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Processing time on citizenship acquired via parent

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Re: Processing time on citizenship acquired via parent

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:38 am

aa-mac wrote:
kurupetos wrote:I hope you have many sons, who can serve in the CNG in the future... :mrgreen:

Actually, I am pregnant but I don't know the gender yet. I never want to be pregnant again it's fucking horrible. :cry: My baby will have 3 citizenships. (Australian, Swedish and Cypriot)

So if it's a male then they still have a choice as Sweden has conscription as well.

So if they do choose to serve for ***country they choose*** then they won't be allowed to serve for the ***other country*** and vice versa.

Also, I don't really understand the hostility towards me. I asked a question no one knew the answer because clearly not as many people want to be Cypriot as you think. I answered the question myself in case someone wanted to check in the future.

Honestly, I thought there would have been more responses considering that whole citizenship debacle in Australia and the current Brexit bullshit that is going down right now.

Get Real! wrote:For whatever it is worth (nice website I suppose), I present you with the…

“Global Passport Power Rank 2018”

Awesome website! I almost have the same visa free countries count as my partner! In some cases more. :D

You do not have to come here to be abused...leave your name and address and you might find you get house-calls...
This Forum is, or rather some of the few active participants are, unfortunately not as friendly as they could be. Consequence ? Look how many long term active participants there are.

Any way, congrats on getting your citizenship and best wishes with the baby.
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