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Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

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Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:14 am

To deliver weapons.

Did you guys know this?

Russian Antonovs used to deliver the most secretive weapons to Australia with US security and technicians in company. Weapons and systems which you haven't even heard of yet. :mrgreen:

And you thought they were going to short down one of our Super Hornets. :lol:
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Re: Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:22 am

Do you guys wanna see some pictures?

Our Russian comrades helping the RAAF commission one of its most lethal weapons and sensor platforms, with American personnel coming out of the Antonov for handover to the RAAF.

These machines will be flying in the Chinese FIR very soon. In fact they did the first overpass flights in airspace claimed by China several months ago.

So Russia is helping us against the Chinese. Pop go a few heads! :lol:

Are they our friends now or are they easily bought? :?
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Re: Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:13 pm

Paphitis wrote:Do you guys wanna see some pictures?

Our Russian comrades helping the RAAF commission one of its most lethal weapons and sensor platforms, with American personnel coming out of the Antonov for handover to the RAAF.

These machines will be flying in the Chinese FIR very soon. In fact they did the first overpass flights in airspace claimed by China several months ago.

So Russia is helping us against the Chinese. Pop go a few heads! :lol:

Are they our friends now or are they easily bought? :?

Neither .... I suspect you are a purveyor of fake news! :roll:

As you give no details to back the post I can only go by the attached link:
[url] ... 70104.html [/url]

I believe the 'Antonov', I assume the AN-124 or similar, is flown by a private heavy lift cargo company called Volga Dnepr. As the Australians don't produce anything like it and neither do the Europeans or the Americans that news is therefore not surprising.

The Ukraine company does much of the heavy lift and likely flies with a Ukrainian crew ...... the aircraft could be from the Ukraine rather than a Russian company. I doubt that the illusion you attempted to sow, that the ‘Russians’ were delivering weapons for the Australians, is a likely scenario. The Ukraine company is a private enterprise, but as you fail to give any details ....your claim could be right but is probably more intended to mislead the reader. So I don’t think the ‘nod-nod-wink-wink’ inference that President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, is in the pocket of the Australian military carries very much credibility.

So ..... without some supporting evidence, such as a link to the source or the name of the airline, it is just fake news! :lol:

A sloppy post! Where are the pictures? :?:
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Re: Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:33 pm

As promised, my reply to your post on Milti's thread.

You are lucky as the Christmas shopping is all done, the logs are all stacked up and I have not a lot else to do at the moment ......... so I can devote my time to responding to your tirade of personal abuse. I did ask that Admin deleted a couple of your post because they were a personal attack and intended to influence other Forum members. But it seems that they have shut down for Christmas! So, although there are no moderators or admin to prevent me responding to you in the manner you have attacked me ...... I will respond to you reasonably politely.

It's got nothing to do with disagreeing with me on the creation of money. Even though I think his views are fundamentally flawed on the issue, it is IRRELEVENT whether he continues to disagree with me or not or whether he maintains his views or mine. It's about his manner. His integrity, And his motives and agenda.

My views on money creation are supported completely 100% by The Bank of England and literally thousands of economists. Try reading up on Modern Monetary Theory ...... this guy, Prof Bill Mitchel, is an Australian economist: ..........or his read his blog, which covers the US and Australian economic subjects as well as articles on the EU: ..... you could learn something and then you can present at least an informed opinion on the subject.

There are so many people who adopt his money creation views, and there are probably 1 or 2 on this forum. It's irrelevant.

Of course it is, but it doesn’t make my view any less valid.

It's also irrelevant whether you disagree with me or agree with me about MH370. We are still talking quite well even. You think it was an inside job, I don't. Big deal.

It seems the current theory is that it was flown by the pilot, until it ran out of fuel. To me .... that sounds a perfectly feasible hypothesis. So, in that case, effectively it WAS an inside job!

The difference between your train of thought and his, is that you believe out of what you perceive to be a more logical explanation for whatever reason, whilst I do not agree with your logic and hold a different view, he on the other hand has ulterior motives and an agenda to undermine the West.

