Only me and my father born in another land, my heritage comes from Cyprus island, no matter which citizenship they belong to. Who the hell are you to tell me that im not Cypriot ?
Why are you all acting like spoiled children with your born-given rights ?
I accept that i was born in a shitty land and i'm actually trying to do something about it. I'm trying to do my best with what's given to me. And some mentally retarded guy comes to me and tell "YOU DONT BELONG HERE" and "GO FIND A RESPONSIBLE PARENT TO GIVE RIGHT DECISIONS FOR YOU" with his father paying for his internet.
I had zero prejudice and hatred about you. I was ok to do military service in Cyprus. I was completely honest and friendly in the beginning, yet i still get humiliated just because i was born just 300 km's North from you.
I'm out. Enjoy your hatred and prejudice, drown in it.