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The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:19 am

Londonrake wrote:Last August, on a thread about North Korea, we had one of our occasional disagreements :lol: After what you refered to as a number of "personal abuse" posts (actually, it amounted to nothing more than my calling a spade a spade) you started what was to become a very acrimonious exchange ( you always start them). When it got to the point of your posting a tome, Admin deleted it all. This made you very, very angry. In response you sent me a very silly PM. You wrote of a "reaction" if I dared contribute a further post, which in your personal judgement crossed a self appointed red line. It left little to the imagination and included the threatened involvement of third parties. Apparently Russian, Polish and Cypriot friends of yours. Frankly, given your previous demonstration of a capacity to involve third parties in your internet squabbles, it worried me. It seems my reporting that clear breach of forum rules to Admin made me a "spineless bully", although, your complaining about what you perceive as personal abuse to him and your penchant for involving other people off-forum in your squabbles is something entirely different. The stuff of heroes? :roll:

At no time in that poison pen PM did you suggest that your angrygram was in response to some sort of phantom threat against you that I had made. Consequently, and against my wishes, you were suspended. That is what happened. I didn't get you suspended, you did, by your tendency to let emotional instability rule your actions. You have done it time and time again but for some reason have never learned the lesson.

If you have a problem remembering this then I would be happy to post the message you sent to me. I have it as page one on a file which, when I sought legal advice 6 months ago, I was advised to keep.

Yeh the Admin on the other forum is truly an extremely nice guy. Also extremely astute and he always had his finger on the pulse so to speak.

He never overstepped the mark either and generally left everyone to their own devices. It is a low moderation forum.

But obviously, when people start going a bit "funny" and personal he will step in as we all witnessed. But only after you get multiple chances. he would warn people time and time again before he acted.

You would have to really piss him off to get a suspension of 12 months. :lol:

I really do not think anyone on Cyprus Forum could possibly achieve that except for Hoodwinked and Miltiades. I don't think he would tolerate any of Miltiadis' bullshit between you and I.

He was always pretty welcoming to me. We even conversed for a bit and boy he hated my views on Trump. :lol: But that was alright! It was always very civil and there was always respect with one and another and between all the other forumers. Lot's of differing views to. The forum had a pretty nice atmosphere to it. Your Admin should be congratulated for that! :D

I learned a lot about Hoodwinked on that forum.

Nice guy. Send him my regards.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:41 am

Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:Last August, on a thread about North Korea, we had one of our occasional disagreements :lol: After what you refered to as a number of "personal abuse" posts (actually, it amounted to nothing more than my calling a spade a spade) you started what was to become a very acrimonious exchange ( you always start them). When it got to the point of your posting a tome, Admin deleted it all. This made you very, very angry. In response you sent me a very silly PM. You wrote of a "reaction" if I dared contribute a further post, which in your personal judgement crossed a self appointed red line. It left little to the imagination and included the threatened involvement of third parties. Apparently Russian, Polish and Cypriot friends of yours. Frankly, given your previous demonstration of a capacity to involve third parties in your internet squabbles, it worried me. It seems my reporting that clear breach of forum rules to Admin made me a "spineless bully", although, your complaining about what you perceive as personal abuse to him and your penchant for involving other people off-forum in your squabbles is something entirely different. The stuff of heroes? :roll:

At no time in that poison pen PM did you suggest that your angrygram was in response to some sort of phantom threat against you that I had made. Consequently, and against my wishes, you were suspended. That is what happened. I didn't get you suspended, you did, by your tendency to let emotional instability rule your actions. You have done it time and time again but for some reason have never learned the lesson.

If you have a problem remembering this then I would be happy to post the message you sent to me. I have it as page one on a file which, when I sought legal advice 6 months ago, I was advised to keep.

Yeh the Admin on the other forum is truly an extremely nice guy. Also extremely astute and he always had his finger on the pulse so to speak.

He never overstepped the mark either and generally left everyone to their own devices. It is a low moderation forum.

