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The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:08 pm

Back to the realms of reality :roll: ........... and the OP:

This guy should know what he is talking about. Clearly Trumps statement is political, not religious, and driven by the Zionist lobby in the US Senate. Makes an interesting read:

THE ISRAEL LOBBY’S ROLE IN US RECOGNITION OF JERUSALEM AS ISRAEL’S CAPITAL - BY Grant F. Smith ( Director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy in Washington and the author of the 2016 book, Big Israel: How Israel’s Lobby moves America.)

President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and intent to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is sure to harm the United States. A product of decades of pressure by Israel and its US lobby, the move is an incremental step toward pressuring the US to confer legitimacy on all of Israel’s territorial acquisitions accomplished through war.

US presidents refrained from moving the embassy to Jerusalem because of commitments to UN Security Council Resolution 478, passed in 1980, which rejected Israel’s declaration that Jerusalem was its “complete and united capital” because East Jerusalem was territory captured in the 1967 Six-Day War, a war that Israel started. Parties to Resolution 478 committed to withdrawing diplomatic missions from the city. This created pressure on Israel to relinquish ill-gotten territory and negotiate peace. The US supported that goal since 1967 through the unanimous UN resolution 242, calling for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories captured in 1967. The original 1947 UN partition plan called for Jerusalem to be “internationalized.”

In the 1980s, Israel affinity organizations such as AIPAC and the ADL went into overdrive lobbying for a “move the embassy” law that would force the US to legitimate Israel’s claims on the city. As the Oslo peace process loomed in the 1990s aimed at negotiating “final status” issues such as Jerusalem, expulsed Palestinians’ right to return to their properties, and recognizing borders, the Israel lobby sought to preempt negotiations by passing the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, drafted by the Zionist Organization of America and AIPAC. The bill, like most Israel lobby legislation and legislative rules, was coercive. US State Department overseas construction was to be defunded until the US moved its embassy to Jerusalem. No legitimate US-driven interests informed the creation or passage of the bill. Rather, it was yet another achievement of the $6 billion Israel lobby’s coordinated political campaign contribution network. That network now requires any serious candidate pledge their fealty to the Israel lobby’s program, even before running for office.

Full article, with plenty of links to original sources:

Quote from the above:

Rather, it was yet another achievement of the $6 billion Israel lobby’s coordinated political campaign contribution network. That network now requires any serious candidate pledge their fealty to the Israel lobby’s program, even before running for office.”

Is this really what US democracy is all about? The Zionists money buys Senators and Governors loyalty and obviously without that loyalty a candidate stands no chance of achieving a political position unless the Zionists approve them! I heard this view expressed by some Americans I worked with in Saudi, some years ago. So the Americans are well aware of the Zionists influence on their political system and maybe, the same influence applies to the UK/EU ? :|
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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:15 pm

No one particularly cares what his motives are.

of course the US president isn't going to be getting a copy of the Orthodox bible to justify its decision.

It justifies its decision by clearly stating that Jerusalem IS in fact the Capital of israel. That is where the Knesset is and that is where all of Israel's Ministries and Government buildings are. He justifies it by saying that Israel's capital is a matter for Israel alone.

And he would be 100% right about that too.

No one cares about any Zionists like General Monash who as far as I am concerned is a far more upstanding person than you are and I would say that most of France, Australia, Western Europe would agree with that completely.
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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:02 pm

Paphitis wrote:No one particularly cares what his motives are.

Except a few billion Muslims around the World .... I think they feel they too have a say?

of course the US president isn't going to be getting a copy of the Orthodox bible to justify its decision.

He has admitted he has never read a book in his life ..... he apparently relies primarily on CNN, The Washington Post and the NYT for his information. So, just like you, well informed he is not!

It justifies its decision by clearly stating that Jerusalem IS in fact the Capital of israel. That is where the Knesset is and that is where all of Israel's Ministries and Government buildings are. He justifies it by saying that Israel's capital is a matter for Israel alone.

It's a book of fairy tales, as pointed out to you previously. Israel ceased to exist a thousand years ago, or more. Before 1948 the State of Israel had not existed for over a thousand years, the Israeli's moving their administration offices there is contrary to UN resolutions, it is territory they seized by act of war! Their tenancy is ILLEGAL irrespective of what they or Trump think.

And he would be 100% right about that too.

You would agree as you are as ill-informed as Trump. Does Netanyahu have the deeds ? :roll:

No one cares about any Zionists like General Monash who as far as I am concerned is a far more upstanding person than you are and I would say that most of France, Australia, Western Europe would agree with that completely.

