Jules123 wrote:Hi
We are moving out to Paphos in February, me my husband and 3 young adults, I am just after some advise as to what to pack? we are hoping to stay for 6 months (longer if all works out) We are renting a property that is fully furnished, what on earth do we pack to bring with us? any tips would be much appreciated, we intend to shop for bedding etc when we get there, as we feel it would be easier and probably cheaper, is there anybody that could give us some general ideas please

Any heating in the property you are renting?
If not bring warm sub layer clothes as it can be colder indoors than outdoors during the winter if the property is a coastal new build. If you want to stay warm in winter and cool in summer find a mud brick and stone constructed property to rent.
Warm stuff, contrary to popular belief Cyprus does have a winter. Short sharp and a combination of sea and mountain conditions. Summer, you don't need much other than that required for decency and/or body shape camouflage.
Bring tramping shoes/boots if you want to explore Cyprus on foot. Good stuff get it made in Pano Paphos by a top grade shoemaker who'll build you the best for less than an off the shelf throwaway pair fashionable or otherwise.
Buy it here BUT if you prefer feather down pillows bring them with you, or send as we've not found them in Cyprus which does not mean of course that they are not available here.
Really not very much that you cannot find here once you get your bearings although Boursin soft French cheese alludes us and haunts our regular shopping list as does a decent Pork Pie which used to be very well made by an Arradippou (Larnaca) company up until the financial crash, a Guiness just doesn't taste the same unless it's washing down a healthy pork pie.
Look out for 'Smart' and 'Pissarides' stores, if there are any in Paphos for good quality tea bags and Nescafé Gold (superior German market quality) that GiG mentions at prices comparable to UK supermarket prices.
Good Luck and don't forget to register with the aliens department, if you are not Cypriot and with your local Inland Revenue Office for income tax