Robin Hood wrote:Anyway .... let's get back to the thread, shall we?
So it seems. Things have moved on, as they generally do.
However, you didn't seem to pick up on my last remark so I have to take issue. That's down to you. You have never been one to not have the last word, even when your opponent is clearly
trying to tie things off and about to walk away. So be it.
Robin Hood wrote:I see you recognised yourself and for the record. my suspension was down to you and you alone, nobody else and all because of what you have demonstrated here ......... and Paphitis does time-and-time-again ......... trot out personal insults and references to events that having nothing to do with matters on the Forum when I won’t bow down to a certain point of view that you promote. You resort to an 'aloof' sarcasm, he resorts to stupidity!
Robin HoodYou have always had a capacity to adopt views, with absolute belief, as though, with just the wave of some sort of intellectual magic wand. At times even the most absurd views.
I don't like to cross-pollinate forums but here is the truth. Admin on your old site is a very switched on guy. Deleted posts are rare, with edited ones clearly marked so and an accompanying explanation but - again - infrequently. He knows what he's doing and moreover he is very tolerant of diverse views.
Nevertheless, you have been suspended from that site for what is now looking like 12 months. He would not have done something so unusually radical if it was a simple case of your responding to a threat from me. There never was a threat, it's a fantasy and the idea of one to your wife or property is nothing more than a self justifying excuse for your appalling behaviour.
Last August, on a thread about North Korea, we had one of our occasional disagreements

After what you refered to as a number of "personal abuse" posts (actually, it amounted to nothing more than my calling a spade a spade) you started what was to become a very acrimonious exchange ( you always start them). When it got to the point of your posting a tome, Admin deleted it all. This made you very, very angry. In response you sent me a very silly PM. You wrote of a "reaction" if I dared contribute a further post, which in your personal judgement crossed a self appointed red line. It left little to the imagination and included the threatened involvement of third parties. Apparently Russian, Polish and Cypriot friends of yours. Frankly, given your previous demonstration of a capacity to involve third parties in your internet squabbles, it worried me. It seems my reporting that clear breach of forum rules to Admin made me a "spineless bully", although, your complaining about what you perceive as personal abuse to him and your penchant for involving other people off-forum in your squabbles is something entirely different. The stuff of heroes?
At no time in that poison pen PM did you suggest that your angrygram was in response to some sort of phantom threat against you that I had made. Consequently, and against my wishes, you were suspended. That is what happened. I didn't get you suspended, you did, by your tendency to let emotional instability rule your actions. You have done it time and time again but for some reason have never learned the lesson.
If you have a problem remembering this then I would be happy to post the message you sent to me. I have it as page one on a file which, when I sought legal advice 6 months ago, I was advised to keep.
BTW. Absolutely nothing that ever transpired between us even approaches the sort of stuff that takes place between yourself and Paphitis. Although, oddly enough, that never seems to reach the dizzy heights of "libelous".
Hereabouts, your biggest ally seems to be a foul-mouthed drunk, who views all Brits that don't share his views as racist
"cunts" and your home country as "
a shit stain". What does that say about where you are nowadays?
Paphitis.Paphitis and I have been exchanging PMs and emails for quite some time now. I don't keep them but believe that most were about things Australian. We have a mutual interest in defence matters. 20+ years ago I was fortunate in being the Project Manager of a mutual RAF/RAAF software development project and visited them on many occasions. I mainly visited RAAF Edinburgh in Adelaide but also did some presentations to their senior staff at Canberra and Nowra - the Aussie Acoustics Analysis Unit. Of course, it was all the usual programmed, military robotic, inside the box, button pushing stuff.
So, given Paphitis's, what became apparent, quite intimate knowledge of all this stuff we obviously got on fairly well. In particular we have a mutual interest in the new UK/Aus procurement of the Boeing P8 Maritime Patrol Aircraft. I should also add that I checked him out and- surprise, surprise! He is actually what he says he is. Sorry mate.
I am of course the "Great Satan" but much of what Paphitis has said about RH has been gleaned from his membership of another forum. Other than that, I don't really know. I have, for instance, absolutely no bleedin' idea who RH's loved one that he should get in touch with and make up with is.
MiltiladesWhen he lived in London I don't think Milti and I got on at all well. It's a long time ago and all a bit vague. However, since he's been here I think he has mellowed a bit. Anyway, I got around to meeting up with him one evening last June when we shared a bottle or two of very nice Shiraz in a Limassol, beach-side taverna.
II suspect this is one of the few things RH and I would agree upon, Milti is a really very nice guy. A gentleman. We chatted a bit about the forum of course, mainly the people he had met up with (many it seemed). There was absolutely no "Slagging off" At one point I spoke on his phone to his young wife, who seemed like a lovely lady. I appreciate he can be somewhat "animated"

but can say that really, in the flesh, he is the quintessential gentle man. The amount of vitriol he attracts astonishes me.
GROne of my first attempts to enter debate proper on here was to post what I thought was a quite innocuous, counter-view of an event in Russia. Basically, some poor nobody bastard was intimidated, beaten up and in the end had to flee for his life out of the country. That, for something which would be seen as quite routine hereabouts, adverse comments about his country's involvement in a foreign war. All that violence and intimidation, with the authorities not just turning a blind eye but actually encouraging. Yet the irony is that those who echo every syllable out of Moscow simply either can't see or reject it. And they call us "sheep".
My main point being, that we take all our posting here as a God-given freedom, then some who do, defend this sort of country, where they would be on the end of similar treatment.
The result? Well, RH immediately weighs in with his view. That I was just trying to wind GR up. That's my nature you see

And perhaps I was unlucky but maybe it was routine, GR was clearly out of his brains. So, I had all these posts about how, as a Brit, I should spend life on my knees, praying for forgiveness for my nations terrible sins, blah, blah. Apparently the worst on the planet. I think Hiroshima and Nagasaki featured, as did the evil deeds of the SAS (ever checked with RH about those GR?).
IIRC it was something like 50-60 posts, between the 3 of us, before any of the other 2 actually got around to mentioning the OP. Total wankers both. Congratulations though, never again. Agree among yourselves
At some point I did try to tone things down and be conciliatory but GR just threw it back in my face. As did RH when, out of simple courtesy, I offered him and his wife a drink at Christmas in my club.
So, I hear you Paphitis, understand and thank you. Plus, if GR wants a beer then, with you there, as referee, I will go for it. I am not holding my breath though and I'm certainly not somebody who will be intimidated, either on here or out there.
Apart from that, I have no strong feelings about any of the personalities on this forum.