But obviously, when people start going a bit "funny" and personal he will step in as we all witnessed. But only after you get multiple chances. he would warn people time and time again before he acted.

You would have to really piss him off to get a suspension of 12 months. :lol:

I really do not think anyone on Cyprus Forum could possibly achieve that except for Hoodwinked and Miltiades. I don't think he would tolerate any of Miltiadis' bullshit between you and I.

He was always pretty welcoming to me. We even conversed for a bit and boy he hated my views on Trump. :lol: But that was alright! It was always very civil and there was always respect with one and another and between all the other forumers. Lot's of differing views to. The forum had a pretty nice atmosphere to it. Your Admin should be congratulated for that! :D

I learned a lot about Hoodwinked on that forum.

Nice guy. Send him my regards.

Try sticking to the context of the thread instead of Trolling!

Yes .... an interesting view from your Mentor although it is of course just his personal perception but very distorted and cherry picked! Sorry Paphitis .... I'm not taking your bait!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:35 pm

Londonrake wrote:At some point I did try to tone things down and be conciliatory but GR just threw it back in my face. As did RH when, out of simple courtesy, I offered him and his wife a drink at Christmas in my club.

So, I hear you Paphitis, understand and thank you. Plus, if GR wants a beer then, with you there, as referee, I will go for it. I am not holding my breath though and I'm certainly not somebody who will be intimidated, either on here or out there. :D

If you went up to Nicosia and went to his shop and visited him and said "C'mon mate, let's have a beer", he would go with and have a beer.

It's good that you offered him on this forum, and to fling it back in your face is poor form. But Christmas for the average Cypriot family is a pretty big event as it is for Brits too, but you can imagine that family for a Cypriot means pretty much every man and their dog in the village. He probably would not have been able to accept your offer.

He will meet you, I have no doubt. He isn't a bad person ok. Both of you and nice guys. But he is Cypriot. Stubborn and all that.

But of course, I would be happy to be the referee. We will catch up one day.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:50 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:At some point I did try to tone things down and be conciliatory but GR just threw it back in my face. As did RH when, out of simple courtesy, I offered him and his wife a drink at Christmas in my club.

So, I hear you Paphitis, understand and thank you. Plus, if GR wants a beer then, with you there, as referee, I will go for it. I am not holding my breath though and I'm certainly not somebody who will be intimidated, either on here or out there. :D

If you went up to Nicosia and went to his shop and visited him and said "C'mon mate, let's have a beer", he would go with and have a beer.

It's good that you offered him on this forum, and to fling it back in your face is poor form. But Christmas for the average Cypriot family is a pretty big event as it is for Brits too, but you can imagine that family for a Cypriot means pretty much every man and their dog in the village. He probably would not have been able to accept your offer.

He will meet you, I have no doubt. He isn't a bad person ok. Both of you and nice guys. But he is Cypriot. Stubborn and all that.

But of course, I would be happy to be the referee. We will catch up one day.

If you want to have a love affair with Londonrake why don't you do it via PM's, as you normally do ? I don't think any of us is interested in your trying to boost your self esteem offering to act as a match maker! So, please, its a thread I started and I would like to keep it on the subject of the OP not as a sounding board for your sycophantic tripe!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:33 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
We have applied and tried to join multiple times.
What do you suggest? Go bend our ass to Turkey to convince her lift her veto??

No that isn't what I am suggesting. Apply and sit back is the best thing Cyprus can do. If Cyprus applies to join NATO, the application would be welcomed by everyone except for Turkey.

It will give the USA just another little reason to not like Turkey, because the Americans would be very welcoming to Cyprus joining NATO as would all the other countries like France, UK and Germany.

Pyrpolizer wrote:If you count them they are actually 6 including Cyprus. Finland itself has borders with Russia.

Yes but as I said earlier, that is with regard to NATO. And non of the 6 were ever real friendly with Russia and I believe all of them have sent Russian Diplomats on their merry way back to Russia. Countries like Austria, Sweden, Finland and Ireland are pretty much de-facto NATO. They are still allies and none ever tried courting the USSR or even like Pootin.

