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Why Turkey came to Cyprus

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Why Turkey came to Cyprus

Postby lonewolfcypriot » Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:51 pm

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Re: Why Turkey came to Cyprus

Postby DrCyprus » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:32 am

Hey there,

Compared with the first video you posted here, this video is leaps and bounds ahead. Your voice has more colour at least, which I think has to do with you getting more comfortable and gaining more experience doing these videos.

You also seem to actually be listening, exercising introspection and asking questions which is very important for self development.

If I could give you a pointer this time, I would say to create a better background for your videos. Usually a couch with some interesting pictures on the walls a bookcase somewhere in there.

I am not on Youtube myself, but I have a feeling it would help bring more gravity to what you are trying to say.
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