Get Real! wrote:Let’s take the sophisticated robots made by Honda, are they intelligent?
Honda has added to its robots motors for movement, sensors for moving about without bumping into things, speech recognition software, image recognition software, software for the structure of the Japanese language so that it may respond “intelligently” to some questions with structured sentences, countless lookup tables for a bunch of other miscellaneous requirements and so forth.
Now which part of all that demonstrates “learning”? NOTHING!
It is actually a very stupid machine that had to be GIVEN everything in order to do very limited things and thus appear “intelligent” to the public.
Are you not confusing 'learning' with 'intelligence' ?
Computers learn from what information they are given and, like the Indian Engineers in my previous post, have a phenominal memory. But they have no intelligence to know what to do with information and will have to be taught. That is the programmers task. But they do not have the intelligence to use that information until they are taught what to do with it.
One side of the computer are the inputs that provides the information to be processed; on the other side are the outputs which perform according to pre-set computer programs to respond in a predetermined way by responding to sensor/human inputs.
They no more have intelligence than they have emotions. As you say what appears to be intelligence is in fact pseudo intelligence, hence the tag 'artificial', i.e. not real.