Boy do you have a vivid imagination? ..... you should write a book. A quote that more or less sums up my attitude to the West and what it has done in the rest of the world in the last five decades or more:

"The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair." - H. L. Mencken

Paphitis, you just soak up anything you are told because you have very, very limited sources for information, and read nothing but the headlines in your favourite MSM news sheets anyway. Very sad because you don’t even get half the story before you start shooting your mouth off! :roll:

Now you expound more of your self opinionated character assessment ...... you have never met me and get all this from .......... where exactly? I note that so far no one has leapt into the thread in support of you ...... but I’ll bet this is giving them a good laugh though? :D

Also, Australian Government just re-opened the search at a cost of $200 million per year. It keeps about 500 in jobs I guess. That is what I call a Socialist Government even though it is actually a Capitalist Right Wing Government that is probably the most genuinely Socialist Government on the planet, more-so than Russia and North Korea and China even. That being said, Robin Hoodwinked should be supporting countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland etc etc.

Supporting them? Why? See above as I assume you are now talking about MH370? You do tend to drift a bit!. They are almost exclusively US puppet States or members of NATO, which is just an extension of US foreign policy enforcement. So no ...... based on their history I do not support any of them!

I digress. (No surprise there then? :roll: ) As I said, it has nothing to do with Money Creation or Syria or MH17 or MH370. I have had disagreements with lots of people on many of those subjects, including yourself.

....... and you have fallen out with many, not because of your views but the way in which you present them. You are offensive and irrational and rarely give any links to support your pronouncements. So forgive me and other forum members if we don’t take you too seriously. You are treated as a joke because that is the persona you project!

He is different though.

Certainly ..... I am radical in many of my views but that comes from thinking things out rather than making a complete fool of myself by just believing what I see on CNN or Fox News. I don’t deny that I may have radical views, but I am at least rational ! The caricature you paint in these wild posts is alien to me in all respects. What you spout is your own hatred and a twisted imagination........ on friggin steroids!

He believes the Ukrainian Government shot down MH17, not the Russians, despite all the evidence and investigation findings by the ICAO.

I think it more likely that it was the UKraines because of missing evidence, such as the missing Ukraine ATC’s who have just disappeared and missing RADAR data. The evidence so far provided from the investigation, is very thin and the intent of that investigation was to identify WHAT not WHO bought down MH17. If it was the rebels......... why? :?: ....... no means, no motive and, as they had no means they had no opportunity! Quite the opposite for the Ukraine military, it had all three. Probability says that based on common sense the Ukraine is more likely the culprit. BTW: Bellingcat are a very poor source of information, they have been caught out many times ........ they are NOT a credible source.

He believes the Americans shot down MH370 after it had deviated from its flight plan into The Indian Ocean heading for Antarctica.

Did I really say that ? I don’t think so, it is just another demonstration of your very vivid imagination. (see MH370 comment above) I doubt we will ever know what really happened.

He believes the West funded Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, despite this being illogical. He believes that the West also created the Syrian War through the Arab Spring.

It is perfectly logical. It was the US that created ISIS in the first place as a proxy army to bring down Assad. Surely that is common knowledge?

There is no question that the CIA funded and armed the Muslim Brotherhood protestors in Syria in 2011 and from that point on they, and the US Government, continued to supply anti-Assad terrorists with weapons. Again, common knowledge. A lot of these weapons fell into the hands of ISIS and, in just the last few days, huge piles of US and Israeli arms have been found in Syria after the SAA drove ISIS out of Dir-Azzor. This is all verifiable fact. But of course it is played down or even ignored completely in much of the Western press so you would not be aware of this.

He supports BREXIT because he wants the end of the EU, not because it is beneficial for Britain. He supported a Greek Default because he wanted to create maximum chaos against Financial Markets and the Banks, not because Greece might somehow derive some advantage from the default or some respite from the austerity.

IMO: The Eurozone will fall apart and the EU will eventually revert to an economic union like the EEC, just like it used to be. Then the ex-EU states will reunite with the UK and other countries that are on the outside of the EU but European and form a trading block. The failure of the Euro is inevitable.

I support Brexit because I believe that in the long run it will be to the benefit of the UK. I doubt you have you ever looked at the Lisbon Treaty? Try looking at articles 123, 124 and 125. Those three articles alone would convince me that Brexit was in the UK’s interest.

