That's right Sotos.
It's an ever expanding area which will increase human productivity. Eventually it will be as necessary as the watch you wear, which will eventually be a smart watch with AI as well.
As for women accusing us men as not being good multi-taskers and listeners.
Our listening is selective. We men are experts at selective hearing and have mastered the art of nodding to their conversations pretending to listen but not listening at all. In one ear and out the other.
However, in order to do that intelligently, we need to sample the content first to see if it is worthy of occupying any brain-space. After the first few words, a simultaneous computation and calculation that the female (usually wife) is talking a whole lot of nonsense and unnecessary stuff and sahlamares is necessary, before our brain tunes out automatically (AUTO TUNE-OUT) and focuses on the more important stuff such as the Footy or the Ashes or stocking the fridge with tinnies or scratching our nuts etc.
The above is also important in case they smarten up to our AUTO-NOD, and they ask us what they actually said to check whether we have been listening. Therefore, in such an event, you will need to fire back a reply, that's if you were listening in the first place because that might not be the case. Nodding to a question might not work well and you will need to know how to respond. Every man has been caught out by this before. My advice is to tell them that Warner just got bowled out or Christiano just scored a goal or something, and jump up in jubilation. Or, you can answer her question with a question or quickly divert her focus elsewhere.
As for multi-tasking, we men are very good at doing lots of stuff at the same time.
We for instance could be watching the Footy, or Ashes, or writing our grog shopping list for Christmas and scratching our nuts, whilst the wife is talking to us and we are forced to sample and assess what they're saying at the same time whilst assessing whether we should listen or not and preserve our processing power on more important things.
If they can only bottle all that up in an AI!