Robin Hood wrote:UNGA Vote on Jerusalem
138 for ....... 9 against ..... and 35 abstentions.
The vote against Trumps declaration to recognise Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the Jewish State was carried. So, although this is not enforceable as with a UNSC resolution, it does have political clout. It is obvious that had the US not threatened small States with financial penalties and loss of US aid if they voted against the US stand, many of those that abstained or even voted against the motion, would have voted for it.
Morally, even if not enforceable, it shows the feelings of the majority of UN member states oppose the US/Israeli declaration. So I don't think many embassies will be moving there anytime soon.![]() ... -assembly/
Kikapu:I get the feeling, Trump is getting ready to bail the USA out of the UN and let the rest of the world deal with it by paying for it if they want to remain members. Then watch the UN implode in itself without the USA. I think Trump is ready to tell the UN and it's members to "kiss off" also. As I've said, there's more to this than just Trump wanting the USA to recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. It was also strange that Israel was the only supporter of the recognition of Kurdistan in their recent referendum. These are not isolated and unconnected events. Something is brewing and I think the demise of the UN is fast approaching. Then it will become, every country for themselves. Then the end of NATO also. Oh shit.
IMO: I think you have a point, the US will eventually walk out on the UN when they realise they can no longer manipulate the UN to serve their (and Israel’s) interests. But I see a different outcome. Whilst the US is the single largest contributor to the UN the loss of their contribution would not be a catastrophe and there is a lot of money wasted within the UN needlessly.
You will note from the above chart that Russia, China, Australia, Canada and other fairly wealthy countries don’t even make the top ten. The UK pays just over $500m and is 9th, as opposed to the US’s $1,650m, followed by India’s $1,300m.
If the US walks out it will be isolated and Israel along with them. They will say good-bye to their 800+ overseas military installations and facilities as the UN will impose sanctions on the US. They will no longer have political or diplomatic influence on the World Stage but will have to abide by International Laws (and Maritime Law) drawn up by the UN. A bit like the UK’s problems with leaving the EU. The US would effectively become an isolationist and rogue state. It would see most of its foreign influence transferred to Russia/China/India etc. as these countries become increasingly more powerful economically, politically and militarily.
They will either try to go it alone or will become more aggressive as they see their power base collapse. Their control over the Worlds resources will rapidly decline and the retraction of their influence on international commerce ....... the Banking sector in particular will collapse. (that has already started) They cannot threaten other countries because they are no longer top dog and would face resistance from the Nations of the UN backed by increasing Russian and Chinese, military power.
This will require the UN to become much more assertive which they can do without their domination by the US and Israel calling the tune all the time. The UN will no longer just be there to put a face of legitimacy on their claim to be ‘the exceptional and indispensable Nation’. They will have to play by international rules.
I agree with you that NATO will also disintegrate but as a result of that, tensions between the EU countries and Russia will disappear. I keep seeing/reading all about the threats from Russia but never do those that make this accusation ever produce any factual evidence to support them. The same will happen with China as it will learn to live with its neighbours in relative harmony with a powerful UN acting as a mediator in disputes rather than one powerful nation settling disputes to suit its own interests.
So I see the same as you in principal but see that there could be a vastly different outcome. Purely my opinion of course!![]()
You make some good points regarding the situation the USA will find itself should they abandon the UN and NATO. However, I'm not so sure it will be all bad for the USA. Just like when the US/Britain invaded Iraq in 2003 without UN endorsing it, they got other countries to go with them into Iraq in what was called the "Coalition of the willing". The USA upon leaving the UN, will start creating it's own "coalition of the willing" or it's own "UN" if you like and use the present UN headquarters in New York and kick the UN out. Gradually, the USA will get most of the members in the UN to come to it's side and form their own charter to counter the UNs charter now until the UN implodes.
The USA will then be in a position to pick and choose who could be admitted into the new "UN club", much like the EU. One thing the USA has over other countries, is the economic cloud and strong military. I don't think any economic sanctions on the USA by UN will have many takers from it's remaining members nor do I see any danger to any of USA's military bases abroad.. As for NATO, once the US pulls out, the whole structure will also implode, which won't be too bad for Europe, as they will then form the EU Force built within the EU member states. Russia and China will remain independent as they are now. Turkey will be left in the cold once NATO implodes.
USA in the future going to war with any other country will adopt the system they had used in Syria from now on. They will become Proxy wars by using/backing with military hardware one political side/ethnic group in that country against the other side with very little US military personnel. In the end, grab some land with the side they had backed and place their new military base in that country, just like in Syria. Of course, all this will be endorsed by the new USA's new "UN" with it's coalition of the willing members.
Lets just wait and see.