Pyrpolizer wrote:This is an argument often heard from people who either know nothing on how this could be done or total ignorants of the history of the Republic.
May I remind you that both before as well as after 1974 we were proposed various plans for official partition of the island that also included handling a huge part of Karpasia to the Americans to build a base.The 2 British bases would also stay. So not only we would be officially partitioned, we would on top of it, not even be Nato members, as all other normal member countries are. We would simply be Nato servants.

Yes that's right! They tried to offer you official partition and ENOSIS with both Greece and Turkey. They thought they would offer would most people were wanting. Union with the motherlands. It suited them and their interests because it takes Makarios and his AKEL supporters out of the picture and places Cyprus firmly under NATO control.

If we were smart, we would have turned around and let them have their little base, re-affirmed to them The RoC's dejure status as a UN member state and applied to join NATO. They would have accepted that because it would immediately remove their concerns they had about Cyprus being the thorn in its underbelly in the Mediterranean.

Pyrpolizer wrote:Secondly, when exactly do you think the Republic should have applied to join Nato? Do you have any idea about the limitations of our constitution? Do you e.g. know that presumably we were "quaranteed" by 3 Nato members? Do you know that according to the constitution Cyprus should not have a real army but a small force of about 400 men (40% of which should be TCs) armed a bit heavier than simple police? Do you know that the National Guard was actually unconstitutional?
So on what grounds do you think we should have applied to join Nato?
And why Nato should not laugh at us idiots who had nothing but a small army of clowns to offer, let aside the rest of the limitations of our constitution?

This argument that Cyprus should have joined NATO might theoretically look right, in practice however is as naïve as it can get.

I wouldn't worry about the Constitution. You do not need a huge army to be a member of NATO. And the Constitution actually allows for a Standing Army of 2000, not 400. 2,000 is plenty enough to join NATO. It is about the same size as The Australian Defence Force is on a per capita basis (do the sums) and Australia is an Associate Member of NATO (it attends all NATO summits) and it is a member of ANZUS which is an organization that is exactly the same as NATO.

Whatever obstacles you think the Constitution may pose is nothing if America puts its 10 cents worth in. If America wants cyprus to be in NATO, then Cyprus will be in NATO. In the 1960s, there was a far better chance of this occurring because Turkey may have not vetoed the application.

Pyrpolizer wrote:Do you still insist Putin is an atheist??
Not only he is not, he is deeply religious , as all other people who go pray at mount Atho

This means nothing Pyro. It does not prove that Pootin isn't Atheist like he actually claimed to be some years ago.

he is a politician, taking the populist route. Just like in Australia you have Atheist politicians attend Orthodox churches and even cross themselves especially around election times in order to attract the Hellenic vote.

I have seen it with my own eyes. Politicians that would call Christians "as out there with the fairy-tales and flying fairies" would go to Catholic, Lutheran and Orthodox Churches and even appear to be Christian and laugh behind everyone's backs. It is actually quite sickening.

The only sure thing is that his Mum is an Orthodox Christian. You can not say that Pootin is Christian because he always claimed to be a secular Atheist but he did wear a cross according to the above video.

What I am trying to tell you is, you do not know what his beliefs are. They only do what is politically prudent to do.

In the old days, he had no problem at all in denouncing The Orthodox Church and declare himself an Atheist. It would have been a requirement for him to do so, and he had no problem in complying. Now you claim he has done a 180 degree change. But why? Is it because he believes or because it makes political sense? I take his initial stance. Because if someone was truly a Christian, then they would not have sold their soul to the devil and become a Party endorsed KGB operative.

Pyrpolizer wrote:It looks you didn’t even read the link I gave you. Today it’s quite the opposite, less than half are the numbers of young Cypriots studying abroad compared to 20-30 years ago. The reason is because we now have our own Universities. Greece is the #1 preference for those who study abroad follwed by the UK. That’s it, very few in other countries including the USA.
As for your assumption that those who study in the UK or elsewhere abroad get more prominent positions in the Government (compared to the past) it’s just not true.
The biggest number of public servants were always the teachers, the vast majority of which graduated either the University of Cyprus or some other University in Greece.