I've never met your hero General or the residents of '...most of France, Australia, Western Europe .......... in fact I have never heard of him! :roll:
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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 11, 2017 6:10 am

I have always supported the right of Israel to exist adding that the Palrstinians have a right to exist also in their state.
I have also stated repeatedly that for the interests of Cyprus we should go to bed with the devil.
Cyprus has nothing to gain by sharing platform with nations that are and always have been anti Israel. Most emphaticaly I will not line up with Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia and the rest of the Islamic world critical of Israel with witch nation Cyprus has developed strong ties. Our interests must be at the forefront of any position adopted by the RoC.

I shall not express support for the position also supported by Turkey.
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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 11, 2017 11:57 am

Oh yeh we all forgot that in order to be well informed you need to be a fake news officionado.

news Flash. The POTUS is the most informed person on the planet. He don't need Spoofnik, and Black Listed and Information Clearance Sale Warehouse for their information. :lol:

And he don't need the Orthodox bible either. Although I am sure he wouldn't disrespect it because he is in bed with the religious right in the USA.

Another news flash. 5 eyes bozo. Have you heard of Echelon? There is a listening post in Cyprus which is an Echelon Listening Post. Information that is disseminated straight to all the cleared Intelligence Communities within the 5 eye network and then disseminated further to everyone else. Everything from your grocery list, phone calls, emails, medical records, internet activities, associations, and even your pet's names if they want. Didn't you take note of the Snowgood testimonies/betrayals? She told Pootin everything she knows.

The combined Intelligence Resources of USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and NZ and then on top of that add France, Israel, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Spain for good measure.

They ALL know what's going on and they even know Pootin's and Assad's bowel movements. And they only divulge what they want you to know, and there isn't anything Spoofnik, Blacklisted, Information Clearance Discount House can do about it because they don't know anything.

The only reason Assad is still alive at the moment is because they don't know what the aftermath would be if they take him out.
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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Dec 11, 2017 3:37 pm

Paphitis wrote:Oh yeh we all forgot that in order to be well informed you need to be a fake news officionado.

news Flash. The POTUS is the most informed person on the planet. He don't need Spoofnik, and Black Listed and Information Clearance Sale Warehouse for their information. :lol:

And he don't need the Orthodox bible either. Although I am sure he wouldn't disrespect it because he is in bed with the religious right in the USA.

Another news flash. 5 eyes bozo. Have you heard of Echelon? There is a listening post in Cyprus which is an Echelon Listening Post. Information that is disseminated straight to all the cleared Intelligence Communities within the 5 eye network and then disseminated further to everyone else. Everything from your grocery list, phone calls, emails, medical records, internet activities, associations, and even your pet's names if they want. Didn't you take note of the Snowgood testimonies/betrayals? She told Pootin everything she knows.

The combined Intelligence Resources of USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and NZ and then on top of that add France, Israel, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Spain for good measure.

They ALL know what's going on and they even know Pootin's and Assad's bowel movements. And they only divulge what they want you to know, and there isn't anything Spoofnik, Blacklisted, Information Clearance Discount House can do about it because they don't know anything.

The only reason Assad is still alive at the moment is because they don't know what the aftermath would be if they take him out.

You are obviously suffering from a sever case of verbal Diarrhoea to add to your mental problems ............ but your comments are good for a laugh even if they are illiterate crap! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 11, 2017 3:47 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Oh yeh we all forgot that in order to be well informed you need to be a fake news officionado.

news Flash. The POTUS is the most informed person on the planet. He don't need Spoofnik, and Black Listed and Information Clearance Sale Warehouse for their information. :lol:

And he don't need the Orthodox bible either. Although I am sure he wouldn't disrespect it because he is in bed with the religious right in the USA.

Another news flash. 5 eyes bozo. Have you heard of Echelon? There is a listening post in Cyprus which is an Echelon Listening Post. Information that is disseminated straight to all the cleared Intelligence Communities within the 5 eye network and then disseminated further to everyone else. Everything from your grocery list, phone calls, emails, medical records, internet activities, associations, and even your pet's names if they want. Didn't you take note of the Snowgood testimonies/betrayals? She told Pootin everything she knows.

The combined Intelligence Resources of USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and NZ and then on top of that add France, Israel, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Spain for good measure.

They ALL know what's going on and they even know Pootin's and Assad's bowel movements. And they only divulge what they want you to know, and there isn't anything Spoofnik, Blacklisted, Information Clearance Discount House can do about it because they don't know anything.

The only reason Assad is still alive at the moment is because they don't know what the aftermath would be if they take him out.

You are obviously suffering from a sever case of verbal Diarrhoea to add to your mental problems ............ but your comments are good for a laugh even if they are illiterate crap! :lol: :lol: :lol:

And you are just an idiot with huge delusions to even suggest that the POTUS is not well informed with the intelligence and surveillance apparatus his office has at its disposal.

