Please don’t apologise for ‘...
bursting my bubble’ because you haven’t as you don’t seem to have even a basic knowledge of economics ..... especially in regard to the creation of money.
Your concept of money creation is completely wrong. The Central Bank has very little to do with creating money ..... it creates just 2% of all the money in circulation, as note and coin and ONLY the CB/FED has that authority. The notes are sold to banks at face value. The other 98% is created by accounting entries in the banks ledgers as debt or to them an asset. The larger the banks assets the more money they are owed.
Money .... or fiat currency .... is created by private commercial banks every time they make a loan .... to anybody, including Governments. It is created directly as debt in a credit account, it becomes money when the credit is drawn and paid into another account. The banks do not lend money, they create debt! When the debt is repaid the money is withdrawn from circulation by the borrower, paid to and destroyed by the bank, to balance the banks books. Loans create deposits .... not the other way round. (Bank of England Bulletin, 1st Qtr, 2014 .... titled ‘Monet creation in the modern economy’.) You should read it.
There is no link at all between QE and money laundering! Banking is no more than an accounting system and, I agree with you, is nothing more than a vast criminal enterprise and has been for over 200 years, although the criminality accelerated from the late 60's.
The concept of Quantitative easing was created by Dr Richard Werner and originally applied in Japan. It was hijacked by the banking system so that instead of QE going into the real economy it has been going directly to the commercial banks and from there mainly into the asset economy. Very, very little of it found its way to help out industry and wealth creation.
BTW: Governments do not invest in the stock market. They may be a share holder in some large infrastructure organisations but they do not buy shares.
I think you should read up on the subject: This is definitive proof of how money is created and backs exactly what the BoE says but in detail as an empirical experiment, which
PROVED absolutely that there is only one way money is created and I am afraid it will burst your bubble. But then 99.9%+ of the population are not ware of the facts either .... so you are not alone: