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The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Mar 31, 2018 3:00 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Now come on boys. Kiss and make up.

let me tell you get Real. You and LR got off on the wrong foot. And it escalated from there. And it doesn't help when LR sometimes pulls you up on your posts because he doesn't like you either.

But for God sake, LR is a pretty descent person and an interesting guy. Aso quite a kind and generous human being.

He is the direct opposite of hoodwinked who isn't at all respected or even achknowledged by most Brits because everyone that gets to know him quickly comes to the realisation that he is a toxic and vicious vitriolic little prick that has absolutely no respect for anyone else other than himself.

he also has mental Issues because he gauges his popularity on this forum with clicks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You and RH have a LOT in common… all the attributes I listed earlier on.

But such characteristics are necessary for forum debate and that’s why you and Robin are suitable for the CF, whereas LondonQueer only butts in if there’s a crisis so he can get personal with people.

Basically, he is gossip material but we are academic material so he should return to wherever he came from.

Which forum did he come from anyway… “Sainsburys shopper's support”? :?

mate, I am not interested in debating with the nasty little old fart.

he only posts rubbish from known propaganda sites and has an enormous chip on his shoulder. he is just anti anything that is Western. In other words, he will only adopt positions that are against capitalism, against banks, against the EU, against NATO, against USA, against other countries like France, Australia, Canada and many more, and very pro Russia, Iran and Assad.

I know you agree with some of that, but every now and then you have a bit of balance, plus I do not believe your feelings are personal or anywhere near as vitriolic and uncouth. You also do that because you blame the West and the EU and NATO for the Cyprus situation, which is fair enough position to hold as well.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Mar 31, 2018 3:04 am

Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Londonrake wrote:...
That's just some of the contents of ONE occasion where I dared to post an OP you didn't approve of - on "your" forum. There've been more since.

When you sort your own act out then perhaps you can start credibly dispensing advice to people on how to behave correctly. That being, in a civilised manner. :roll:

I honestly care about CF members I’ve known for a long time; we are a kind of a family here, and can thus sense when the forum hits red... but I'll bluntly admit that I care not for intrusive nobodies like you.

Sorry... :?

Well, better get used to the intrusion sunshine. I don't post much because I appreciate the cliquish nature of this forum and tend to leave you to your own, parochial discussions. However, you're a particularly foul-mouthed - sometimes drunken - poster, who thinks, because of your longevity, that you run this forum. As with the previous post you're also an habitual hypocrite. Example? Talking recently about how all (325 million - you have an amazing gift for stereotyping) Americans have "no moral compass". That when you've boasted openly on a public forum about your sexual dalliances with a client's wife. Don't get me wrong - gripping reading. 8) There are other such incidents.

As a dispassionate observer I don't at all get the impression that you care about anyone particularly on here, other than to feed your own ego. You seem to spend a lot of time taking the piss out of people, or telling newcomers to bugger off - not welcome.

Bad day at Black Rock. :wink:

I agree with Get Real's claim that you butt in and get personal with him sometimes.

For instance, you butted into this conversation after he made his post.

Maybe you should stop doing that too.

Now, why don't you kiss and make up? he is only up the road from you. You should meet up with him. I guarantee you that he is a much better person than Miltiades is - he is witty, smart, quite nice and generous.

Now be good lads and bury the hatchet please! :lol:
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 31, 2018 3:09 am

Paphitis wrote:mate, I am not interested in debating with the nasty little old fart.

he only posts rubbish from known propaganda sites and has an enormous chip on his shoulder. he is just anti anything that is Western. In other words, he will only adopt positions that are against capitalism, against banks, against the EU, against NATO, against USA, against other countries like France, Australia, Canada and many more, and very pro Russia, Iran and Assad.

I know you agree with some of that, but every now and then you have a bit of balance, plus I do not believe your feelings are personal or anywhere near as vitriolic and uncouth. You also do that because you blame the West and the EU and NATO for the Cyprus situation, which is fair enough position to hold as well.

By the same token you can be blind to the West's crimes and hypocrisy, and that's hard for readers like RH to stomach.

I think the solution is to accept that you are in opposing camps and that nobody is ever going to change the opinion of the other, and to just enjoy the odd windup for a laugh.

That's what I do to you... :)
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Mar 31, 2018 3:23 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:mate, I am not interested in debating with the nasty little old fart.

he only posts rubbish from known propaganda sites and has an enormous chip on his shoulder. he is just anti anything that is Western. In other words, he will only adopt positions that are against capitalism, against banks, against the EU, against NATO, against USA, against other countries like France, Australia, Canada and many more, and very pro Russia, Iran and Assad.

