I’m at a place considered my front garden (although it doesn’t look like my place) when a car pulls over in the street.
Out comes some security guy and Putin… the security guy goes straight into my house looking for something urgently while I greet Putin!
Putin explains that he needs my pair of dress shoes (even though worn) because he has to go somewhere important and is stuck, and I tell him to take them!
Putin apologizes for the inconvenience and calls out in Russian to the other guy who is by now upstairs searching like crazy…
The other guy throws out of the upstairs window a package towards us which falls nearby.
Putin picks it up and gives it to me as compensation for the shoes he’ll be taking away.
“It’s very good… it’s worth $145!” he says to me as he hands me a set of “Pino Sylvester” perfumery. (You know that pine-like brand)
I was about to say… “I don’t really like this brand…” when they just get in the car and shoot off with my worn out shoes!

Is that stupid or what?