I realise that you will have difficulty in understanding what is being said in the Treaty but; It says that a country with its own sovereign currency cannot use QE to bail out any government institution ...... but it can do so for the Banks!!! Do you realize the implications of that?

Greece would have been far better off had they defaulted, returned to the Drachma and they would then have avoided the crippling austerity the Troika imposed on them ...... check out Varoufakis on the subject. My wife has a relative living and working in Athens and she paints a very gloomy picture of poverty being rife, with Greeks even rummaging through trash cans for food.

He supports Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamaz. Any position adopted by either the EU, USA, NATO, or allies like Australia, japan, Britain, France and many others, is wrong.

But I see no aggression from ‘Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah or Hamas’! We can argue about Crimea, so we will put that to one side. Syria is defending itself against a US sponsored insurgency .... Iran and Hezbollah are supporting the legitimate and elected government to put down that foreign funded and armed insurgency and to drive ISIS out of the country. They have been very successful .... but admit the war is not over yet. The idea that the Syrian conflict is a civil war is absolutely ludicrous.

All the allies you listed are backing the US and are carrying out illegal acts of aggression (War) against Syria. The sole purpose is another US dictated regime change, which of course is what Israel wants as well. So, as we see with Jerusalem, the US’s strings are being pulled by Israel.

There is no deviation from this at all. He would support Iran against Cyprus if it came down to it since the Israelis have become a friendly country to us.

Rubbish ......... you keep letting your imagination run away with you. I have lived in Iran and found the people and the authorities infinitely preferable to Saudi Arabia. Remember them? Didn’t you admire them so much you wanted to become one? They are a leading force in your coalition but are hedging their bets with Russia. Like the US, the Israeli's are your friend all the time there is some thing of benefit to them in the relationship .... look at Ukraine as an example.

It's ok being a Socialist Pyro, even left wing. But if you are a Socialist or Left wing, then I urge everyone to look at Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, Canada, and NZ which actually just create thousands of jobs to keep people working. Everyone wants to live in Australia but not Russia. that says something to all of us.

And the relevance of that paragraph is? Have you never worked out that the biggest socialists on the Planet are the Military and The Banks?

Robin Hoodwinked is the kind of guy who would argue that the American moon Landing was a staged production and never happened for real.

More supposition! Not me ........ only plonkers like you think like that. :roll:

He would argue that the Powers of this world or spraying chemicals over the entire population as a means of controlling the population and killing people with illness despite all the advances in medical science helping everyone to live longer.

You are now well into the realms of your fantasy world! Show me where I have ever even insinuated this to be remotely credible? It is of course a remote possible but would be extremely difficult to hide.

Many of these drugs that are developed are only available to the very rich, as is much of the life saving treatment, so it does not allow everyone to live longer ..... that applies mainly to the wealthy. You see almost everyday stories of children being denied treatment and appeaingl through the media for funding.

There are Cypriots here that believe the RAF are flying out every day from Akrotiri to spray the atmosphere to change the weather over Cyprus!!! And they really believe that.

He believes that 911 was an American False Flag. And he will provide links from all kinds of so called experts, scientists, engineers from various sites, most of which are highly questionable in terms of their credibility, to support and fuel his anti American, anti West, anti EU sentiments.

But what you saw on CNN and read about in the NYT and WaP are credible and beyond question? I do realise you have neither a scientific nor an engineering background, so the very obvious conflict between the official story and recognised physical laws would pass you by! Try researching Newton’s laws of motion! As a pilot I am surprised you are not aware of the clash between the official story and reality. The vast majority of just ordinary people in the US and around the world now believe the official US government narrative to be seriously flawed. I happen to agree with that majority.

THEN of course, he will go and attack you personally. not just me, but he would do it to you too just like he did it with Tim Drayton - and that is WHY he isn't here anymore.

I respond to attacks on me! If you can’t stand the heat either don’t start the fire or get out of the kitchen. I have no problem dealing with you because most of your posts are simply entertainment and should not be taken too seriously. How about a comment from Tim Drayton to confirm your accusation?