I know you agree with some of that, but every now and then you have a bit of balance, plus I do not believe your feelings are personal or anywhere near as vitriolic and uncouth. You also do that because you blame the West and the EU and NATO for the Cyprus situation, which is fair enough position to hold as well.

By the same token you can be blind to the West's crimes and hypocrisy, and that's hard for readers like RH to stomach.

I think the solution is to accept that you are in opposing camps and that nobody is ever going to change the opinion of the other, and to just enjoy the odd windup for a laugh.

That's what I do to you... :)

Not exactly! Some are blind but I am not.

The West has done many crimes. Not only have they done crimes against other countries, but they have even done crimes against so called friendly countries. I give you an example of one such crime.

When the UK and Australia were testing Nuclear Weapons at Maralinga, they had exposed about 1000 of their very own British and Australian Service personnel. That was friggin bad man!

All of these people never lived for more than a decade after that. They claimed that they didn't appreciate the consequences back then, but that is probably nonsense.

That destroyed up to 1000 families which lost a father or a Son. Others conceived afterwards and probably the mutations were inherited into their offspring. It was a deplorable thing that was done.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:42 am


mate, I am not interested in debating with the nasty little old fart.

That is your opinion and nobody can debate with you because you only spout Western propaganda as you admit you never read what is published on these sites. It is also interesting that the same people that feed you with their propaganda want to stop freedom of speech and opinion by using their power over Google and other search engines, to prevent many people accessing this information. Ask yourself “What are they frightened of?” I suggest that maybe it is the TRUTH!

he only posts rubbish from known propaganda sites and has an enormous chip on his shoulder. he is just anti anything that is Western. In other words, he will only adopt positions that are against capitalism, against banks, against the EU, against NATO, against USA, against other countries like France, Australia, Canada and many more, and very pro Russia, Iran and Assad.

Yes, I am against what the West has done to this World at that is driven by the US and the Uk who ..... control the Worlds banking and financial system and it is that fact that has lead all the countries you list to jump on the ‘anti-Russia/Putin’ band wagon because Russia has become a threat to their World dominance.

I have nothing against capitalism ....... just the excesses of capitalism. You have demonstrated in the past that you are all for the principal of every man for himself. I don’t think like you at all, my views are far more socialism orientated. I also believe in the rule of law, which you frequently display is something you believe only applies to others as you feel you are part of the ‘Exceptional Nation’ concept. That is why I have a good deal of respect for Putin because he DOES normally operate within international law.

I know you agree with some of that, but every now and then you have a bit of balance, plus I do not believe your feelings are personal or anywhere near as vitriolic and uncouth. You also do that because you blame the West and the EU and NATO for the Cyprus situation, which is fair enough position to hold as well.

It is you, as you have demonstrated in the many previous posts, that want to make everything personal. I would say to you that the impression you have of me is of your own creation and is so off the mark it is laughable! I say once again just by the things you say, the source of much of it comes from LR. The difference between you and him is that he has a level of intelligence that leaves you in the intellectual dark ages. :roll:
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:49 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:mate, I am not interested in debating with the nasty little old fart.

he only posts rubbish from known propaganda sites and has an enormous chip on his shoulder. he is just anti anything that is Western. In other words, he will only adopt positions that are against capitalism, against banks, against the EU, against NATO, against USA, against other countries like France, Australia, Canada and many more, and very pro Russia, Iran and Assad.

I know you agree with some of that, but every now and then you have a bit of balance, plus I do not believe your feelings are personal or anywhere near as vitriolic and uncouth. You also do that because you blame the West and the EU and NATO for the Cyprus situation, which is fair enough position to hold as well.

By the same token you can be blind to the West's crimes and hypocrisy, and that's hard for readers like RH to stomach.

I think the solution is to accept that you are in opposing camps and that nobody is ever going to change the opinion of the other, and to just enjoy the odd windup for a laugh.

That's what I do to you... :)

Anyway dude, I have put in a good word for you.

You and LR should catch up for a beer or 2. I thoroughly encourage that you make this happen.

The both of you well forget all the nonsense pretty quick smart and you would gain another legitimate friend.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:53 am

Anyway .... let's get back to the thread, shall we?

