Kikapu wrote:Jerry wrote:The EU has a bit of a problem here, if it takes action against Turkey for its illegal action then we will see thousands of refugees arriving in Greece again. With hindsight we can see how Turkey allowed the refugee influx to escalate and then stopped it but now holds the EU to ransom should it threaten to sanction that country over any criminal act it commits now or in the future.
Turkish bravado and chest beating knows no bounds, it plans to rename the street the US embassy stands in in honour of its invasion of Syria. ... e-53023014
I suppose this is one instance where we have to be grateful that the US has a president like Trump in charge, he's less likely to take any shit from Erdogan than any of his predecessors.
Once the refugees know that if they go to Greece, that's the far as they will get since the borders to the EU is closed for them beyond Greece. They will end up in refugee camps. They are free in Turkey now, so why go to Greece. Erdogan does not have that trump card any longer to blackmail the EU. He can only be spoiler. In return, the EU must hit Turkey very hard economically and politically, including taking PKK off the terrorist list, just to teach Erdogan a lesson. Enough pussy footing with Erdogan and his merry men of thugs.
I'm not sure about that; Greece does not have the capacity to hold hundreds of thousands of refugees sooner or later they would want other EU states to take a share. We know that the people traffickers lie to their victims about where they will be landed and how wonderful life can be in Europe.