done.

See you later people for a little while…

Stickin' my neck out.

Sorry to hear you have been unwell. My Forum animosity doesn't extend that far.

Also, I have always followed your browser thread but haven't been brave enough to try it out - yet.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:Good God, the drama never ends! :?

I have no complaints from anyone on the CF, I’m just busy with my browser and other stuff… don’t even drink alcohol anymore because booze is not compatible with programming and I’ve also been very ill.

Anyway, no hard feelings and I’m outta here for a week so I can get some stuff done.

See you later people for a little while…

There we go LR!

Truce at last at the eleventh hour!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:49 pm

I just amused myself and went back to the beginning of this thread and it strikes me that those that have had the most to say have contributed the least and the record goes to ......... don't bother to read all this but it gives an idea of who the leading abusers and thread diverters are ....................

Page 3
Londonrakes first post 100% sarcasm and nothing to do with the OP
Paphitis joins in with his Mentor .... not OP related
Page 4
• Paphitis starts the abuse with “What a fucking idiot” and then blames Russia again
Page 10
• Paphitis resumes the abuse:
Page 11
• Paphitis starts the personal attacks ...... Quote:
He doesn't Pyro. He is only posting propaganda from websites like The Saker and Information Clearing House and other conspiracy sites. Not many people take him seriously (except for Milti and maybe you) and his views are not leading. Tim Drayton left because of this arsehole.

And, his posts are vitriolic and personal attacks to boot!

He even got kicked out from his other forum and most people there think he is an idiot, including people that have met him face to face just don't want to see the idiot again because they say he is a toxic person.

In fact a few of them had warned me when he was trying to arrange a meet with me. They told me not to go anywhere near him. Some others actually feel sorry for him and his lonely existence but they blame his situation on him, because the Brit Community in Cyprus is pretty open, laid back and quite friendly to most people. But just like he has alienated them, he has alienated our very own and respected Tim Drayton. He was a member that I disagreed with many times, or rather he disagreed with me, but I considered him a forum friend and all round nice guy.

I will take Tim Drayton any day over this arsehole and if you start a poll, you will find that most people here would do the same because he is a gentleman, and that is something alien to Hoodwinked. Tim Drayton was also a patriot to Cyprus and eager for a Cyprus Solution. This guy is not. He continuously claims that he knows nothing about Cyprus politics even though he lives there but at the same time claims to know more about Ukraine and Syria because he reads The Saker. Go figure the logic yourself. Well, I have figured and many times he has made some comments which go against Cypriot Interests and which are supportive of Turkey. He will deny it. But many times he has ridiculed Cyprus on its hydrocarbons, and its ability to get a solution. In fact, he will tell you that Cyprus should accept ALL of Turkey's claims regarding Cyprus and he calls that a solution. he said this many times.

Unless of course you want to claim that all the Brits are stupid and he is smart. that isn't the case I'm afraid.

Page 13
• Paphitis attacks again but this time Milti is the target - You are the biggest idiot that ever graced this forum + People like you are the reason why this world is so fucked up!
• Milti attacked again - Yeh right shit for brains! + Are you fucking STUPID? Oh wait, that is a dumb question. Of course you are vlaka! + You are drunk as per usual.
Page 14
• Paphitis gets personal ... yet again: Quote
RH got banned from a Brit expat forum. The members there are probably the sweetest kind of people you will find on a forum. pretty intelligent and extremely polite. It's very difficult to get banned from there. Not even I came close and they were very welcoming to me. Mostly older retirees they were that just don't want any trouble. Yet, hoodwinked doesn't have any friends there. he is not welcome there. I can provide you with many links depicting the idiots utter stupidity and the ghastly encounters he had with some pretty calm people.
Oh no Pyro that is where you are wrong. The guy was supportive of BREXIT because it was in Russia's interests. Cyprus isn't even a consideration to him compared to Russia's interest. he said many times that Cyprus should accept all of Turkey's demands. He has also blamed Cypriot recalcirance for the fact that a solution has never been found thus far.
It's not in his opinion that he thinks the EU will collapse. he wants it to collapse and there is a very big difference. To him, the EU = NATO and an extension of capitalism and American Imperialism.

