supporttheunderdog wrote:but who likley adopted the Turkish language and Modlem faith for tax reasons...
For tax reasons you only needed to become Muslim. Turkish language offered no tax benefits. And how would Greek speakers "adopt" the Turkish language? In those times there were few if any schools and nearly all people were uneducated peasants. Furthermore there are historical documents from Ottoman times about the Settlement of Cyprus by Turks. Read this post by Halil:
cyprus17978-20.html#p307073 If your claim was true there would be no "Turkish Cypriots" but merely "Muslim Cypriots", just like for example the Muslim Bosnians who became Muslim during Ottoman rule but still speak essentially the same Slavic language like the Serbs and Croatians. What happened is that we did have a transfer of many 1000s of Anatolians in Cyprus during Ottoman rule and that a much smaller group of Greek speakers who became Muslims for tax reasons were gradually assimilated by the majority of Muslims who were Turkish speaking. As far as DNA studies go, if their conclusions go against historical facts and common sense, I bet they are politically motivated. It is not uncommon at all for studies to come to conclusions that serve those who sponsored them. This unfortunately happens ALL the time. See: