Kifeas wrote: If you want more information on this subject, read the TC newspaper “Yeni Duzen” ( of the 31/12/2005, (I am not sure of the author’s name) in which he explains all the above EVKAF issues in a rather humoristic way, but nevertheless a very informative one.
This is a correction of the above paragraph in my previous posting.
The article in Yeni Duzen was published on the 24 July 2005 and not on the 31/12/2005. Here is the full link of the article.
This is a quotation from the article.
1960’a gelindiğinde, Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti kurulurken, kuruluş andlaşması eklerine ilave edilen bir belgede, o zamanki Evkaf Yüksek Konseyi Başkanı Dr. Fazıl Küçük ile toplum lideri Rauf Denktaş’ın, İngiliz Sömürge Yönetimi ile bir anlaşma yaptıkları ve 1.5milyon sterlin karşılığında evkafla ilgili olarak, ne İngiltere ve ne de yeni kurulacak olan devlete karşı herhangi bir iddia ileri sürmemeyi, deruhte ettikleri yazılır. Bu da uluslararası bir andlaşmanın eki olması bakımından, o andlaşmayı imzalayan herkesi bağlayan, bir nitelik kazanır.
and the translation in english.
When the Republic of Cyprus was established in 1960, Denktas and Dr. Kucuk ( who was responsible about Evkaf) made an agreement with British colonial goverment and accepted that they won't claim any right about Evkaf against England or any states which may be established later at the cost of £1.500.000. Since this is an additional agreement to the international constitition of Republic of Cyprus, everyone who signed this agreement has to obey it.