Page 15
• Londonrake joins his protégé in a personal attack:
Oh, come on. Despite strongly disagreeing with many of your views I've done a pretty good job of staying out of your hair in here for some time now and that's a little unfair.

The idea that I threatened you or - a total myth - your (very nice) Wife, or property , simply isn't true. It's a fallacy you've created in order to self justify your totally OTT actions at the time. I'm sure somewhere in there, deep down, you appreciate that. You simply got very angry and went hyper, in a totally unacceptable way. I wasn't about to accept that (who would?) and that's why you were suspended. These are small chat forums FFS, not the centre of the bleedin' universe. If you get that intense, chances are you're taking it far too seriously and should perhaps step back. There are one or two others in here who would benefit from that advice, too.

As far as "went crying" is concerned, you yourself, several times, wrote to Admin to complain about what you construed as "personal abuse". I disagree with that interpretation and judging by the lack of response so did Admin. In fact, you've done the same, with similar results, in here previously. So I think you're being a tad hypocritical. You are not averse to "running to Admin" yourself and for much less reason than I had. Nevertheless, at the time, I spoke to them and asked that you shouldn't be suspended and have regretted that you were but - there you go.

Where Paphitis is concerned I am certain that nothing I've said to him has contributed to the way he feels about you. Furthermore, he's been a member of the other forum for quite some time, including the Debate section, obviously under an alternate nom de plume and using a surprisingly different style of posting. So he will I'm sure have been well aware of some of the altercations we've previously had. What I certainly haven't done is to deliberately wind him up to the point where he appears and starts poking you in the chest.

I don't want to interfere with your discourse in here and certainly have no desire to become a combatant in your endless wars but if you keep making derogatory comments about me I will do so.

As far as your latest buzz word "libelous" is concerned, well, you're no angel, which of course is all a matter of record.

What I will add is that your current (interminable) war is with Paphitis; however, I can't recall a time in the past 7 years when you weren't involved in bitter exchanges with somebody or other. I was simply one of many. Nevertheless, despite the number of people who have walked away from forums because of you, or simply refuse to engage in any meaningful exchanges, you still seem to persist with the odd idea that you are in some way an innocent and even sometimes bullied, victim.

If you leave me alone - I will reciprocate. What's your pleasure?

Page 16
• Paphitis again:
He told me in no uncertain terms that he had enough of hoodwinked in particular because of the nature of his posts being an apologist for Pootin which he deplores as much as Trump, if not more, and he didn't appreciate the excessive propaganda.
• .... and again:
He is the direct opposite of hoodwinked who isn't at all respected or even achknowledged by most Brits because everyone that gets to know him quickly comes to the realisation that he is a toxic and vicious vitriolic little prick that has absolutely no respect for anyone else other than himself.
Page 17
• ....and again:
mate, I am not interested in debating with the nasty little old fart.

he only posts rubbish from known propaganda sites and has an enormous chip on his shoulder. he is just anti anything that is Western. In other words, he will only adopt positions that are against capitalism, against banks, against the EU, against NATO, against USA, against other countries like France, Australia, Canada and many more, and very pro Russia, Iran and Assad.
Page 18
Then comes London rakes EULOGY !!!! :roll: Again just personal attacks he just spreads his wings a bit more. And what did that actually have to do with the Skripal incident?
Page 19
• London rake attacking GR now ....... What a wonderful, well psychologically adjusted - total moron you are. You have really serious mental problems mate. You should seek help, if you know what I - in your usual 2 bottle posting shiraz language - fucking mean. Marios
• Paphitis has a dig at RH again:...... Hoodwinked is an entirely different matter altogether.
Page 20
• Paphitis attacking/explaining and talking to his mentor again:
But obviously, when people start going a bit "funny" and personal he will step in as we all witnessed. But only after you get multiple chances. he would warn people time and time again before he acted.

You would have to really piss him off to get a suspension of 12 months.

I really do not think anyone on Cyprus Forum could possibly achieve that except for Hoodwinked and Miltiades. I don't think he would tolerate any of Miltiadis' bullshit between you and I.