Only an idiot could claim to be better informed than the POTUS. Only an idiot! With massive delusions.
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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Dec 11, 2017 4:47 pm

By ........ Jews for Justice in the Middle East - Published in Berkeley, CA, 2001

Jews for Justice has made this excellent resource available to people around the world.

A brief history of the Isael/Palestine conflict:

It is brief but with plenty of links to recognised documents and other records.

The more detailed version, much longer and with much more information:

You can rely on the manic judgment of the irrational, ill-informed and demented Koala or you can go through either of these which are written by Jews (as opposed to Zionists) and published by If Americans Knew. :roll: :wink:

Alison Weir set the IAK site up some years ago after a journalistic assignment to Israel and the Gaza strip for a US publisher and was incensed by the fact that the story she had from the MSM was so very different to reality. She is hated by the Zionist movement (which means also the numerous news media outlets that they own) as, in conjunction with non Zionist Jews, she exposes a lot of the history of the conflict and the history of the region in general going back to a point some 4500 year BC which is omitted in the western media.

Netanyahu and the Zionists just pick out the bits of that history that fit their narrative. The problem both now and since the turn of the last Century, is Zionism not Jews or Judaism. Until the creation of the Zionist political movement in the mid 1800’s, Jews, Muslims and Christians had lived side-by-side in relative peace for centuries. That is a fact of history.
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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:23 pm

Paphitis wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:It makes historic sense for Jerusalem to be recognized as a wholly (and Holy) Israeli city - as to whether it's their capital or not is up to the people of Israel but it seems they are happy with that.

I'm sure the Israelis would respect the early Christian traditions that reside there too.

One off post.

Spot on.

Christian or not, if you would read the Bible, you come to the understanding that Israel is situated exactly upon the Old Testament's promised land. In fact, the promised land also includes Sinai, and the Suez Canal but the Israeli's handed those territories back to Egypt after the comprehensive victory of the 7 Day War (1967) when the Arabs were expecting to drive the Israelis into the Mediterranean but instead got their behinds handed to them on a platter and with a cherry on top.

Jerusalem as Israel's capital just seems oh so natural and right.

Christmas Greetings to all. 2018 years ago, a Jewish boy was born in Bethlehem. That's present day Israel too for those that don't know.

Welcome back Paphitis, pleased to se you post.

Regretably I find my self more in agreement with RH on this one but not totally: I thing it was a misguided move.
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Re: The US recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:42 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:

Your understanding of the history of the region is at best thin! The Bible is a collection of fairy tails of unknown origin ,,,,, so don't put too much faith in it as a accurate record of events covered.


Any land belongs to those that live there, their religion in that context is irrelevant. The problem with Trumps announcement is when it is spliced in with Netanyahu's Zionists demand that both the State of Israel and Jerusalem are the exclusive homeland of the Jews. The Jews have never asked for this and are in the main opposed to the Zionists. The Balfour declaration and UN resolutions make clear this was never the intent of awarding the Jews a homeland in Palestine. Jerusalem was deliberately excluded in the UN Partition proposal, which the Israeli's never stuck to, and made an international zone because then no single faith could claim jurisdiction.

I can be a Jew, so can you, because Judaism is a religion. The Ashkenazim of Eastern Europe (a warlike nation) adopted Judaism and the Talmud, and chose to become members of the Jewish faith some time around 1000AD(?). Zionism did not raise its head until the mid 1800's. The problem is with the latter! But that is a subject none of us know very much about so we have only opinions, based on what we think we know. 'If Americans Knew' is a fairly easy to understand website and gives the factual history of the region and the various conflicts ...... even if only used a reference.

IMO: The sensible solution is the UN declaration that 10% of the land mass forming Israel/Palestine should be an international zone that includes Jerusalem and that the State of Israel should be defined by the pre-1967 borders.

There are some good points here but I have to take Issue with your comments about the
Ashkenazim of Eastern Europe (a warlike nation) adopted Judaism and the Talmud, and chose to become members of the Jewish faith some time around 1000AD(?)

I think you are refering to the Khazar Hypothesis of the origin of the Ashkenasim, which is seemingly a 19th Century invention and where the genetic have seemingly found no substantive evidence of a Khazar origin among Ashkenazi Jews, abut rather evidence they have mixed Near Eastern/Mediterranean and Southern European origins.

The Ashkenasim were rather a community of jews settled in the Rhine which likely coalesced in to a definable community by the end of the 1st Millenia CE and who later moved east, rather than Khazars who allegedly converted at likely the same time and moved west.
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