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Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

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Re: Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:20 pm

The “Greek sphere” imish!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Bou ivres dethkies malakies re vlimma dou pao?

WTF you think this shitty Greece is? :lol:

Do you imagine it to be like the "American sphere" or maybe the "Russian sphere" of influences? :? :lol:
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Re: Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

Postby DrCyprus » Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:30 pm

Get Real! wrote:I am a complexed Maronite who is jealous of Greek Cypriots

Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:33 pm

DrCyprus wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I am a complexed Maronite who is jealous of Greek Cypriots

Thanks for sharing.

Manufacturing your own quotes now like you manufacture history? :roll:

I piss on your marble-sized “sphere” and your so-called ”culture” you useless Balkan Ottoman gyftous who can’t even afford to cover their arses with a pair of knickers!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:50 pm

Mia fouhta Othomano-valkano-maimounes ekaman mou tzie “sphere” imish! :roll:

Tron do skaton dous glistarkka gia na ebiviosoun, tzie ekaman mou tzie “sphere of influence” imish! :lol:
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Re: Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

Postby DrCyprus » Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:14 pm

Get Real! wrote:Mia fouhta Othomano-valkano-maimounes ekaman mou tzie “sphere” imish! :roll:

Tron do skaton dous glistarkka gia na ebiviosoun, tzie ekaman mou tzie “sphere of influence” imish! :lol:

Ekamamen ton Get Real jai enevriase. lol.

Tzimithou me tis klatses popse, jai arkepse na kriwnei.
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Re: Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

Postby Sotos » Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:12 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Sotos wrote:You are so stupid :lol: Lets make our own books then, and lets send them to Turkey to convert them to Cypriots :roll: Can you really be THAT stupid? We got the books because we WANTED them, and we wanted them because we were already Greek long before that. As Greeks that we are we received Greek education. On the other hand you were educated by FOREIGNERS just because your parents moved to another country out of necessity. Therefore the education I had is the education we Cypriots choose for ourselves, while for the education that you had Cypriots had no say whatsoever. You haven't even learned how to write in our language with the alphabet we have been using for thousands of years and you instead use the same alphabet as the British and the Turks!

There is nothing Greek about you, idiotic little fool with the IQ of a rotten cucumber!

There was NEVER a period in Cyprus’ history when it was “Greek” or had any association with Greece (Greece was only invented in the 1820s!) other than both regions along with many others being under the rule of the Eastern Roman Empire (330 – 1453AD) which was a ROMAN empire not Greek! :roll: :lol:

You've been had pretty bad dude...

The nation state of Greece was created in the 1820s but Greeks have existed for 1000s of years on both mainland Greece and on many islands including Cyprus. The concept of a "nation state" is a recent one, but you seem to confuse that with ethnic groups, which have existed for far longer. For example: The Kurds do not have a state of their own, this doesn't mean that Kurds do not exist today and that Kurds do not have their own homeland. Does Turkey occupying part of their homeland means that Kurds do not exist? If a Kurdish state is created in northern Iraq does it mean that those who live outside of the borders of that state can not be Kurds? If in the future we have 2 or 3 Kurdish states (one in what is now northern Iraq, a different one in what is now southeast Turkey) would it mean that the Kurds in those two states will stop being Kurds and will be two separate ethnic groups? The borders of countries do not necessarily represent the ethnic groups that live within those countries, especially when those borders were drawn by foreigners against the will of the local population, like the case of Cyprus.

P.S. What I wrote above is for other people reading this thread. We have already established that you are so stupid that you are unable to understand even fairly simple concepts.
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Re: Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:51 pm

...maybe GR is "Cypriot", rather than Cypriot.
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Re: Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:57 pm

Sotos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Sotos wrote:You are so stupid :lol: Lets make our own books then, and lets send them to Turkey to convert them to Cypriots :roll: Can you really be THAT stupid? We got the books because we WANTED them, and we wanted them because we were already Greek long before that. As Greeks that we are we received Greek education. On the other hand you were educated by FOREIGNERS just because your parents moved to another country out of necessity. Therefore the education I had is the education we Cypriots choose for ourselves, while for the education that you had Cypriots had no say whatsoever. You haven't even learned how to write in our language with the alphabet we have been using for thousands of years and you instead use the same alphabet as the British and the Turks!

There is nothing Greek about you, idiotic little fool with the IQ of a rotten cucumber!

There was NEVER a period in Cyprus’ history when it was “Greek” or had any association with Greece (Greece was only invented in the 1820s!) other than both regions along with many others being under the rule of the Eastern Roman Empire (330 – 1453AD) which was a ROMAN empire not Greek! :roll: :lol:

You've been had pretty bad dude...

The nation state of Greece was created in the 1820s but Greeks have existed for 1000s of years on both mainland Greece and on many islands including Cyprus. The concept of a "nation state" is a recent one, but you seem to confuse that with ethnic groups, which have existed for far longer. For example: The Kurds do not have a state of their own, this doesn't mean that Kurds do not exist today and that Kurds do not have their own homeland. Does Turkey occupying part of their homeland means that Kurds do not exist? If a Kurdish state is created in northern Iraq does it mean that those who live outside of the borders of that state can not be Kurds? If in the future we have 2 or 3 Kurdish states (one in what is now northern Iraq, a different one in what is now southeast Turkey) would it mean that the Kurds in those two states will stop being Kurds and will be two separate ethnic groups? The borders of countries do not necessarily represent the ethnic groups that live within those countries, especially when those borders were drawn by foreigners against the will of the local population, like the case of Cyprus.

P.S. What I wrote above is for other people reading this thread. We have already established that you are so stupid that you are unable to understand even fairly simple concepts.

Sotos, science tends to support you, rather than GR, about the modern Greeks being MOSTLY (but not exclusively) descended from the neolithic and Bronze age inhabitants, who formed the Mycenaean Civilisation in mainland Greece, and they in turn likely were a part of a westward migration from Anatolia
The report mentions the ancient presence of
additional ancestry from an ultimate source related to the hunter–gatherers of eastern Europe and Siberia, introduced via a proximal source related to the inhabitants of either the Eurasian steppe or Armenia
and that
Modern Greeks resemble the Mycenaeans, but with some additional dilution of the Early Neolithic ancestry. Our results support the idea of continuity but not isolation in the history of populations of the Aegean, before and after the time of its earliest civilizations

Good discussion here

Greeks however only properly became Greeks with the introduction of IE language that became Greek, and the male pantheon of gods, likely about 4000 years ago.
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Re: Citizenship by Decent, A possibility?

Postby Sotos » Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:31 am

Human migrations have been happening ever since humans existed and they continue to happen as we speak. The only way that the gene pool of a particular population would get "stuck" at a particular time is if at some point a group of people found themselves in some isolated location where it was very difficult for them to leave and very difficult for others to enter. Furthermore, genes do not define ethnicity. You din't need to make a DNA test to be English. And if you made a DNA test the results of such test could not make you German, French or Russian. Ethnicity is defined by things like language and culture. And even those things change with time. The English language and culture today is very different from the English language and culture of 1000 years ago. What makes both languages and cultures English even though they are very different is that the change was gradual - people and ideas moved gradually over time. The same goes with Greeks and every other ethnic group.
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