When you believe your own bullshit you are past redemption.
You have been wrong on just about every thing you spout about. Assad and his forces with the help of Russia have driven ISIS out of Syria. It was ONLY when the Russians joined Assad that the US coalition started bombing them, they were too busy in Iraq and left their proxy terrorists to bring Assad down ...... they failed and in spite of the US and its allies providing finance, training and weapons, plus air support, the SAA is slowly destroying them and the government held areas are now relatively peaceful.
Under President Putin, Russia's esteem in the world has risen by leaps and bounds and the reputation of the Western coalition has gone the opposite way,
As thousands of civilians pour out of Ghouta into the Government controlled areas the one cry you will not hear is 'God Bless America'! It is Assad and Russia, along with Hezbollah and Iran that are getting the gratitude for liberating them from the US backed terrorists.
The US presence in Syria will be very time limited and when the body bags start going home to the USA, the US will pull out and without US support it will be Israel that will be told to '..... shut up and go away!'
You live in a fantasy World devoid of realism.