Well .... that attempt by the US to get international support and backing through the UNSC for an excuse to dump the Nuclear Deal and impose more sanctions on Iran, failed miserably, as just common sense alone predicted it would. They have been accused by many as looking for an excuse to start another war in the region with Iran as the very obvious target. I didn’t work!
Once again the only voice that was enthusiastic about the US attempt to subvert the authority of the UN was of course Israel. That says a lot for US credibility ......... the slippery slope into a diplomatic void, seems to be getting steeper!
Added: An interesting summary .........
http://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/01/trump-offloads-foreign-policy-problems-lets-eu-grow-a-spine.html#moreWith the pantomime being played out in public over Trump and events in the White House, is it any wonder that the US is becoming ever more ridiculed in international circles? It is turning out to be a game of
'Snakes-and-Ladders’. China, Russia, Iran and many others, must be laughing all the way as they climb the ladder of credibility and respect whilst the US (
and the Zionist lobby) slides down the snake of disgrace.
The members of the UN are at last realizing just what bullies and clowns those representing the American people to the rest of the World, really are. Most Americans must find these goings on and consecutive rebuffs in the UNSC as nothing but humiliating.