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My political views

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Re: My political views

Postby lonewolfcypriot » Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:12 am

Go away, your not getting my money scanner (:
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Re: My political views

Postby tsukoui » Tue Aug 01, 2017 3:05 am

My good Irish-American comrade could not stomach beer believing co-operatives were the way forward, despite having a stent on HT he remains in a hospice waiting for the right to speak. Comas are fraudulent defences.
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Re: My political views

Postby Sotos » Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:36 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:The archeological evidence indicates Greek began to be spoen in Cyprus around 1050 BC following what was likey a conquest event.

What you quoted talks about a "scenario", which you cherry picked out of all the evidence to the contrary, simply because it suits your colonialist efforts of isolating Cyprus from the rest of Hellenism. Of course you do the contrary for your own nation, cherry picking what suits the unity of the UK even though the differences among some of the peoples of the UK are vast, with the Scottish just barely voting to remain part of the UK. Had a similar referendum been allowed in Cyprus in the 50s for the union of Cyprus with Greece then Cypriots would choose to be part of Greece with not just barely over 50% as the Scottish did, but with 80%+. Therefore you did not answer the second question which I will repeat: So why don't you campaign for the division of your own nation based on genetics?

There have been many "conquest events" since 1050BC in Cyprus and many waves of foreign elites came to rule over Cyprus. If we were to switch our language to match those of the ruling elites then we would have changed our mother tongue many times since 1050BC, and today our main language would be English since the British were the latest rulers. So why did we stick with Greek for more than 3000 years if all it takes to change our language was some foreign ruling elites? Sorry, but your scenario does not answer my first question on why we speak Greek. And even the cherry picked scenario which you present concludes with "the identity of the island was primarily Greek" and yet here you are, 3000 years later, trying to dispute the Greek identity of Cyprus to serve your colonialist aims!
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Re: My political views

Postby Sotos » Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:51 am

lonewolfcypriot wrote:I can confirm that Get Real has is telling nothing but the truth and Cyprus has never been Greek.

You are confusing "not being Greek" with "not being part of a single Greek state". This is akin to claiming that Kurds do not exist and South East Turkey is not Kurdish, because there is currently no Kurdish State. It is akin to claiming that ancient Athens or Sparta were not Greek because they were not part of a single Greek country.
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Re: My political views

Postby tsukoui » Tue Aug 01, 2017 6:11 am

I am ashamed of my own countries spending on the former colonies people for the sake of women fighting to get the best deal :cry:
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Re: My political views

Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:49 am

Sotos wrote:
lonewolfcypriot wrote:I can confirm that Get Real has is telling nothing but the truth and Cyprus has never been Greek.

You are confusing "not being Greek" with "not being part of a single Greek state". This is akin to claiming that Kurds do not exist and South East Turkey is not Kurdish, because there is currently no Kurdish State. It is akin to claiming that ancient Athens or Sparta were not Greek because they were not part of a single Greek country.

You are the one who is confused by assuming that Greece/Greeks is a country like Russia that spans half the globe and can have "peoples" here and there but Greece is just a tiny shithole with half its population coming from Ottoman turncoats, so there's no such thing as "Greek states" as not even their own citizens are all Greek! :roll:

It's all in your deluded grandiose heads... :lol:

If we go by your delusions then Cyprus too has hundreds of states…

The state of Aradippou, the state of Lourougina, the state of Peyia, the state of Muouttayiaka... etc

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Re: My political views

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:26 pm

Sotos wrote:So why don't you campaign for the division of your own nation based on genetics?

Because I don't bloody want to. And because as the report states
Consistent with earlier studies of the UK, population structure within the PoBI collection is very limited. The average of the pairwise FST estimates between each of the 30 sample collection districts is 0.0007, with a maximum of 0.003

They really had to look hard to find differences .

Its rather others here who promote divisive views based on mistaken ideas about the ancestry of Cypriots both Greek speaking and Turkish speaking and who want to evict large numbers of Cypriots from an Island occupied by the majority of their ancestors likely since the original (continuing) settlement of the Island in neolithic and Bronze age times.
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Re: My political views

Postby Cap » Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:55 pm

Official Republic of Cyprus ID card.

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Re: My political views

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Aug 01, 2017 9:26 pm

Cap wrote:Official Republic of Cyprus ID card.


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Re: My political views

Postby kurupetos » Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:24 pm

lonewolfcypriot wrote:Cyprus is Cypriot, not Turkish or Greek. Deal with it.

Did you ask her? :lol:
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