The Skripal incident begins to look more and more like a US/UK false flag as every day passes! Peter Koenig has put together this article released by The Saker blog ..... it makes a lot of sense to me. All the time the silent majority in the West, sit on their hands and do nothing ..... the closer we all get to Armageddon. Mind you I have no idea what ‘we’ can actually do.

The same warnings have been coming out of the independent news sites for years only to be laughed off as ‘conspiracy theories’ ..... IMO: these theories are becoming more obviously nearer the truth every day. It becomes even more sinister when you realise how information is being taken down by the authorities as they try to regulate and control the keystone of democracy ‘Freedom of speech and information’ by controlling the Internet. Unthinkable even 12 months ago and now a reality. :x :x

Russian Exodus from the West - Guest Analyses by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog.

By now the West – the US, Canada, Australia and the super-puppets of Europe, overall more than 25 countries – has expelled more than 130 Russian diplomats. All as punishment for Russia’s alleged nerve gas poisoning of a former Russian / MI6 double-agent, Sergei Skripal (66) and his daughter Yulia (33), who was visiting her father from Moscow. Sergei Skripal lived in the UK for the last seven years, ever since President Putin lifted his prison sentence in 2010 in a spy swap with the UK. The pair, father and daughter, was discovered on 4 March slumped on a park bench in Salisbury, England, not far from Sergei’s home. Apparently traces of the same nerve agent were found at the Skripal home’s door.

Russia in the meantime has started in a tit-for-tat move expelling western diplomats – in a first round 60, plus and closing the US Consulate in St. Petersburg. According to Mr. Lavrov, more will most likely follow. – There will be an exodus and a counter-exodus of diplomats, west-east and east-west. It looks like a Kindergarten at play – but is of course a blatant provocation by the west on Russia and a continuation of the vilification of President Putin – especially after he has just been re-elected with an overwhelming majority of over 76%. It’s a provocation with zero substance, to further justify an escalating NATO aggression against Russia. The war-bells are ringing – for a lie, an abject farce, visible to a child. Only the blind, those puppets, because out of fear or out of stupidity, who do not want to see – are supporting this new US instigated, UK executed drive against Russia.

The nerve gas, called Novichok, had been produced by the Soviet Union in the 1970s, but was subsequently banned and destroyed under international supervision. The ‘inventor’ of Novichok lives apparently in the US. Mr. Putin said, if the military-grade Novichok had been used there would have been no survivors.

Continues ........

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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:18 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:If Tim Drayton left because of me he has never said so and if he left simply because he didn’t like some of my views he should do exactly what he has done .... don’t comment on forums! :roll:

To be honest I did follow the link Paphitis gave me that presumably included the reason why Tim left .
The fact is I have followed that discussion in the past.
There's nothing in there other than agreement that each one of you guys voted pro or against Brexit based on your own view on the matter.

I don't think Tim left the forum in protest. He just stopped posting as many others already have.
He is a professional translator from English to Turkish and vice versa, and he often presented the forum interesting articles from Turkish papers. He really beleived and hoped Cyprus would get re-united. He was a pro-solution guy.

I think the reasons he stopped posting in the forum are because
a)GC/TC discussions on the CY problem are now totally dead-nobody cares anymore.
b)After Brexit there's nothing interesting in this forum for a British guy who now lives and works in Cyprus to talk about.

Tim Drayton had told me that he was going to cease contributing and he stated quite clearly to me that the reason for this is that the forum has descended to a new low of being pro Assad and Pootin.

Tim was never a supporter of the West like I am, but held both sides in low regard and at the very least both sides as equally culpable and irresponsible. With that in mind, he was no fan of Pootin or Assad, was a supporter of the Arab Spring but was no apologist for the West Either.

He told me in no uncertain terms that he had enough of hoodwinked in particular because of the nature of his posts being an apologist for Pootin which he deplores as much as Trump, if not more, and he didn't appreciate the excessive propaganda.

I can reveal the PM, but I don't think that is appropriate. You can probably PM him yourself and ask him directly. He may choose to respond to you.

OK thanks that explains it all.
I disagree with him that the forum is turning to something pro-Russian.
Each topic is separate, and I think the reason the forum looks as if it's favoring Russia is because of the topics themselves.
I am not good in initiating topics and I really expected someone to open a topic concerning Putin's free ticket to Erdogan to Invade Syria and massacre the Kurds in Afrin.That couldn't be pro Russian! Nobody did it though...

I like RH for his revolutionary ideas, but never had a chance to hear his views on something that's obviously a Russian misconduct.
The Afrin case could be a good start.

