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Are views expressed by Paphitis reasonable

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Are views expressed by Paphitis on ANYTHING reasonable

Poll ended at Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:28 pm
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1. Yes they are.
Get Real!, Schnauzer
2. No they are a load of old cobblers.
GreekIslandGirl, kurupetos, repulsewarrior
Total votes : 6

Re: Are views expressed by Paphitis reasonable

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:35 pm

You have to sometimes wait a while but sooner or later the other side of the story hits the Independant news media, So a certain members accusations that ‘Pootin did it!’, is sadly lacking in credibility and rather premature. The Russian scientist that released the formula in the US was paid a fortune by the US for the information and, as yet nobody has managed to produce this ‘Novichuk’.

This is a double story with a couple of recent updates ....... but unlike some this guy has credibility and contacts.

The Novichok Story Is Indeed Another Iraqi WMD Scam - By Craig Murray

As recently as 2016 Dr Robin Black, Head of the Detection Laboratory at the UK’s only chemical weapons facility at Porton Down, a former colleague of Dr David Kelly, published in an extremely prestigious scientific journal that the evidence for the existence of Novichoks was scant and their composition unknown.

Craig Murray is an author, broadcaster and human rights activist. He was British Ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004 and Rector of the University of Dundee from 2007 to 2010.

Do you remember David Kelly? He was the UK scientist that MI6 murdered because he was going to spill the beans on the Iraq WMD’s during the lengthy UK enquiry. If it happened today ....... they would blame Putin/Russia. :roll:
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Re: Are views expressed by Paphitis reasonable

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:35 am

miltiades wrote:You must have posted this whilst looking in the mirror. General you are beyond redemption. Why not send us some more humble pies ? Loved the last ones when you were celebrating the fall of Assad !!
What a first class idiot, do you realise than on numerous occasions you take the entire ....front page with crap??

I have no idea what you are talking about. I do not recall celebrating the fall of Assad. You better stop making things up you disgusting and vile old fart!

I do await your humble pie, because in case it hasn't hit you on the forehead like a sledgehammer, it appears that all my predictions have become reality. You claimed victory in Syria.

it isn't too late to retract this idiotic move.
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Re: Are views expressed by Paphitis reasonable

Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:53 am

General, it seems to me thar you are full of shit !! You sent all Humble pies when you thought the coalition had ....won.
By the way General, have YOUR troops achieved ANYTHING in Syria? Assad is still there and getting stronger by the day.
Did you say that Britain was ....attacked by Russia, do you have upto date casualty fugures, or are the casualties on same level as ...Pearl Harbour?
What a fucking idiot.
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Re: Are views expressed by Paphitis reasonable

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:00 am

miltiades wrote:General, it seems to me thar you are full of shit !! You sent all Humble pies when you thought the coalition had ....won.
By the way General, have YOUR troops achieved ANYTHING in Syria? Assad is still there and getting stronger by the day.
Did you say that Britain was ....attacked by Russia, do you have upto date casualty fugures, or are the casualties on same level as ...Pearl Harbour?
What a fucking idiot.

It depends on what spin you wish to attribute to the statement. Because you are not a very honest individual, you would attribute any spin in order to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.

I said that the Coalition won because it met its objectives of degrading and destroying Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. It achieved those objectives and that is very clear to everyone. The victory here is very comprehensive. We have liberated all Islamic State lands and our forces are now in control of these lands, including the former self-declared capital of Islamic State.

Now, there are many other objectives. You have however declared victory at Aleppo. That is what I would call extremely premature. There is no way anyone can declare a comprehensive victory in Syria other than the Coalition Vs Islamic State and maybe Pootin Vs Free Syrian Army (Aleppo Siege)

Syria has not won anything. In fact, considering the country of Syria is just a burning heap of rubble and the war still continues after 7 whole years, I would say that Syria or Assad have lost big time and they face many more losses to come with Coalition presence in Syria supporting some rebel groups.

The superpowers are now deeply embedded and no one can leave without a comprehensive peace settlement because this is a high stakes proxy now between them. by definition, a proxy to avoid direct conflict. Foe how long, no one knows.

You are foolish to believe that the West will just allow Russia's direct Chemical attack against the UK just slide. A superpower like the USA can not be seen to back down. Therefore, why it maintains a presence in Syria. The West is however a lot more accountable than Pootin is which is why we can't be seen to retaliate in kind. Therefore, the game gets played in other ways, through other actors to the detriment of Syria and Russia. What does this mean for Pootin and Syria. Well, it looks like the Coalition will be helping the SDF and Kurdish rebel groups in Syria and help them keep their spoils and perhaps work towards a Kurdish State.
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Re: Are views expressed by Paphitis reasonable

Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:18 pm

General, have you an update on the casualties following the Russian .....attack on the UK. I know you compared this to Pearl Harbour where over 2300 Americans were killed with over 1100 injured. Are the UK casualties about that ?
What a fucking idiot.!!
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Re: Are views expressed by Paphitis reasonable

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:44 pm

miltiades wrote:General, have you an update on the casualties following the Russian .....attack on the UK. I know you compared this to Pearl Harbour where over 2300 Americans were killed with over 1100 injured. Are the UK casualties about that ?
What a fucking idiot.!!

Even 1 casualty is a casualty too much for an unprovoked attack. There were more than 1 in any case and there are 21 still in hospital

The attack, is still a violation of International law. It is an attack against the sovereignty of The United Kingdom. It is also an act of war, even though the West is downplaying the significance by only expelling 23 Russian Diplomats/spies.
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Re: Are views expressed by Paphitis reasonable

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:17 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:General, have you an update on the casualties following the Russian .....attack on the UK. I know you compared this to Pearl Harbour where over 2300 Americans were killed with over 1100 injured. Are the UK casualties about that ?
What a fucking idiot.!!

Even 1 casualty is a casualty too much for an unprovoked attack. There were more than 1 in any case and there are 21 still in hospital

The attack, is still a violation of International law. It is an attack against the sovereignty of The United Kingdom. It is also an act of war, even though the West is downplaying the significance by only expelling 23 Russian Diplomats/spies.

The only thing missing is evidence to support the theory? But then you do this all the time, accuse/attack first and worry about the evidence later! :roll:

If you read about this 'Novichok' it is 10 times more powerful than VX, which killed Kim's half brother in minutes and like VX there is no cure for it, so all the 21+3 are dead already ...... that's of course if it is what the UK Govt. says it is and so far the police have no real evidence to go on. Until this happened Porton Down doubted that Novichok even existed ....... until May twisted their arm. Bit of a thin excuse for NATO to start WWIII don't you think? :roll: :?
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