I don't tend to refer much to sited articles TBH - but you know that. Contrarily you seem to regard your frequently used pet ones, Globalresearch/Blacklistednews, et al, as being on a par with the Bible/Koran.
Well, with your usual penchant for theatrical expression ..... I hold neither The Koran or The Bible or any religious writings as even having the slightest credibility. That is simply my opinion.
The sites you refer to and many of those I read, are simply where articles are posted and some are even posted by MSM sources you use. There are authors I have never heard of but also those that have an excellent reputation built up over decades of investigative journalism. The difference between articles in the MSM and those on the independent news sites are; They are not edited ; they are often very much longer than a newspaper would publish and they are heavily linked to the original sources. You the need to use a bit of brain power! From then on it is up to your powers of analysis, previous related data/information and whether you are interested enough to follow the links.
As far as "always right" is concerned, once again you seem to be oblivious to your invariable habit of rank hypocrisy. Nobody I have ever encountered on internet forums is as "always right" as you.
If you apply that comment to
‘Money Creation and the banking/financial system’, I agree with you. The problem I have with detractors is that virtually none of them have a clue about the subject. Even a highly qualified scientist/engineer/expert on the environment has demonstrated that the subject has missed him completely, mainly because like you, he is bogged down in the understanding and beliefs he has held for decades.
So my stand on the subject is not a case that I am cleverer than anyone else ...... it is that I have informed myself from credible sources over 10-12 years and just know that much more about the subject. What I have then attempted to do is pass on that acquired knowledge to the 99.9% of people who are completely in the dark and have no idea how much this criminal system is costing them.
I do though appreciate your expression of a personal opinion - for a rare change.
Not true .... but not worth the effort to reply.
Anyway, I've absolutely no intention of becoming a Paphitis replacement. Should it have slipped your mind, he's yet another long term member of a Forum who has packed it in because of your obnoxious manner. You and your internet persona are toxic, as absolutely anybody who takes the trouble to engage with you (the vast majority avoid it like the plague) eventually comes to find out.
I am afraid Paphitis was the victim of his own stupidity. His posts, particularly on Syria were 100% his over active imagination and were a joke. Look at what has happened in the last 12 months ....... virtually everything he shouted to the heavens has turned out as predicted and not just me ...... it was all a load of bo**ocks!
I don’t think I am obnoxious? We have met on many occasions, is that the impression you formed .... honestly?
Like anyone else I too have opinions on several subjects but I do not resort to ridicule or one-liners, as you are well aware I tend to waste my time in sometimes, long explanations. I do not find ridicule from the uninformed very funny.
I sincerely hope that one day one of the people you sit there and blithely lambast, from the perceived safety of your keyboard, will catch up with you. It's gotta happen.
Well, that’s blown your cover! All those years of propaganda in the military and being taught to hate your enemies weren’t wasted aster all........... you have transferred your training to forums as well!
That old military attitude played out for all to see what you are .........
If you can’t get your way through dialogue then you advocate and resort to violence. That attitude is what causes so much grief in this world and you brave but sadly misled people were told you were fighting for Queen and Country ....... when you actually spent much of your active military careers ‘
fighting’ for the USA!!!! No wonder you hate Putin and the Russians so much.
Indulge me

: As I know you have an aversion to having the UK military criticised; just an IMO but the questions are valid:
Why does the UK need two very expensive aircraft carriers (£6bn?).............. for which they can’t even afford the aircraft ............... to protect the UK? Don’t we have enough airfields?
And: why the hell would you send them to the South China Sea to join the USN? Who the hell are they supposed to be protecting there ......... Queen and Country or US military, political, commercial and banking interests?