He was always pretty welcoming to me. We even conversed for a bit and boy he hated my views on Trump. But that was alright! It was always very civil and there was always respect with one and another and between all the other forumers. Lot's of differing views to. The forum had a pretty nice atmosphere to it. Your Admin should be congratulated for that!

I learned a lot about Hoodwinked on that forum.

Page 20
Another lengthy denunciation by Londonrake .... all personal and of course his side-kick Paphitis has to add his opinion.

Is it any wonder I get pissed-off with the Pinky and Perky double act? Or am I misreading this and just taking it as a personal attack when it isn’t?
Most contributors have made quite a few sensible and rational comments and have added to the broader picture ............ it is just a few that spoil it! :x
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:33 am

If this is true, although IMO it is more likely that the UK secret service would be the probable culprit, the Skripal incident begins to look more and more like a US/UK false flag as every day passes! Peter Koenig has put together this article released by The Saker blog ..... it makes a lot of sense to me. All the time the silent majority in the West, sit on their hands and do nothing ..... the closer we all get to Armageddon. Mind you I have no idea what ‘we’ can actually do.

The same warnings have been coming out of the independent news sites for years only to be laughed off as ‘conspiracy theories’ ..... IMO: these theories are becoming more obviously nearer the truth every day. It becomes even more sinister when you realise how information is being taken down by the authorities as they try to regulate and control the keystone of democracy ‘Freedom of speech and information’.

Russian Exodus from the West - Guest Analyses - by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog

By now the West – the US, Canada, Australia and the super-puppets of Europe, overall more than 25 countries – has expelled more than 130 Russian diplomats. All as punishment for Russia’s alleged nerve gas poisoning of a former Russian / MI6 double-agent, Sergei Skripal (66) and his daughter Yulia (33), who was visiting her father from Moscow. Sergei Skripal lived in the UK for the last seven years, ever since President Putin lifted his prison sentence in 2010 in a spy swap with the UK. The pair, father and daughter, was discovered on 4 March slumped on a park bench in Salisbury, England, not far from Sergei’s home. Apparently traces of the same nerve agent were found at the Skripal home’s door.

Russia in the meantime has started in a tit-for-tat move expelling western diplomats – in a first round 60, plus and closing the US Consulate in St. Petersburg. According to Mr. Lavrov, more will most likely follow. – There will be an exodus and a counter-exodus of diplomats, west-east and east-west. It looks like a Kindergarten at play – but is of course a blatant provocation by the west on Russia and a continuation of the vilification of President Putin – especially after he has just been reelected with an overwhelming majority of over 76%. It’s a provocation with zero substance, to further justify an escalating NATO aggression against Russia. The war-bells are ringing – for a lie, an abject farce, visible to a child. Only the blind, those puppets, because out of fear or out of stupidity, who do not want to see – are supporting this new US instigated, UK executed drive against Russia.

The nerve gas, called Novichok, had been produced by the Soviet Union in the 1970s, but was subsequently banned and destroyed under international supervision. The ‘inventor’ of Novichok lives apparently in the US. Mr. Putin said, if the military-grade Novichok would

Continues ........

Note that Russia is just applying tit-for-tat responses to US/UK/NATO acts which are really a diplomatic war. Now jack that up a bit and look at it from Russias view point. NATO has spent years building up a threat to The Russian Homeland by breaking all the US promises to Gorbachev that NATO would not move 1cm East .... if Russia dismantled the Warsaw pact .... which they did.

The principal of NATO is that '..... an attack on one is an attack on all' . If I were Putin I would also see that as being ' attack by one is an attack by all !' and therein lies the downfall of the Western Alliance. They keep attacking Russia diplomatically, commercially and threaten them constantly in Syria. One single stupid move by the UK driven by that buffoon Johnson and the rest of an inept cabal of incompetent politicians that form the UK Parliament and Government ...... and Russia will strike and that strike will be aimed at ALL the western alliance. They will wipe the US out and then hunker down for the retaliation ...... that will destroy the Planet. Putin has said very clearly "What is the World without Mother Russia ?' .... as I said before it's called the Samson option! He will see the World destroyed if he thinks the West displays an intent to attack Russia and becomes an existential threat to Mother Russia. Nobody wins! :x :cry: :cry:
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:48 am

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake/Paphitis:

The thread is about the Skripal incident not a sounding board for Twinky and Twerky to keep attacking me. So how about either acting like grown up's, which I appreciate both of you might find difficult, or take your bile else where!

