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The Acanthus.

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Re: The Acanthus.

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:12 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Truly "Original". Hey GIG according to Paphitis they are "beautiful", have you been enlightened now? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wasn’t planning to add to the subject. I just responded to your mention of Free Masonry and then your stupid taunts.

I replied that I didn’t have anything useful to contribute to the subject whereby you taunted some more and I responded that these sculptures are beautiful just to appease your feeble mind. What else do you want me to say?

I do not know anything about these sculptures ok. But I fully appreciate their buaety. It’s much better to respond in this fashion than to come up with some Free Masonry stupidity when you do not have a clue about the architecture of these church’s or the inspiration for this type of artistic expression.

If I had some useful knowledge about the subject then rest assured that I will enlighten whoever I can. I won’t hold back. Promise.

Methinks you have literally lost the plot. :roll:

You proved times and times again that stupidity is just a measure of your own Genius!
Everybody is allowed to express an opinion, a guess whatever.
By the minute you think something as "stupid" without caring to provide the slightest proof that it actually is,really makes you the kind of Genius i think you are.


apologies straight out.


I don't know where to begin with your post really. You are calling me a Genius in a derogatory fashion, but you come up with this. Look, I will get my 7 year olds to respond to you next time and I guarantee you they will make less errors than you.

That's because they have a genius dad! Yes I am a bit of a smarty pants. It's the truth. No one has ever accused me of being stupid put it that way.

To the rest of the forum,

I am dealing with Death right now as I have a loss in the family. So I will not be responding to anymore stupid posts. Got a lot on the plate.

And I know that once I stop, I probably won't be back for a very long time. So see you all in 2019 or 2020 or whenever.

And thank you GreekIslandGirl for this:

The symbolism and meaning associated with the Acanthus is that of enduring life, and the plant is traditionally displayed at funerary celebrations.
In Christianity the thorny leaves represent pain, sin and punishment. Acanthus symbolizes immortality in Mediterranean countries.
"In Greece 2 BC the acanthus was a clear reference to life emerging from a grave. It was not initially a reference to resurrection in Christian sense, but in a sense that life is cyclical."

I hope you can find out all the information you seek about this subject. And it is quite interesting with what you have found out already.
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Re: The Acanthus.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:38 pm

Paphitis wrote:I am dealing with Death right now as I have a loss in the family. So I will not be responding to anymore stupid posts. Got a lot on the plate.

My sincerest best wishes that all will be as best as it can be with your nearest and dearest.

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Re: The Acanthus.

Postby kurupetos » Thu Jan 18, 2018 7:07 pm

Accept my sincere condolences, little koala. :cry:
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Re: The Acanthus.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:

apologies straight out.


I don't know where to begin with your post really. You are calling me a Genius in a derogatory fashion, but you come up with this. Look, I will get my 7 year olds to respond to you next time and I guarantee you they will make less errors than you.

That's because they have a genius dad! Yes I am a bit of a smarty pants. It's the truth. No one has ever accused me of being stupid put it that way.

To the rest of the forum,

I am dealing with Death right now as I have a loss in the family. So I will not be responding to anymore stupid posts. Got a lot on the plate.

And I know that once I stop, I probably won't be back for a very long time. So see you all in 2019 or 2020 or whenever.

And thank you GreekIslandGirl for this:

The symbolism and meaning associated with the Acanthus is that of enduring life, and the plant is traditionally displayed at funerary celebrations.
In Christianity the thorny leaves represent pain, sin and punishment. Acanthus symbolizes immortality in Mediterranean countries.
"In Greece 2 BC the acanthus was a clear reference to life emerging from a grave. It was not initially a reference to resurrection in Christian sense, but in a sense that life is cyclical."

I hope you can find out all the information you seek about this subject. And it is quite interesting with what you have found out already.

The Genius with capital letters for a reason) who calls everybody stupid
The very same person who degraded GIG a million times, and now licks her ass
The very same person who just yesterday was wishing RH to die
who even today under presumable deep sorrow from a Death loss of his own told RH
"You are the biggest advertisement for Euthanasia"

Who's been caught hundreds of times of not knowing what he's talking about, presented undeniable evidence,
and still denies it...