I don't think you understand.

If about half of Cypriot youth are being educated in the UK and the USA, then obviously the UK and the USA are going to be very big influences in the lives of those Cypriots and those Cypriots will eventually return to Cyprus as more worldly citizens and be more sympathetic to the UK and USA because potentially the UK and USA will also be a second country to them.

In the old days Pyro, there were many Cypriots who thought that all Americans were like John Wayne Cowboys, and that most of them would get stoned by smoking cannabis joints and so on. They believed that all Americans would get high on Crack Cocaine at Woodstock whilst having lots of Anal Sex and singing John Lennon songs whilst tripping out of their brains.

It's like how some Americans think Aussies have pet kangaroos in their backyards and that we all wrestle crocodiles for a living. :lol:

These barriers have fallen down. Gone are the days where Cypriots had these pre-conceived ideas about Americans or Russians because of the Orthodox faith. Cypriot kids are far more intelligent today.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:15 pm

You think I am joking. But can any Cypriot fully appreciate how much paranoia actually existed about AKEL in the 60s, 70s and even the 80s even in Australia?

It was like AKEL was the Boogey man. How do i know that?

Well throughout a very long period of time, Australia was spying on the Cypriot Community in Australia and opening dossier files on suspected AKEL sympathizers and supporters.

And how did they do this? They were using fluent Greek Speakers to infiltrate within Church and Community Committees and Brotherhoods. There was even a situation where one of these Agents was a Russian Orthodox who just so happen new how to speak Greek more fluent than anyone and was an extremely intelligent person to boot and worked the community like a sport! He was a defector too.

The situation got so ridiculous that Cypriots were inviting ASIO Agents to weekend barbecues and Souvla.

Can you see what was going on? It was only a matter of time before they screw you.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:34 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Once again the usual names divert the thread into a personal attack on others.

But it wasn't a personal attack. It was a response. You're being hypocritical. In the aforementioned OP (Russian man hounded out of his country) the initial post was a reasonable, debatable view. It was your derogatory remarks and GR's foul-mouthed, drunken ranting that were attacks. Read it again and tell me that both of your posts were in any way reasonable. You're a pair of bullying ( :lol: keyboard warrior) *****

Robin Hood wrote:The worst offenders Londonrake and Paphitis for dragging every thread they express their opinion on down to the personal stuff .......... and others, including myself, who are mostly just guilty of actually daring to defend themselves, with some using more colourful language than others.

It's not "colourful" it's offensive - and he knows it.

You're again being hypocritical. I could drag up pages of your contemptuous and scornful posts. Over 7 years, I've lost count of the number of people who have descended into acrimony with you. Despite that, you still somehow just don't seem to get it.

Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake ..... you have a poisonous mouth and it is very clear who is feeding Paphitis' bile and hatred ...YOU! He has never met me. he gets it ALL form you.

Do I? :? I suspect that after years of reading your posts he has formed his own opinion. Established long before I came here. Still, he hasn't turned up to poke you in the chest yet - has he? That might just be quid pro quo. :wink:

Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake and Paphitis .... a message for both.

Why don't the pair of you quit this forum and take your opinions of others with you to your other Cyprus forum? In fact why don't you enter a civil partnership, you deserve one another? I think most of us would be quite relieved to see the back of both of you.......... I know I would!

So that you can just broadcast your opinions to the masses? Is that what you want? Fine by me. Without Paphitis to bounce off you are just talking to yourself. With the occasional "Good post RH". That's "debate" then? You're the same as GR. "We" "Most of us". There are actually a lot of people in here who think for themselves, not slavish sheep to those who shout the loudest. Like I said - leave me alone and I will reciprocate. Get it?

Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake ...... your 'eulogy' was no more than a load of self opinionated, heavily loaded and one sided rubbish as is usual. But then this has always been your MO ..... insult/ridicule others and their opinions and then get offensively sarcastic when they defend themselves or their views. Your eulogy really wasn't worth reading and I refuse to (Yet again)waste my time on a reply to defend myself.