If you want to talk about Skripal fine .......... if not go some where else to ply your silly games!

Or, perhaps we should lobby Admin for bigger fonts!


BTW - it's "elsewhere" and "play". Have you been drinking? :wink:

'Are you sure he hasn't been taking anything a little more stronger than just Alcohol? I mean his user-name on the other forum was some kind of Narcotic (ProVox?) so maybe he is a Druggie!

Maybe he is on anti-depressants or some uppers or maybe who is just doing the funky stuff.

It would explain quite a bit! :?
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:20 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake/Paphitis:

The thread is about the Skripal incident not a sounding board for Twinky and Twerky to keep attacking me. So how about either acting like grown up's, which I appreciate both of you might find difficult, or take your bile else where!

If you want to talk about Skripal fine .......... if not go some where else to ply your silly games!

Or, perhaps we should lobby Admin for bigger fonts!


BTW - it's "elsewhere" and "play". Have you been drinking? :wink:

'Are you sure he hasn't been taking anything a little more stronger than just Alcohol? I mean his user-name on the other forum was some kind of Narcotic (ProVox?) so maybe he is a Druggie!

Maybe he is on anti-depressants or some uppers or maybe who is just doing the funky stuff.

It would explain quite a bit! :?

I don't drink very much (Just a beer sometimes), I don't smoke, still have all my own teeth, have perfect blood pressure, don't need a hearing aid and I've never taken drugs. I take no medication except drops for glaucoma, You obviously did not do Latin at school otherwise you would know what ProVox actually means, in fact you obviously were absent for most of the English language classes also. But then you demonstrate quite clearly you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. :roll:

But maybe this will explain something to you as you keep spouting off as if you actually know something you know nothing about ..........................

I have taken this from the ‘Quit complaining’ thread .....

There is such an Admin on a Cypriot Forum for Brits. This Admin wasn't controlling at all and in fact was very popular to say the least. I think only one person didn't like him and he is currently here after he got suspended for going all stupid and personal.

Just to put the record straight ..... Steve is a very nice guy and I got on with him very well, I cannot say the same for your mentor Mr.TIBBS/Londonrake/Charlie B.

These are the last two e-mails between myself and SJD, which clearly refutes your comment. My suspension was down to the actions of one person when he didn’t like me doing to him what he was doing to me. Stupid of me to retaliate, maybe that is what he wanted as he is doing the same on this forum and I stupidly fell into the trap. So my suspension was down to one man..... TIBBS/Londonrake ..... and had nothing to do with my opinions or views but my stupidity in responding to his bullying, which I might add GR has also identified as his trait on this forum.

Not being satisfied with his success on the Cyprus Eastern forum .... he then follows me here, just a few months later and starts all over again.

Just read them! Do you see history repeating itself ? Same attacker, same MO, same poison, same personal attacks, same resorting to historic events and the same resorting to acquiring idiots to support him. It’s all in these two e-mails! The only thing missing is the open or PM’d threats ........ if he should make any via PM, I will post them.

As you will see, I tried time and time again to stop the bullying with no effect. I appealed to SJD and he did nothing about it. I then threatened TIBBS (Londonrake) after he insinuated that ‘others’ wanted him to join them and ‘get me’. He added several times ‘tic-toc-tic-toc’ to his post, which naturally I took as a threat and his countdown to something unpleasant. Unfortunately he has fed you a load of distorted crap, at which he is a master, and, like the buffoon you are, you fell for it all.

Now he brings his poisonous and vindictive personality to this forum and he has you as his useful idiot! But this time it is not only me but others he is attacking, but I am still his primary target. He is a washed out, brain washed ex-military who craves for the days he was a ‘somebody’ and wishes he was still fighting the USSR and the Cold War like he was decades ago in the 60-70’s. Hence his hatred of all the same things you hate and just as illogically.