Should at least feel bad today... but I could be wrong. :roll:

You have my sincere condolences for everything Genius.
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Re: The Acanthus.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:24 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:The Acanthus receives quite a lot of explanation in this article, firmly connecting the Pagan with the Christian, at least:

I think most of the "acanthus" decorations are just not perceived to be such.
Most of those decorations are just leaves... nothing pagan per se.
However the Green men are really Pagan.

I did a little search and it looks my original guess was not that invalid.

Written by a Master Mason since 1968 ... id=4885068

Another relevant link: ... cathedrals

I think this link describes the most plausible scenario.
Simply that those doing stone sculpturing liked them and continued doing them while passing their skills from generation to generation. ... nd-wonder/
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Re: The Acanthus.

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:03 am

I wasn’t following this thread but something made me click it this morning. :o


The Genius with capital letters for a reason) who calls everybody stupid.

The very same person who degraded GIG a million times, and now licks her ass

The very same person who just yesterday was wishing RH to die

....... who even today under presumable deep sorrow from a Death loss of his own told RH
"You are the biggest advertisement for Euthanasia"
cyprus41865-1370.html#p864162 (That was also yesterday actually.)

Who's been caught hundreds of times of not knowing what he's talking about, presented undeniable evidence and still denies it.

(He?) Should at least feel bad today........ but I could be wrong.

You have my sincere condolences for everything Genius.

Yes he did say some rather unpleasant things but it just destroys his own credibility because he has never had a sensible well thought out counter argument, he resorts to offensive comments. By now I think we all know his juvenile style of response. As I said in my reply to him on the MH370 thread, it is just water off a ducks back to me. Unfortunately Paphitis is only interested in his own opinions
Maybe all the nasty and unjustifiable comments he made against me yesterday ..... have come back to haunt and punish him? He posted his rather uncalled for remarks on the MH370 thread at 3:05, the post that followed, where he announced his family loss, was posted at 3:12 !!!!! Just 7 minutes apart. If I were Paphitis I would take up a religion and pray for forgiveness for his evil words. It looks like maybe his card has already been marked. :roll: :|

None the less Paphitis .... I don’t normally hold grudges and therefore I also express my condolences for your loss.
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Re: The Acanthus.

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:54 am

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Truly "Original". Hey GIG according to Paphitis they are "beautiful", have you been enlightened now? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wasn’t planning to add to the subject. I just responded to your mention of Free Masonry and then your stupid taunts.

I replied that I didn’t have anything useful to contribute to the subject whereby you taunted some more and I responded that these sculptures are beautiful just to appease your feeble mind. What else do you want me to say?

I do not know anything about these sculptures ok. But I fully appreciate their buaety. It’s much better to respond in this fashion than to come up with some Free Masonry stupidity when you do not have a clue about the architecture of these church’s or the inspiration for this type of artistic expression.

If I had some useful knowledge about the subject then rest assured that I will enlighten whoever I can. I won’t hold back. Promise.

Methinks you have literally lost the plot. :roll:

You proved times and times again that stupidity is just a measure of your own Genius!
Everybody is allowed to express an opinion, a guess whatever.
By the minute you think something as "stupid" without caring to provide the slightest proof that it actually is,really makes you the kind of Genius i think you are.


apologies straight out.


I don't know where to begin with your post really. You are calling me a Genius in a derogatory fashion, but you come up with this. Look, I will get my 7 year olds to respond to you next time and I guarantee you they will make less errors than you.

That's because they have a genius dad! Yes I am a bit of a smarty pants. It's the truth. No one has ever accused me of being stupid put it that way.

To the rest of the forum,

I am dealing with Death right now as I have a loss in the family. So I will not be responding to anymore stupid posts. Got a lot on the plate.

And I know that once I stop, I probably won't be back for a very long time. So see you all in 2019 or 2020 or whenever.

And thank you GreekIslandGirl for this:

The symbolism and meaning associated with the Acanthus is that of enduring life, and the plant is traditionally displayed at funerary celebrations.
In Christianity the thorny leaves represent pain, sin and punishment. Acanthus symbolizes immortality in Mediterranean countries.
"In Greece 2 BC the acanthus was a clear reference to life emerging from a grave. It was not initially a reference to resurrection in Christian sense, but in a sense that life is cyclical."

I hope you can find out all the information you seek about this subject. And it is quite interesting with what you have found out already.

Don’t be a stranger! :wink: :)
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