Myself and Tim Drayton clashed because I told him that his belief that all ex-pats would be barred from using the Health Service when the UK leaves the EU, was nonsense. I had the information direct from a contact in the MoH in Nicosia and it has turned out that her, and therefore my belief, was correct ..... nothing will change. He may well need a work permit but I doubt the Cypriot Government are likely to deport him and his family. If he wishes to act like a spoilt child and stomp off in a huff (which I cannot remember him doing) then that shows he is rather juvenile.

So Paphits, virtually everything you posted was either downright wrong or very inaccurate. You have shown yourself to be offensive and abusive, disrespectful of the views of others and expose an illogical hatred of anything or anyone that happens to disagree with you. IMO: You need medical help to help you overcome your irrational behaviour.

But I am glad to see you posting again as it keeps me from getting bored and I enjoy watching you make an utter idiot of yourself. But please do stop trying to draw others into your conflicts with me ...... because it seems they are not biting!

Have a happy Christmas and best wishes for 2018. :D :D :D
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Re: Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:51 am

Nothing fake about it. There are even photos.

Russian Antonovs - there are 10 flights scheduled with only number 2 arriving to the RAAF from the USA.

The precious cargo is technology only available to the USN, and RAAF at this point in time.

Technology already being leashed against the Chinese.

I can give you photos too but I won’t do that. I had a great tour of one just the other day.

This ain’t a dick measuring contest. Just interesting to see the Russians supplying the RAAF with the best American weapons and sensor technologies available on the planet to be used as we speak against China.

I’m not gonna bother with any of your conspiracy theories orfantasies. I prefer to stick to the topic of your Mother Russia supplying the transportation for the RAAFs Arms straight from the US of fucking Aye!

The aircraft in question here is more expensive than the F22 and probably the most expensive aircraft in the planet due to its array of weapons and sensors.
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Re: Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:56 am

Just 2 years ago Russia was threatening to shoot down a Super Hornet. Now they are on the RAAF payroll. :mrgreen:

So they won’t shoot down our planes. That’s good news because they now know they can overfly Syria at will.

Thanks Russia!
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Re: Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:27 am

Paphitis wrote:Just 2 years ago Russia was threatening to shoot down a Super Hornet. Now they are on the RAAF payroll. :mrgreen:

So they won’t shoot down our planes. That’s good news because they now know they can overfly Syria at will.

Thanks Russia!

Unfortunately for your argument ........... the aircraft is more likely Ukraine than Russian! But, as usual, you spout of your boastful message just like you did with Syria, without providing a single shred of tangible proof of your claims. :roll:
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Re: Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:22 am

No it was definitely Russian registered with Russian tail numbers.

World's largest plane.

Oh and I got to walk through one today. The sophisticated US platform that is. One of the first people in Australia to do so. 8)

The Russians were not carrying the aircraft but have been contracted to bring in 2 Simulators, weapons, sensors and parts. :D

USA has 30 of them, Australia has confirmed orders for 13 about to be raised to 15, and the UK has orders for 9. $270 million each. More than the F22 and C17 8)
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Re: Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:32 am

One thing everyone has got to understand is this - US technology I'm afraid is streets ahead.

They couldn't tell us about most of the stuff onboard because of the Security Classification so the RAAFy kept saying that in this bulkhead we have "some other fancy stuff that does some pretty fancy shit" :lol:
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Re: Russian Aircraft used by Australian and US Government

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:22 am

Paphitis wrote:One thing everyone has got to understand is this - US technology I'm afraid is streets ahead.

They couldn't tell us about most of the stuff onboard because of the Security Classification so the RAAFy kept saying that in this bulkhead we have "some other fancy stuff that does some pretty fancy shit" :lol:

The problem is that whatever it is, as you have yet to publish any pictures, it is useless against a Satan 2. :roll:

Just out of interest .... as someone obviously in the know ...... exactly what or who are you defending Australia from? I believe the last time Australia was invaded was by Europeans almost 300 years ago. Is it not a bit like taking out a very expensive, all singing, all dancing insurance policy against an asteroid impact? When you need it .... its useless!

If it is intended as an offensive weapon who do you intend to attack with it? :roll:
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