If you check the’ Skripal’ thread, in spite of Londonrake making several posts, several of them bordering on a missive of epic proportions, not one of them contributed ANYTHING to the thread ..... not one thing! So GR was very correct with his observations. I will give you your due, you do make some comments no matter how irrational but mainly you just divert the topic to something that gives you the opportunity to expound your Western MSM propaganda.

-----Original Message-----
From: ProVox
Sent: 14 August 2017 19:35
To: SJD Cyprus Eastern Forum Admin
Subject: Thank you for your e-mail ......


Thank you very much for your polite reply. I am sorry you are involved but I
only had two options. I could turn to you or leave! But why should I
allow a bully to drive me away?

From my point of view, my only guilt in this, is that I eventually give in
and tackle him head on. Ignoring him does not work it only emboldens him
to make more wild personal attacks, almost as if he is playing to an audience.

I have e-mailed him and told him there is now a red line and he steps over
that at his peril. Because of the way he thinks, he has assumed I mean to
break the law and physically go for him. In fact it is the exact opposite
...... Deleted by me, I won't give away secrets that I may need in the future ........
will bring him down with a very hard bump that will cost him dear.

I know a lot about this man and the one thing I know for sure, having seen
it many times is that he frequently drinks and drives! If he ceases to
continually attack me (Bullying) he has nothing to fear from me.
If he
continues to act the way he has in the past, well ...........

I have also told him that if he attempts to carry out any form of physical
action against me, my family or my property, with or without the support of
others, then all hell will break loose and yes it will become a physical
confrontation as well as involving the law. I am 6'2", 100kg, I am fit and
healthy and have spent the last 25 years of my working life on major construction projects in the
ME. Since my school days I have never started nor got involved with
fights. As a senior engineer I have broken up a few, so although I am now
in my 76th year I can look after myself and for TIBB's I would be a
formidable foe. All he needs to do, is stop doing what he is doing, it is
as simple as that and only a directive as such from you will achieve that on
the forum.

I do not seek confrontation on a personal level every time I post, dished
out as a string of sarcasm, ridicule and his personal opinion of me. If he
wants to confront my views/opinions sensibly, with that I have no problem, is
that not what a forum is all about?

Once again I apologise for getting you involved.


His reply .................

-----Original Message-----
From: SJD Cyprus Eastern Forum
Sent: 19 August 2017 04:40
To: ProVox
Subject: Forum Membership

Hi Alan,

Many thanks for your email and hope that you are well!

I have noted the comments in your recent email and wanted to take time to go
through the others and also through the emails sent from Charlie.

I had initially hoped that you two could resolve your differences or at
least co-exist on the forum. Unfortunately that doesn't appear likely any
time soon and the bad feelings between yourselves is almost palpable.

Whilst I have no desire to restrict reasonable & legitimate debate the
previous examples you both have displayed are far from that.
I have to consider the membership as a whole and cannot allow any member or members to be repeatedly disruptive. Nor can it be acceptable to allow any
member or members to consume a disproportionate amount of time unreasonably.

I think we can both agree that this is not the first time I have had to get
involved in disputes that you have been at the centre of.

Unfortunately it has also come to my attention that you have sent a
threatening email to the Mr Tibbs account through the forum. I have taken
into consideration your comments in the previous email regarding the email
and Charlie's perception of it. However after reading the relevant parts in
the email for myself the only impartial conclusion that I can arrive at is
that they were indeed threatening.

Using the forum to transmit such messages is strictly prohibited and
contrary to our terms & conditions. In addition on a solely personal level
it is not something I ever want to see happening nor something I will

Given all the above and after careful consideration I am left with no
alternative other than to suspend your membership of the forum effective

I appreciate that this action will not be welcomed but I have not taken the
decision lightly and it's not one that is open for discussion.


Cyprus Eastern Forum

History repeating itself? A good bit different to your version!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:54 pm

Just had a look at that place… didn’t see any political debates there, which begs the question… what on Earth were you doing there RH? :?

Maybe it’s for the better you moved here…
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