Well mate, it looks like you are all FUCKED!
If the CIA is that good (and they are good), then Pootin better just give up. His days of impunity are OVER!
Now I'm not so sure about Aliens and ET, but UFOs are a possibility. Nothing more like the F117, B1 and B2. Arthur and Martha see these things flying around in the desert testing something like chaff-flares or firing some cruise missiles, and viola, UFO central baby. Of course I could be wrong too.
But yes, there are secret technologies. The West DOES NOT reveal everything or make claims like their planes and missiles are unbeatable like Pootin does. But there are secret prototypes flying in places like Arizona and Woomera. There are also secret airfields in the middle of the desert which do not appear on a map with 4000m runways. And all are UFO hotspots.
Lot's of Russians working at Woomera as well, testing all kinds of ballistics. Probably also testing many other illegal and secretive things.
One of Australia's top spies (now deceased) was a Russian Pontian (KGB trained), married to a Greek Girl. Son was an Australian Naval Officer too (and a friend of mine). He spoke Greek fluently, and also Ancient Greek. He was spying on all the Greek Community but in particular all Cypriots and was responsible for vetting them into Australia. He was one of the most vicious anti Russians on the planet. He had dossiers on virtually every prominent Cypriot and Russian in Australia. The Australian Government knew everyone's affiliations and associations in Cyprus and they were especially interested in AKEL members back in the day. I know, it sounds silly but back in the day, AKEL members and supporters were not welcome in Australia.
Of course the truth is only between the 2 extreme claims. Yes, Intelligence Agencies have some control in EVERY country but in particular in Echelon 5 eye nations and totalitarian countries like Pootin's Russia. Not sure about controlling the media though. In Western Countries we have a completely free media and press. Maybe not the case in Russia though. They do not the kind of control that attacks other countries with Chemical Warfare (except in Russia's case), even though they do have that capability themselves and they can also assassinate people they don't like. The West just wouldn't use Chemical Agents when they can eliminate people with other undetectable means which make it look like a natural death or cardiac arrest. Way's which are probably very stealthy too.
But yeh, there are so many secret things which are suppressed from the media. Hence why we have The State Secret's Act in Australia.
Even entire maps are changed. Underground car-parks at avoid Satellites, secret missile programs, satellite espionage, cyberwarfare, and probably a lot more than that.
And the West is way ahead of the game I'm afraid. Allied Western nations also collaborate with each other. For instance the 5 eyes or Echelon Network between USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and NZ. And Echelon and 5 eyes, collaborate with ALL of NATO and some Asian countries too. They share intelligence. What they have is a network no one can escape from.
Russia doesn't have this.
And yes, the 5 eyes now more about YOU and Russia than you will ever know about them.
Australia just evicted Russian Diplomats from Canberra as spies. Doesn't go far enough, but its a start. Expect more countries like Canada and New Zealand to do the same. Also, I fear that Western Countries are ging to boycott The World Cup. I just took out insurance because I bought a World Cup package.
BTW, CIA is small fry. People keep talking about CIA and ASIO/ASIC and no nothing about NSA and Defence Signals in Australia.
The focus is on the kindergarten rather than the real deal. Just like they like it too.