Londonrake wrote:
Yes thank you for that interesting article.
It is true Turkey isn't flavour of the month.
But let's be very real and pragmatic about it. If the Americans want the drilling to continue in the Cyprus EEZ, all it needs to do is park its smallest frigate there. If it wants to disrupt any Turkish activities, all it needs to do is send its smallest Frigate.
It would be absolute insanity for Turkey to go against American Oil Interests. This could very will tip the Americans well over the edge and there is a LOT they can do to harm Erdogan without firing a single bullet. And just to teach Erdogan a little lesson, they could start with Cyprus or solve the Kurdish Question (who knows?)
Just imagine any one of these Oil Giants bankrolling Trumps next presidential Campaign for a second term. This is what these businesses do in Washington and before you know it, Trump sends an entire Battle Group a few clicks just to send Erdogan a message. That's when Erdogan will need to change his underwear!
Does anyone really think a business with billions worth in assets on the ocean seabed will not drop several tens of millions of dollars to get Trump elected again? They all do it. Arms dealers, tobacco giants, Pharmaceutical companies, Oil Giants, you name it.