While I understand why Tim stopped posting, I also stopped posting for a long time when there was nothing interesting here.
I know you don't like RH but we have to admit that RH brought revolutionary and interesting ideas in here that brightened up this place. I appreciate him for that, the same way I appreciate your contribution as well, despite the fact that you always side with the authorities and the mainstream.

Without opposing views the forum would be too dull.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Mar 31, 2018 1:19 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
[b]Russian Exodus from the West - Guest Analyses by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog.
Only the blind, those puppets, because out of fear or out of stupidity, who do not want to see – are supporting this new US instigated, UK executed drive against Russia.

I totally agree. It looks these false flag events are going to continue.
And if this happens the only reasonable explanation is the West is either

a)preparing the ground by inventing excuses for a new war. (rather stupid idea since any war with Russia is going to be nuclear) or
b) finding the excuses for spending more of the tax payer's money on useless armaments.

I think it's "b". The UK has just invented a way of financing herself after Brexit by becoming the American commission Agent.
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Re: The Skripal poisoning affair ..... was it Russia/Putin?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Mar 31, 2018 1:46 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:If Tim Drayton left because of me he has never said so and if he left simply because he didn’t like some of my views he should do exactly what he has done .... don’t comment on forums! :roll:

To be honest I did follow the link Paphitis gave me that presumably included the reason why Tim left .
The fact is I have followed that discussion in the past.
There's nothing in there other than agreement that each one of you guys voted pro or against Brexit based on your own view on the matter.

I don't think Tim left the forum in protest. He just stopped posting as many others already have.
He is a professional translator from English to Turkish and vice versa, and he often presented the forum interesting articles from Turkish papers. He really beleived and hoped Cyprus would get re-united. He was a pro-solution guy.

I think the reasons he stopped posting in the forum are because
a)GC/TC discussions on the CY problem are now totally dead-nobody cares anymore.
b)After Brexit there's nothing interesting in this forum for a British guy who now lives and works in Cyprus to talk about.

Tim Drayton had told me that he was going to cease contributing and he stated quite clearly to me that the reason for this is that the forum has descended to a new low of being pro Assad and Pootin.

Tim was never a supporter of the West like I am, but held both sides in low regard and at the very least both sides as equally culpable and irresponsible. With that in mind, he was no fan of Pootin or Assad, was a supporter of the Arab Spring but was no apologist for the West Either.

He told me in no uncertain terms that he had enough of hoodwinked in particular because of the nature of his posts being an apologist for Pootin which he deplores as much as Trump, if not more, and he didn't appreciate the excessive propaganda.

I can reveal the PM, but I don't think that is appropriate. You can probably PM him yourself and ask him directly. He may choose to respond to you.

OK thanks that explains it all.
I disagree with him that the forum is turning to something pro-Russian.
Each topic is separate, and I think the reason the forum looks as if it's favoring Russia is because of the topics themselves.
I am not good in initiating topics and I really expected someone to open a topic concerning Putin's free ticket to Erdogan to Invade Syria and massacre the Kurds in Afrin.That couldn't be pro Russian! Nobody did it though...

I like RH for his revolutionary ideas, but never had a chance to hear his views on something that's obviously a Russian misconduct.
The Afrin case could be a good start.

While I understand why Tim stopped posting, I also stopped posting for a long time when there was nothing interesting here.
I know you don't like RH but we have to admit that RH brought revolutionary and interesting ideas in here that brightened up this place. I appreciate him for that, the same way I appreciate your contribution as well, despite the fact that you always side with the authorities and the mainstream.

Without opposing views the forum would be too dull.


the forum has always been more pro Russian and anti West.

Cyprus in general is that way, although it is tarting to change with the younger generations who have gone to places like UK, USA and Canada for studies. These newer generations of Cypriots are more worldly, and educated, and they are more likely to take a more balanced outlook.

I might also add, that the polarizations of Cypriot societies in the past, is one of the contributing factors of why Cyprus is divided today. We got done because we were non Alligned and on good terms with the East, and that was a huge risk for NATO which they believed needed to be managed. So they split Cyprus into 2 by hatching out their Double Enosis agenda to place Cyprus under Turkey's and Greece's control and hence under NATO control.

Cyprus has been out of step with the International mainstream for a very long time but its starting to turn and the Americans are now getting a foothold on Cyprus more and more. Relations are improving.

The stupidity that pootin is a "brother" through Orthodoxy is just one of the most daft things ever, plus he is an Atheist anyway.

We are like the odd one out in Europe, in the EU and an international anomaly.
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