Defend? Ahh, you are the bullied victim. :roll: :lol:

Because you can't. You sent me a blatant threat of violence, involving your supposed friends. In that respect you have form. You did it in anger and have since clearly regretted it and done nothing but try to distance yourself. There was never any threat to you - to me it's just a chat site - you contrived the phantom threats in order to try and justify your mistake. Let's be honest - you lied :o . That's what got you a year's ban on a site which, in my 7 years of experience, is unprecedented. :o

Robin Hood wrote:So go away little man and take the Koala with you!!!! :x :x :arrow:

I'm not little and although I'm sure it's a comforting thought "shape" has nothing to do with it.

You're a victim of your life experiences. Bitter. I understand and sympathise but it's no excuse for your net manner. These forums give you somewhere to make yourself feel better about it. But it's sometimes at other's expense.

Now, I truly didn't want to get into all of this. You clearly belong here - in an eternal war with Paphitis. Your repeatedly bringing my name into petty squabbles is irritating though. If you want to carry this on - ad infinitum - then I'm your man - but you know from past experience what that means. Otherwise, perhaps you should try something new? Shut up about me and just get on with your normal business here?
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:44 pm

Londonrake wrote:Now, I truly didn't want to get into all of this. You clearly belong here - in an eternal war with Paphitis. Your repeatedly bringing my name into petty squabbles is irritating though. If you want to carry this on - ad infinitum - then I'm your man - but you know from past experience what that means. Otherwise, perhaps you should try something new? Shut up about me and just get on with your normal business here?

No he doesn't. He doesn't belong here.

As I made clear a long time ago, I do not even read his posts. he doesn't exist as far as I am concerned.

He isn't on my radar.

I made this decision because I believe the person to be extremely irrational, vindictive, and very abusive. I don't want to read his vitriol.

As you all know at the other forum, he is a very sad and toxic human being. Life is too short to be caught up in this kind of negativity. Engaging him also means going round and round in circles in a self perpetuating cycle which is nothing but self=defeating and a waste of energy.

I have nothing at all to gain or learn from the individual.

I am happy talking with other members of the forum. There is something clearly wrong with the chap.

I'm happy to engage with you. I read your posts and am thankful for your contributions. I hope you don't go anywhere.

Besides, I know GR is starting to like you. :lol:

Any chance we can get the other Admin here too? He's pretty cool!
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:54 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:Now, I truly didn't want to get into all of this. You clearly belong here - in an eternal war with Paphitis. Your repeatedly bringing my name into petty squabbles is irritating though. If you want to carry this on - ad infinitum - then I'm your man - but you know from past experience what that means. Otherwise, perhaps you should try something new? Shut up about me and just get on with your normal business here?

No he doesn't. He doesn't belong here.

As I made clear a long time ago, I do not even read his posts. he doesn't exist as far as I am concerned.

He isn't on my radar.

I made this decision because I believe the person to be extremely irrational, vindictive, and very abusive. I don't want to read his vitriol.

As you all know at the other forum, he is a very sad and toxic human being. Life is too short to be caught up in this kind of negativity. Engaging him also means going round and round in circles in a self perpetuating cycle which is nothing but self=defeating and a waste of energy.

I have nothing at all to gain or learn from the individual.

I am happy talking with other members of the forum. There is something clearly wrong with the chap.

I'm happy to engage with you. I read your posts and am thankful for your contributions. I hope you don't go anywhere.

Besides, I know GR is starting to like you. :lol:

Any chance we can get the other Admin here too? He's pretty cool!

GR needs perhaps to learn the meaning of the expression "a truce". So far, any attempt upon my part has been spat back in my face. I would think by now, he might just understand that I can give as good as I get.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:01 pm


The thread is about the Skripal incident not a sounding board for Twinky and Twerky to keep attacking me. So how about either acting like grown up's, which I appreciate both of you might find difficult, or take your bile else where!

If you want to talk about Skripal fine .......... if not go some where else to ply your silly games!
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